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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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In fairness, you are one of a vanishingly small number of people
that thought either Alcatraz or Terra Nova was any good.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:23, 3 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Terra Nova had a lot of pretty people in.
That's about it.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:24, Reply)
I think the theory was "wait, woah, if we put DINOSAURS and SPACE TRAVEL in the same thing it'll be wicked"
The well known production process of flinging faeces at a wall until something sticks.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:26, Reply)
On the face of it it should work.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:27, Reply)
usually, right, plot helps.

(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:28, Reply)
I'm going to shock you here
but plot doesn't often go over well with American audiences.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:29, Reply)
That's utter bollocks.
Breaking Bad
The Wire
The Sopranos
The West Wing
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:30, Reply)
educated city-dwelling liberals can only watch so much telly, you know. Most of their programming is for the other lot.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:32, Reply)
We have such a warped,snobbish view of America in this country.
You could apply what you have said to any country. It's not an American trait.

From a nation that's prime time TV is either reality bollocks or interminable soaps, we're not in a position to judge most other countries on their televisual output.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:35, Reply)
Of course I could.
But I'm saying it about America, which is who we're talking about. The majority of whom are rural, of low education, who like shotgunning homosexuals for sport and then having sex with and eating their corpses. Hopefully in that order.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:37, Reply)
Who doesn't enjoy those things in moderation though?

(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:38, Reply)
Oh sure, I totally get that.
What I mean is, having that sort of majority audience doesn't translate into a whole lot of quality programming.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:41, Reply)
Wait, what?
i was joking about enjoying molesting and dining on dead gays, so I'm not quite sure how to respond anymore...
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:43, Reply)
You can't argue against facts, son.

(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:47, Reply)
Well, that depends.
If they are a Nakers 'fact', you probably can.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:48, Reply)
Nakers doesn't know the meaning of "fact"
Nakers doesn't know the meaning of anything much.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:49, Reply)
We agree
It must be the end times.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:44, Reply)
47.8% of them voted for Romney
The prosecution rests.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:39, Reply)
That said, Gonz's list doesn't help my side of this conversation.

(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:36, Reply)
In fairness
I've only ever seen trailers for any of this shit, so I'm just internet arguing.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:30, Reply)
The plot was great, seeing as you're never going to see it, SPOLER ALERT

Earth is fucked, people live in bubble-cities, its the polution. So they have a lottery that'll send people back in time by X amount (same each time), the portal only opens twice a year or whatever. Turns out the lotto is partly-controlled by bad-guys, who rig the system to send in bad groups who want to mine the minerial-rich earth for its natural resources. The season ends with an attack by the bad-guys where they take over tera-nova, there is a no-go zone because of can't remember reason, but the good-guys (running from tera-nova) go there and find a medi-evil boat. Sesaon ends.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:43, Reply)
I quite like the first 2 episodes
but I have to say, based on the above, I'm not gonna watch any more.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:53, Reply)
Nah' man, there was a lot more to it than that, and it was time travel, not space travel.
It had a fantastic dynamic, lots of no-thinking action, light comedy, time travel, conspiracies, and the season ended with the enemy winning.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:39, Reply)
I quite liked Alcatraz
but I don't know what he's thinking with Terra Nova. That show was a turd.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:24, Reply)
It was a bit "light" for me
Could have been really good
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:27, Reply)
Terra Nova
was absolute shite.

Almost as bad as the same concept show that was made by the BBC a year earlier that was also canned.
(, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 11:27, Reply)

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