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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I'm always appalled at how technical or creative people get fucked over re deadlines.
Sorry to hear they're taking the piss.
(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:26, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
I get that he's getting shit from the client, but he doens't seem to realise that its like re-writting an entire book whilst making sure it doens't contradict the origional book in any place.
When the origional book took 3 months.
(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:27, Reply)
Options here are either
Say it can't be done, or offshore it. There will be teams of Indian lads who will work 24/7 for the experience and a couple of hundred quid.
(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:30, Reply)
Thing is, the Indians will bugger it up.

(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:32, Reply)
You just test/proof it.
If it's wrong, you don't pay them.
(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:33, Reply)
If you don't want to pay them, just get really racist, then they'll stop talking to you
Works every time
(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:35, Reply)
Shut up you paddy cunt.
(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:56, Reply)

(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:56, Reply)
I ended up saying "I'll see what I can do, can't promise anything", and i'll work on it 'till its done 'cus I'm too eager to please.
I'm like 80%+ there and no one else can even help 'cus I'm the only one who knows the code/layouts, and I'm the only guy who can write in the languages it uses (even though I ain't touched the languages a year ago).

The client is a pretty big deal, to do with nuclear energy, so I wouldn't outsource it anyway 'cus there is a hidden area full of stuff that should never get out.
(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:38, Reply)
Shit - ah well 'good luck' then mate

(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:40, Reply)
What's that you say? Dominos pizza? 50% off if you spend £30 thus making it an alright deal 'cus £15 for pizza'n'bits ain't bad? Even though it's a shit pizza it'll do? Yeah', g'wan.

(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:42, Reply)
Plus the receipt will be going straight to your boss surely?

(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:52, Reply)
So once your client is happy with this
Are they going to test that missile they've moved?
(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:50, Reply)
Kim Jong LOL

(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:53, Reply)

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