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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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why does word think it knows better than i do what it wants? it doesn't. i hate it.
what inanimate objects hate you and why?

alt: what is the wankiest thing you've seen recently? no points for this post. imma go with those fucking twats who wear their jeans around their knees.

altalt: what food/drink could you never give up?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:50, 178 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
B3th, cos she's a shit MOD
alt: Shiney Ferrari jacket and nasty fake Aviators on some greasy wop

altalt: MEAT
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:53, Reply)
i was in selfridges in manchester a month or so ago
nudged my friend as this vision clad in gold leather from head to boot strode into view. "what the fuck has he come as?" i asked her.

"i don't know, but i know that's his girlfriend," she replied, as a woman dressed head to toe in silver leather appeared behind us...
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:56, Reply)
I saw something similar in Bath.
Some guido dressed all in various shade of blue, including bag, sunglasses, trainers and some sort of bomber jacket made out of bin liner plastic. He was walking arm in arm with some woman, all dressed in various shades of pink including matching branded bag, sunglasses, trainers and some sort of bomber jacket made out of bin liner plastic.

I hate people. They're all cunts. All of them.

Peculiar amount of gingers out in Bath, that day. Like they were on day release, or something. You'd have felt right at home.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:59, Reply)
why would i have felt at home?
at least i know what a bath is, you smelly french cunt
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:02, Reply)
Because you have great big ginger barnet
you ranga.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:02, Reply)
but enough about your mum's bushy bush

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:09, Reply)
Because most people that use it are illiterate retards, Americans, or both.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:53, Reply)
I’m beginning to think you aren’t found of our overweight American cousins

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:07, Reply)
I'm not overly fond of anyone or anything.
I'm not so narrowminded as to single out a particular people.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:08, Reply)
you love me

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:09, Reply)
You're alright.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:10, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:37, Reply)
+ an
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:40, Reply)
You're an Al?
or You're anal?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:00, Reply)
The former.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:12, Reply)
Over elaborate front doors
That really is annoying. Especially when they have to shuffle along for fear of them actually falling off.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:55, Reply)
what is this alcohol cheese you speak of

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:09, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:55, Reply)
I'd have been fucking delighted with pills for a birthday present
don't see what the problem is.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:58, Reply)
I'd have preferred 3 pills to a fuckin hairdryer I can tell you

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:59, Reply)
it's like one long argument for sterilisation

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:00, Reply)
...or the utter destruction of Middlesbrough.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:04, Reply)
Oh, it's Middlesbrough?
This is therefore not a surprising article.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:33, Reply)
I will be sure to keep my eyes out for 13 year olds with enormous pink pills thanks to that photo
thanks student intern ray mallon!

this sounds like one of those winterval made up stories repeated by retards/theresa may
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:00, Reply)
righteous indignation

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:01, Reply)
Bucky! OOH, Cap'n Bucky O'Hare, he goes where no ordinary rabbit would dare
doo doo doo dum dum dum etc
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:04, Reply)
that was a weird name for a ship
i would've called it the rampant rabbit
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:08, Reply)
Oi :(

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:12, Reply)
I don't want to discuss my inantimate objects on the internet :/

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:58, Reply)
look buddy
nobody's got a gun to your head, ok? this isn't fucking dunblane. either play nicely with the other children or fuck off, right?

this sounded funny in my head. it looks aggressive and menacing on here. oh well. suck it up, like the good little bitches that you are.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:00, Reply)
I'm totally telling rob

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:37, Reply)
Glued Eel is Andy Murray?

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:44, Reply)
lol "inantimate"
as in lifeless and tiny.

But enough about your penis.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:01, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:00, Reply)
whatever you like sweetheart

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:01, Reply)
i was saying boo-urns

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:04, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:07, Reply)
this is moleman in the morning, good moleman to you

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:08, Reply)
Oh god, there is someone on the telly right now, who took out a £120 payday loan over 12 months.
She said that the total she had to pay back was Β£400 by the end, and she couldn't afford it, so she took out another payday lone with a different company. And then did it again. 10 times. Until she ended up owing Β£6000 for a Β£120 initial loan.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:01, Reply)
This is a microcosm of the stupidity behind the sub-prime mortgage crisis.
I bet she's blaming somebody else, too.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:02, Reply)
She needs to consolidate her loans and kill herself

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:06, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:03, Reply)
I have a pulled pork sandwich fpr lunch!

