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rob, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
i like fajitas
rachelswipe with a fork, Mon 29 Apr 2013, 13:21,
2 replies,
latest was 12 years ago)
Aren't they all just the same thing, but folded differently?
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Mon 29 Apr 2013, 13:23,
From the descriptions I've just read
THey aren't even folded differently
Bazongaloid, Mon 29 Apr 2013, 13:24,
I go by the descriptions on the back of the Old El Paso packaging.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Mon 29 Apr 2013, 13:25,
The hardshell tacco's can GTFO
messy little bleeders
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Mon 29 Apr 2013, 13:24,