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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I got my xbox set up today, haven't used it in years, I got it on the day it came out.
It's seriously impressive, i've got Sky through it on my Ma's account. There are loads of really new on-demand stuff in HD that I just press a button and it works. I even got a telly-style remote and something called "SmartGlass" on my iPad.
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:52, 2 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I was thinking about that kind of thing today
I was watching the Rugby on a live stream on my computer, and obviously the picture was a bit shit and I was sitting on a chair in front of my computer instead of the telly.

And my telly has an ethernet input, so would it be possible to watch live streams through the telly direct or would I have to use something like an Xbox as an inbetween thing.
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:57, Reply)
I watched the football today using my big telly as a monitor
It has a HDMI connector so I just plugged it into the computer and voila. Good stream quality, too, as long as I didn't do much on the laptop.
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:17, Reply)
Aaaaah, I might do this when I get my new laptop as it will have an HDMI output.

(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:29, Reply)
Whats your TV make and model? I think the ethernet point is for mantainance for engineers unless it's a "Smart TV"; can do YouTube'n'shit.
How far away is your computer and your telly? Even if your computer doesn't have a HDMI out, it'll have a VGA/DVI Out, so you can use your computer as a second monitor that way. It might not do sound though, so you'd have to think about some speakers with a long cable. Or if you have a sound-system, you might be able to plug into your soundcard from there.

I bought one of these that I've attached to my PC, that I'm resonably pleased with (might be a different model, but same principle)
- www.ebuyer.com/395464-acer-revo-l80-nettop-pc-dt-smgek-002
- www.ebuyer.com/395455-acer-revo-rl80-nettop-pc-dt-smbek-006

With some wireless mouse and keyboard, and my telly can now do anything that a basic computer can do.
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:31, Reply)
Although I'll be honest, if I knew the xbox did all that jaz, I would have replaced it with that ages ago.

(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:32, Reply)
I got a 5m HDMI cable for my last place
it was fine for connecting my laptop to my TV in the lounge. 10m now, I can arrange the room how I like.
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:34, Reply)
It's an LG something something
My new laptop will have HDMI so that'll do sound as well as picture right?
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:35, Reply)
I'm 95% sure it will, there are a few cases where it might not, but I doubt that'll be the case.
But if you pick up a second hand old 360, then it wouldn't hog up the laptop, no wires around the room, and you'll get access to a much nice/easier system.
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:39, Reply)
Does the 360 have a wireless network card or does it need to be ethernet connected?

(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:43, Reply)
The old ones don't but the new ones do, I don't know when they introduced that.

£115 seems to make it a good buy. You can connect one of your hard drives to it
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:50, Reply)
That would be pretty sweet.
I don't want to run a cable over to the telly so wireless would be ace, and I also want a 360 so I can play assassins creed.
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 22:01, Reply)
Perfect excuse ,)

(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 23:14, Reply)
Yes. My TV remote has a "source" button
and when the two are connected "HDMI" shows up as an option. Then there's usually some fiddling to stop the TV taking over as the main monitor.
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:40, Reply)
What's Smartglass?
Do I need it on my iPad?

/gadget envy
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:15, Reply)
It's part of a methordology that I think will change the way we use entertainment in the livingroom; called "Second Screen".
Basicly, its turning your ipad into a controller for the xbox, but its like a second screen for the xbox, so I can look up information such as who's on the screen at that point in time, or get football stats of whoever's playing. Load of stuff really.
(, Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:25, Reply)

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