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:06, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:14, Reply)
Automatic doors hate me :(
alt: Muppet cars* Any cunt that thinks putting a body kit, aftermarket lights and a huge bore exhaust pipe on a Corsa, makes them look cool wants fucking over big time.

altalt: I'm with Badmons on the meat angle also Whiskey Macs at Christmas

*I have hated them for a long time
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:04, Reply)
There are so many of these cars where I live
In particular, cars that are worth substantially less than all the shit that's been put on them. I saw a brown Vauxhall Nova with a body kit (different colour from the bodywork) and blue lights round the bottom. It looked utterly ridiculous.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:26, Reply)
It's the mentality of the cunts that own this type of car.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:35, Reply)
Alt: you know where I live - impossible to call.
I think it might be the 'workshop space' near me in which there's a man who just makes SPOONS. He has an irono-beard I expect.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:06, Reply)
there was some twat i saw wandering around near yours in a suit
he had floppy hair, big hornrimmed glasses, was clutching a bottle of wine, and groping everyone's arses as they passed. he was a reet twat.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:08, Reply)
Sounds like Stunned.
Did he end up pissing himself in a corner?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:09, Reply)
insert illiterate cartoon here

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:11, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:21, Reply)
This is extremely witty, in case you didn't realise.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:22, Reply)
Really? Nothing?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:27, Reply)
Begging will definitely get everybody onside.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:28, Reply)
I quite liked it until he started squawking about it.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:29, Reply)
I would have clicked, but I shan't now.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:31, Reply)
I've made a terrible mess of this, I see that.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:33, Reply)
I've 'MILKED' it, one might say!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:35, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:38, Reply)
sorry but when you make yourself sound like psycho, you can't expect a laugh from me

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:29, Reply)
I don't get it, soz

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:28, Reply)
i can't see it soz

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:29, Reply)
I'm lactose intolerant soz

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:32, Reply)
I just want to join in, soz.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:36, Reply)
Hi guys!!! soz

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:37, Reply)
LOL, soz

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:45, Reply)
That was, I should imagine, ye joakke.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:14, Reply)
I don't get it.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:15, Reply)
Perhaps if you re-thought your knitwear strategy you might have more of a chance?

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:18, Reply)
Got to be true to myself, Monty.
Can't go around changing jumpers just because ageing stick-in-the-muds can't handle my visionary taste, can I?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:19, Reply)
put up a link to the offending article

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:21, Reply)
My jelly. You aren't ready for it.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:21, Reply)
This is what i imagine
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:23, Reply)
not far off, but brown.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:25, Reply)
that wasn't brown
it was sort of the ugly retarded cousin of brown and green
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:37, Reply)
It's brown and you're colour blind.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:40, Reply)
it's as brown as my hair

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:44, Reply)
So you're saying my jumper is bright orange?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:44, Reply)
you know what?
neither of us comes out well here
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:48, Reply)
Cat shit beige.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:41, Reply)
You sit tight, son - they'll catch up eventually

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:21, Reply)
i could crop out his face on my phone and then post it
but it just seems a bit mean
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:34, Reply)
seems very sensible

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:37, Reply)
Cropping his face out isn't mean to everyone on here.
The hideous French onion-seller.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:37, Reply)
My mum says I'm handsome :(

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:39, Reply)
She says that to all the blokes.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:41, Reply)
Good old Madame Keller - such a sense of humour!!

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:43, Reply)
i did the best strikethrough ever on you up at the top
just saying
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:43, Reply)
also tangles did NOT

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:44, Reply)
I totally did.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:46, Reply)
Was it Monty
in glasses?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:12, Reply)
Google's a bit of a self righteous cunt these days.
Flagellating you for the slightest spelling mistake and suggesting what you want to search for.

Alt. Them cunts that knit round trees are back in Manchester. I mean really.

Alt. Alt. MEAT. Grrrrr
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:13, Reply)
alt: those who that what round where in excuse me?

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:15, Reply)
Tree jumpers.
Well, woollen waistcoats, I guess. I thought you'd be all over this, living near Hoxton.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:20, Reply)
Man I am so square!

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:22, Reply)
is that wear you stole your cardigan from?

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:22, Reply)
Terry Schiavo
alt: Momo trying to shag wooden Froggy

altalt: bacon
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:28, Reply)
poor momo he seems to be shagging a lot of toys
maybe you should stop teasing him and just put out?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:36, Reply)
alright rachelswipe

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:39, Reply)
oh yeah avoid the bird shagging question
you're SO vanilla
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:43, Reply)
it's been firmly established that you are in fact the vanilla type [Diod. Sic. passim.]

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:48, Reply)
they come no wilder or crazier than me.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:50, Reply)
you WELL fancy me

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:53, Reply)
i'm a golddigging whore
gold parrot
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:54, Reply)
did you see the froggy vid?

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:55, Reply)
no! i only saw the ball porn

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:56, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:57, Reply)
no wait, that's wrong
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:57, Reply)
he loves it
he can't decide if he wants to kill it or fuck it or eat it
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:00, Reply)
what the blue fuck was that?!

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:57, Reply)
I'm sneaking that onto forums all over the internet today

I should get out more
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:58, Reply)
but what the fuck IS it?

