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rob, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
It's interesting that the answer to all problems is to invest more
The amount of investment is to some degree irrelevant, it's the results that matter and investment for investments sake will not always drive these.
If I reported back to my boss and said,"Yes there are still problems with X, but the good news is I spent more money on it anyway" then I would be fired and rightly so.
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:13,
1 reply,
12 years ago)
Investing in improving these things, you oaf.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:15,
throwing money at the problem isn't always the answer, it's making sure the department (or whatever) is effcient
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:21,
It's like you've just repeated the same point and ignored mine.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:24,
he is secretly Gideon.
Comrade Quixote rides again!, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:27,
+ fucking
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:35,
No, I appreciate things need investment
but the amount spent is not a measure of success, which is how politicians like to use it.
"Why are NHS waiting lists getting longer, people dying etc etc"
"Well we invested an extra £8bn blah blah"; which is irrelevant if the measures of success aren't reached.
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:31,
Again I can't help feeling that you are ignoring my point.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:39,
Was your point "spending more of stuff is always better"?
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:53,
Pretty much, yeah
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 12:01,
Don't forget that the number of BBC links has increased by 12% as a result
Reverend Fister "a disciplined fuckwit", Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:42,
it's because they are spending it on the wrong things
rachelswipe with a fork, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:47,