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(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:15, 91 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
My eyes!
Normally BD I am a fan of images, the bigger the better. However not of this cunt. PLEASE.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:17, Reply)
she looks like she's just rimmed a fat man and accidenaltly swallowed a clagnut

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:19, Reply)
B3th you mean?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:23, Reply)
Growing up poor in working class Scotland
She wasn't very popular.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:17, Reply)
growing up wealthy in South East England she was quite popular...

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:19, Reply)
Unlike you.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:20, Reply)
i have like 8 friends an onlty one of them is my mum

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:22, Reply)
Not true. I grew up in a wealthy family in South East England. Unlike you, I could see beyond my own doorstep.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:20, Reply)
If I'm honest Batts old chap, by the time she was kicked out I was 11 and knew nothing of her or anything else

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:21, Reply)
Then why comment?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:22, Reply)
because one can still look back with hindsight
and I find peoples grumbling quite funny
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:25, Reply)
who's grumbling? not me, I can't stop smiling today

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:25, Reply)
check 'em

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:25, Reply)
Exactly this.
People on here keep saying stuff like 'if you were wealthy then she was popular', which is precisely the divisive, selfish viewpoint that she represented.

There were plenty of middle class people who were appalled at her destruction of communities, contempt for the working class and utter selfishness when it came to the Poll Tax (especially when it was introduced in Scotland a year before the rest of the UK).
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:24, Reply)

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:25, Reply)
She's particularly despised north of the border.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:26, Reply)
Agreeing with Dozer here.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:25, Reply)
Me too. Worrying isn't it?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:26, Reply)

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:27, Reply)
Nah, just means somethings are so true no sane person can disagree.
fuck it even Stunned agrees.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:29, Reply)
Stunned is more rational than you'd think. Still a cowlick lumbering twat though.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:31, Reply)
I thought everyone who wasn't an abhorrent cunt thought she was an abhorrent cunt.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:31, Reply)
I'm abhorrent cunt and thought she was an abhorrant cunt.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 21:48, Reply)

A box stationed beneath the step helped.

I applaud your foresight, though.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:38, Reply)
No, the domestic staff assisted.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:41, Reply)

Of course. They were whipped within an inch of their life if they failed.

How did I manage to forget this.

Enjoy yer steak.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:44, Reply)
By the time she finished there wasn't a working class left. More like the signing on class.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:19, Reply)
fuck 'em,, they'd spent the last decade destroying bthemselves

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:22, Reply)
Nor in small-town South Yorkshire.
If you want to hear a pensioner turn the air blue, get my grandad to talk about Thatcher. You'll have to find a good medium though.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:23, Reply)
Any place north of Watford experienced at least some economic problems as a result of her, her cabinet and their policies.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:30, Reply)
CAn you imagine the whaaaaabulance gif here please
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:33, Reply)
this is the typical Tory selfish nobbery I meant.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:34, Reply)
The North is shit and has mainly always been shit, maybe they should pull their socks up, stop blaming other people and stop being shit.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:38, Reply)
It's not though.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:40, Reply)
so why are they always complaining about there being no jobs or prospects?
Maybe if they were a little less shit they'd start companies and create employment, without moaning about it to everyone else
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:42, Reply)
Leeds is booming right now, soz.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:55, Reply)
As are distribution, engineering, fabrication (etc.) firms in towns near the motorways.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:13, Reply)
You only have to look at the regeneration and gentrification
Going on in Leeds to see the massive sums being generated. York's getting even more expensive for houses as a result. Lots of cash sloshing around.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:21, Reply)
So why are you only on £17k a year?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:23, Reply)
oh Battered you are funny

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:28, Reply)
Aye, and there's a "prosecco bar" in Cleck these days an' all.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:23, Reply)
a few postive examples don't detract from the Wigan, Hull, Moss Side, Derby, etcetc etc

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:39, Reply)
There's poverty everywhere.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:40, Reply)
As opposed to Greater London, which contains such veritable paradises as Wandsworth, Brixton, Newham, Hackney, Lambeth, Peckham, Dartford, Croydon, Romford, etc.?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:49, Reply)
boroughs though aren't they not whole blasted earth towns

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:51, Reply)
By your logic* they're part of London, therefore all of London is shit.
* totally stretching the definition of "logic" to its limit here
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:52, Reply)

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:55, Reply)
look, we make more money, property is worth more, we create more jobs by any measurable value the South is more valuable than the grim north

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:57, Reply)
Valuable is not the same as better.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 21:00, Reply)
Your mum doesn't make much money.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 21:02, Reply)
I like this.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 21:05, Reply)
she is a worn out old mare

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 21:07, Reply)
*BEEP* This vehicle is reversing...

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 21:10, Reply)
When did you last go to Wandsworth? Some of it is v v posh.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:53, Reply)
gordon ramsey lives in a massive house there

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:54, Reply)
Used to.
No longer.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:57, Reply)
thats the end of that then...

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:59, Reply)
Admittedly it was about 12 years ago.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:55, Reply)
I see your Wigan, Hull, Moss Side, Derby
and raise you Southampton, Swindon, Luton and Hastings.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 21:12, Reply)
If you want to raise the stakes, chuck Basildon and Portsmouth in there too.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 21:20, Reply)
You're wasting your breath here.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:42, Reply)
you can't argue with THE TRUTH.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:43, Reply)
So what you're saying here is that you've never been outside the M25?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:44, Reply)
I am going to Selby on Wednesday!!

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:45, Reply)
I can't wait [!]

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:45, Reply)
Selby is grim

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:57, Reply)

grim unbelievably boring
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:08, Reply)
That's probably for the best.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:48, Reply)
Can anyone imagine Nakers with a brain?
No. Thought not.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:34, Reply)
That's like imagining Gonz with a girlfriend.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:37, Reply)

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:41, Reply)
i canz

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:42, Reply)

But you need to think.

Really, really hard.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:49, Reply)
What did I miss?
Can someone please link the biggest tantrums from today please.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:28, Reply)
Alright Wormulus.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:29, Reply)
Hello Battered.
I hope all is well.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:31, Reply)
Ticketyboo. Yourself?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:33, Reply)
everyone is crying about losing their milk and unprofitable and unsustainable mines
buit you know that was 30 years ago so at least they've all moved on
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:32, Reply)
If you see Sid, tell him.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:33, Reply)
Sid was a prick, true story

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:35, Reply)
I'd tap that

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:44, Reply)

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:47, Reply)

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:49, Reply)
Christ on a bike.
With stabilisers and balloons tied to the handlebars.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 19:56, Reply)
Ha ha, fucking hell!
I don't know whether to laugh or be sick.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:18, Reply)

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:31, Reply)

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:00, Reply)
Death causes ambition
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:31, Reply)
i can see them having some worth but seriously?!¬

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:34, Reply)
Ridiculous, what do they have to lose?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:36, Reply)
their listing fee

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 20:39, Reply)

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