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Evening shut ins!
What are you so happy about?
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:04, 86 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I'm joing this thread
Battereds short man syndrome makes me feel uncomfortable
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:10, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:14, Reply)
good work
Battered is just violent
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:18, Reply)
I read that as Violet
I imagine him all angry and violet now
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:19, Reply)
Let's face it, if Battered's getting punchy we should all be fearing for our ankles.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:46, Reply)
He has Cuban heel's
I suggest shin guards
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:47, Reply)
I've got knobbly knees, I'll have the cunt's eyes out.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:48, Reply)
He wears goggles amd a banaclava it's the STEAMPUNK in him
+ Hello Amorphous nadger
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:50, Reply)
He's not fit to hold a candle to the mighty Doctor When.
Totally going to his birthday bash tomorrah, by the way.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:51, Reply)
Don't know who that is :(
Nobody evah invites me 8(
Battereds bidet is june the 10th so I know it's not him
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:53, Reply)
cheer up, here's some traditional folk music to rouse your lonely spirits
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:57, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:58, Reply)
I'm not going NEAR the links.
There's people on there make EMV look normal.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:59, Reply)
Eff that, yo.
That's where the proper 'internet' people hang.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:04, Reply)
I love me a bit of Rambling Syd.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:58, Reply)
Only the truly dead inside could fail to love him.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:01, Reply)
You mean Sid James don't cha

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:03, Reply)
Fuck's sake.
Worse than Nakers.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:08, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:09, Reply)
That is a very serious allegation.
I want you to be completely sure about this.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:09, Reply)
The man's not heard of Rambling Syd for fuck's sake.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 22:24, Reply)
Rambling Syd is up there with the Muppets in that you'd have to be a cunt not to like him.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:04, Reply)
And Time Bandits. I mean ffs what more do you fucking want?

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:08, Reply)
I indorse this comment
5 Loksie ham thumbs up
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:11, Reply)
Well cool
but I'm listening to this and changing Substitute to Prostitute and thinking of Battered

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:00, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:03, Reply)
The man's a king of the internet.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:58, Reply)
I feel both saddened and gutted that I have never had the pleasure

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:02, Reply)
I feel both saddened and gutted that you have never killed yourself.
Not really.

No sorry, the other one. Really.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:06, Reply)
I tried but I got the wrong length HDMI cables

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:08, Reply)

Endless piri piri humous and tortilla chips.

May need more chilled Andrex.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:16, Reply)
Phud Phud Phud PHUD
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:17, Reply)

You need speech therapy. That stutter is awful. You never know when somebody will demand felattio and you'll be shouting no, no, No, No NNnGg.

*spit* or possibly *swallow*
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:21, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:23, Reply)
swap the tortilla chips for real crisps and I will be over right now
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:18, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:18, Reply)
anything for piripiri

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:20, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:23, Reply)

and chips. Best pasta ever.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:26, Reply)
Ohhhhhhhh man
That so makes me want a pizza
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:28, Reply)

Simon Weston's cheeks? They're crisp.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:25, Reply)
Simon Weston is the face of BBQ safety

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:27, Reply)
Typical start a new thread then fuck’s off

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:32, Reply)

She's playing with her cavey. Leave her alone.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:34, Reply)
Pure Magic

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:35, Reply)
I just got bored and wandered off

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:37, Reply)
How goes the dark room?

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:38, Reply)
going to sort out blacking it all out this week
but you have just reminded me I need to order chemicals and things
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:39, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:41, Reply)
I hear ya brah.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:54, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:55, Reply)
you love the blacking out with chemicals

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 20:59, Reply)
Al Johnson in the 21'st century

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:04, Reply)
I'll just hang out down here
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:14, Reply)
I just dropped £90 on darkroom stuff
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:23, Reply)
Turn out the lights I cant see a thing

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:26, Reply)
that's because you've not got super darkroom eyes
photographers have super powers of seeing in the dark. Well, I do
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:26, Reply)
+ madge vadges and sideburns

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:29, Reply)
Listen guys
I know I slagged off /links but there are some good things on there
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:21, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:22, Reply)
Shoots Monty with a Gnu

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:23, Reply)
not for me thanks I'm not really a 'puddings' chap

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:26, Reply)
My link up there was well good and you never commented on it
I'm a needy bastard
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:31, Reply)
I think I know those guys

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:27, Reply)
I think we all know that you do.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:30, Reply)
alright Citizen Cavy
Totally finished the first week in my new job here. Got a long way to go but it's going well so far!
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:28, Reply)
oooh, well done
So what's better about this new job?
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:29, Reply)
More pay, greater responsibility, and far less vagueness, convolution or corporate bollocks.
Also as it's a much smaller company (21 permanent staff, in an old industrial unit; my last employer was a multinational with nearly 400 people employed at my site alone), they get approached by a wide variety of customers and asked to develop a very wide variety of product types - if nothing else, it certainly keeps you on your feet!
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:37, Reply)
I feel you there
I have told the last 7 multi-national companies that have tried to head hunt me to FUCK OFF because head offices are so far removed from the business they should be in Australia
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:42, Reply)
It was more because the department I worked in was becoming centralised and corporate than before, the main result being lots of confusion and communications failures.
The factory itself was great to work at, folk were friendly and helpful and they were good at holding on to staff, but I felt I'd outlived my usefulness.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:51, Reply)
It's nice to be able to walk upto the owner of a company and say......
I want to make you money this is how I'm gonna do it.
You can't talk sense to multi-nationals
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:56, Reply)
Oh right.
So how would you do that with a contract manufacturer, if you were employed by them in a technical role.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 22:07, Reply)
So, lollipop man, yeah?

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:46, Reply)
As if they'd let me anywhere near kids.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:55, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:58, Reply)
5 offers from 5 excellent universities. I'm satisfied.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:33, Reply)
Hello Bluenamer
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:33, Reply)
5 offers from 1 excellent Monty:
1. Big Mac please
2. Die of AIDS
3. Eat shit
4. I hear EmVee is looking for 'models'
5. What have you been doing to look for work in the last 14 days?
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:45, Reply)
You never offered me this sound advise
when I first started posting
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:46, Reply)
soz that was a bit rude
EDIT 3. Eat poo
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:56, Reply)
What a troll

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:56, Reply)
I'm happy becasue I am going to the seaside tomorrow
and then again on Thursday. I like the sea.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 21:58, Reply)
80 day's and all

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 22:00, Reply)
I thank god I wore my corset
for I fear my sides have split.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 22:08, Reply)

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