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rob, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
I'd have been fucking delighted with pills for a birthday present
don't see what the problem is.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:58,
I'd have preferred 3 pills to a fuckin hairdryer I can tell you
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:59,
it's like one long argument for sterilisation
rachelswipe with a fork, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:00,
...or the utter destruction of Middlesbrough.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:04,
Oh, it's Middlesbrough?
This is therefore not a surprising article.
Boss Keloid Got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:33,
I will be sure to keep my eyes out for 13 year olds with enormous pink pills thanks to that photo
thanks student intern ray mallon!
this sounds like one of those winterval made up stories repeated by retards/theresa may
glued eel /questions/questionsyoudliketoask/post1648081, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:00,
righteous indignation
The Doveston haunted by the memory of his own amnesia, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:01,
Bucky! OOH, Cap'n Bucky O'Hare, he goes where no ordinary rabbit would dare
doo doo doo dum dum dum etc
Kroney, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:04,
that was a weird name for a ship
i would've called it the rampant rabbit
The Doveston haunted by the memory of his own amnesia, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:08,
Oi :(
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:12,