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:00, Reply)
your dad's boyfriend

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:01, Reply)
don't be stupid
he's black
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:01, Reply)
someone in the family doesn't like vanilla then
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:03, Reply)
Frank, on the day the second psychiatrist decided he probably was worth sectioning.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:02, Reply)
it's like Prometheus if the plot made more sense

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:06, Reply)
I think you have misunderstood what inanimate means.
and there is no need for me to list reasons for hating me here.

Alt: Mr Phoenix was 'Joaquin' himself off in one scene in the film I saw last night.

Altalt: I'd rather not go without alcohol, but I'm pretty sure I could give it up.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:28, Reply)
how is a computer not an inanimate object??

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:36, Reply)
I think you've misunderstood what I said.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:37, Reply)
imma not lie to you
it was a bit tl:dr
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:38, Reply)
Decent coffee
Red meat
Chili & other spices
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:33, Reply)
+ dick

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:33, Reply)
Seafood dick?
dick curry?
decent dick coffee?
chilli & other dick spices?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:34, Reply)
bag of dicks?

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:36, Reply)
Actually I reckon I could just about cope without most things, even meat, but not chillies.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:38, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:40, Reply)
finger chillis?

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:40, Reply)
No the heatings on

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:45, Reply)
I started air-drying a plateful of scotch bonnets nearly a month ago and they are still not dry.
I might preserve them in oil in their present state. They look like sunblush tomatoes now.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:44, Reply)
Have you still got a metric ton of the fuckers?

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:46, Reply)
half a metric ton now. Best £2 I ever spent.
Apart from when I bought that season ticket for goes on YM, obv
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:04, Reply)
you know when i say "i could eat a monkey's miscarriage"
do they look like that?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:48, Reply)
Anyone want any chillies?
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:57, Reply)
it was like when kitty said that her bloke refers to her period as "her dolmio day". every time i see the advert now, i want to vomit.

"when's YOUR dolmio day?"
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:01, Reply)
In other news, your boyfriend decided to text me at 1.43 this morning.
The message:

I kill you.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:43, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:44, Reply)
turn your phone off at night...

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:48, Reply)
If you get woken by drunken texts from your mates, you only really have yourself to blame.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:49, Reply)
Altalt: Meat, I think
I can (and have) gone days without it before, but I don't think I could quit altogether.
Wait...what if it was causing me serious harm? Ok, I guess I could give it up if I needed to. Ok, so in conclusion, there is nothing I couldn't live without. I think that's true of everyone though, isn't it? Dunno.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:34, Reply)
that oxygen is fairly addictive stuff

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:36, Reply)
I've heard you area right oxygen thief

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:37, Reply)
i've heard you were deprived of it at birth
so ner
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:38, Reply)
I hard you were given "it" in the arse by the cast of Shameless

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:39, Reply)
just because the ex is asian
you're so fucking racist
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:43, Reply)
soz I don't get this

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:50, Reply)
It's quite moreish, I agree

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:37, Reply)
vegetarians are faggots

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:41, Reply)
But faggots are not vegetarian.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:42, Reply)
what a crazy world!

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:55, Reply)
fuck off

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:42, Reply)
alright rachelswipe

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:43, Reply)
alright vanillaman

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:44, Reply)
well, no actually

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:45, Reply)
why not? what's up?
tell auntie swipe.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:47, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:48, Reply)
if you had any hair i'd ruffle it

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:49, Reply)
hang on, let me undo my belt first

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:50, Reply)
your anal beard doesn't count

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:51, Reply)
shut up and get working that popping candy

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:51, Reply)
you're going to snap every time you sit down

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:53, Reply)
Yeah, but he's right though.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:45, Reply)
I can't believe you can think this when you have me, swipe and dozer representing the vegetarians on here.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:47, Reply)
well, me anyway

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:47, Reply)
I couldn't give up meat but I do enjoy the odd vegetarian dish
But I hate pretend meat vegetarian dishes. If I choose a vegetarian option it’s precisely because it’s got its own merits
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:41, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:42, Reply)
Soz, I don't really care

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:44, Reply)
I tripped over my trainers twice last night, does that count?
Alt: Bar near me seems to include hipster glasses as part of the uniform. As a result, I refuse to go there.

Alt: Meat, onions, carrots, sweetcorn, etc
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:48, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:48, Reply)
I tripped over Dozers trainers last night
And I live miles away from York.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:50, Reply)
Bored of this now.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:54, Reply)
why don't you stuff your phone up your bum and take some pictures for mumsnet?

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:55, Reply)
I've got too much bath water up my arse.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:57, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:06, Reply)
I know what will interest you...
Japanese fanny bread
SFW, unless you work for a particularly prudish baker.
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 11:57, Reply)
*gets mysterious yeast infection*
(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:07, Reply)

(, Wed 13 Mar 2013, 12:04, Reply)

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