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rob, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
there's this parlour game right, where you have to wear a blindfold then stick your hand in a box
Then you have to guess whether it's your mum's or her "partner"s
quintsy, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 11:05,
4 replies,
latest was 12 years ago)
Played that one to death.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 11:08,

sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 11:11,
Timothy dalton loves that game
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 11:09,
Peter Duncan less so.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 11:17,
Also, Hello Moustachely Cole.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 11:17,
He cannot abide the early recorded output of Suggs either.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 11:23,
As does Paul Atredies.
PsychoChomp, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 11:39,
That's called "Dragon Fist" I think?
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 11:10,
and if you pull your hand out of the box you are stung by her prehensile 'gom jabbar'
glued eel /questions/questionsyoudliketoask/post1648081, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 11:36,