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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Blue suit. Pink shirt today.
I am quite similar to my online personality. And I do like a beer.

I have had 9 nights in Cyprus, I am going to Berlin ina few weeks and I am going to California for 3 weeks in September. Can't wait.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:21, 2 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I knew I didn't like you for a reason.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:22, Reply)
There's surely more than one reason to dislike the cunt?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:24, Reply)
yeah, pink shirts are for pricks

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:24, Reply)
Real men wear pink. FACT

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:25, Reply)
Keep telling yourself that, poshboy.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:26, Reply)
chicks dig it

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:26, Reply)
Jolly hockeysticks ones, maybe.
Were you a house prefect?
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:28, Reply)
funily enough I was never promoted either at prep or public school, too norty innit

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:29, Reply)
Salmon Pink ftw.
Have you got a nice Hackett shirt with the red trousers?
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:29, Reply)
nah, not today
I did wear my haccket shirt with my pink trousers though...
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:30, Reply)
Oh God, Nakers.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:32, Reply)
did you just cum?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:33, Reply)
More or less the exact opposite. I sort of reverse-came.
I was so suddenly and violently turned off that my cock jumped inside out and chucked my muck all over my liver.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:35, Reply)
yourn liver is gay

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:36, Reply)
mit coffeesplatter

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:37, Reply)
I used to wear Hackett deoderant, until I realised it was for pricks.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:53, Reply)
You'd been rubbing it under your arms instead, yeah?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:54, Reply)
Berlin is excellent.
I really enjoyed my few days there, albeit I loathed the cold. Going for something specific, or just for a nose?
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:26, Reply)
Nothing specific.
I have family in Berlin albeit I haven't been for 10 years. First time for Mrs though and I think she will love it.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:34, Reply)
albeit macht frei, that's what I say.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:35, Reply)
Only they were never frei
no matter how much they arbeited.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:36, Reply)
Well the gates weren't big enough for
'the US army from the west and the rapidly-approaching Russian forces from the east make you frei'
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 10:39, Reply)

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