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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Aside from the sex, if you were to be able to change your gender for a month say, what would be the best thing about it?
I can't promise to reply much - I'm off to the cinema soon to see Mamma Mia! with my best (female) friend.
But for me, if I was a man for a month I'd love being able to go out without worrying about make-up (yes, I know I *could* do this as a woman, I choose not to), I could be quick in the loos - no queues and I would be far more 'assertive' in real life than I am now bet that'd scare you!
So, what about you?
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:07, 45 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

would be having people buying stuff for me in hopes of sex.
Of course, with my luck I'd be a minger and end up broke.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:11, Reply)

Hmm...clearly I've missed something here...
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:12, Reply)

Would be testing my theory that men are not the sexual predators anymore and that a woman holds all the cards in this are. I think that pretty much any woman could pull on a night out and I would like to try this out
Hang on, what are the grounds here? As women, would us men still retain our masculine sensibilities or would we have a woman's mindset too? My above strategy wouldn't work if I was still attracted to women (although it poses interesting possibilities).
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:22, Reply)

I'd make sure I tried to have a go at this.
BTW, don't you think you should have posted this to the QOTW suggestions board?
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:24, Reply)

like the whore that i am :)
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:30, Reply)

A bunch of female vocal parts to my songs with my band.
I would assume that I'd still be able to ish-sing as a woman.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:31, Reply)

You know you would too.
I dont think women utilise their own natural inner storage space as much as they should.
@MM I'll give you one. just kidding, I wouldn't really, it's MINE!
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:38, Reply)

and listen to my penis slapping my sides.
And then sit on the tube with my legs very far apart.
And masturbate, obviously.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:39, Reply)

and I'd give it a bit of a stroke whilst looking pensive. I would also wear corduroy trousers and smoke a pipe.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:47, Reply)

I also wear corduroy trousers (flares) to work, and sit there stroking my beard. this has led people to think of me as an expert at things.
if I were a women for a day I'd go shopping and prove to all the other women that it is possible to try on an item of clothing in the changing room in less than 10 minutes.
alternatively I'd try and crush the egos of as many blokes as possible who think they are amazing
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:50, Reply)

and held out my arm for people to crank, I'd occasionally loosen my pelvic floor muscles and let some of the change drop like a human fruit machine.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:51, Reply)

wanderlust: I'm poor at identifying sarcasm over the internet. was it or wasn't it?
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:56, Reply)

Stop flirting you two! -that's how interna-babbies are born.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:01, Reply)

can't say I'm surprised though ;-)
nice to hear, even if it is based on me having a beard and wearing cords
also, your name has just reminded me of a good song
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:01, Reply)

I *want* you to be a woman!!
A human
Just fantastic.
How bloody crap am I at Ninja editing!
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:01, Reply)

but then Hitlercock and GIGANTACOCK would go all flaccid and funny-smelling.
@al I'm always the woman when it comes to you! When's it going to be my turn?!
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:05, Reply)

I've been busting my bathroom dressed only in shorts and enormous boots, and my beard and chest hair is full of plaster...
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:05, Reply)

Dude, I suspect with that remark, you've moistened a few lady pants. You sir, are a legend.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:08, Reply)

I would wander about in the middle of the night and not be afraid of every footstep behind me or stranger who asked me for a light etc.
Oh yes! and I'd grab my tackle at every given opportunity and give it a good scratch.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:08, Reply)

My lip? But I have lovely big rubbery lips, everybody says so.
*bends over again*
EDIT bye al!
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:11, Reply)

going off to see crap Chick Flicks and laughing like a drain.
I'm off to see Pierce(sp? Is that really how you spell his name? That's silly) Brosnan make an arse of himself as he can't sing, apparently.
I'll catch up with all you lovely people over the weekend!
Big kisses all round.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:13, Reply)

If I were a woman for a month, I would go to an Ann Summers party, because it's one of those arcane wimminfolk things that men are never allowed to go to.
I'd also see if I could finally understand Sex and the City.
Talking of sex, I'd try and get some. I dunno if I could do it with a man though, so I might have to be a lesbian.
Then, I would wear low cut tops and short skirts and go to all the right bars, and see just how fanous I could get in the month for being nothing but a girl about town.
I'd cap it all off with a Playboy shoot, and the remainder of the time I would spend going out in little white t-shirts in rainstorms.
I would miss weeing standing up though.
Night all!
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:23, Reply)

but just so you know, I've been to a few Ann Summers parties, you're not missing much.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:27, Reply)

I assumed lingerie clad pillow fights and things.
*illusions shattered*
Not seen you about much tis week, Bert? Alright?
EDIT: I'll be back later this evenin'! Bye!
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:29, Reply)

If I was a chap for a month, I would:
Try to find some sort of sport to understand and get obsessed with.
Wee standing up every time and then gloat about it.
Enjoy being really tall and being able to reach things.
And finally, I would really enjoy getting to know my new genitalia.
That is all.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 19:01, Reply)

Why couldnt THIS be the QOTW?! Then I could ramble on and on about my personal experiences! lol
It WOULD take reams and reams of A4 paper to really even come close to describing all the joys I have been blessed enough to experience getting this opportunity in real time...however, one month?! That'd be like having loved and then never loving again!
Of course, I am obviously wired diff! lol
My life is really a hybrid at this point. I mean, theoretically, standing to pee IS still an option, but the accoutrements of my new life gender make that a bigger pain than just sitting.
But honestly, there are a MILLION things that are so much more technicolor in my life now. Take simple sensations: my fingertips literally are like unbelievable. VERY sensitive. My skin, also. I am now cold just about always, but I MUCH prefer that to being overly hot anyway, so thats yet another blessing! :D
The walking down the street alone at night thing is not necessarily a 'negative' experience for me. And I cant say whether my senses are hormonally enhanced towards a new sensitivity, but it's just part of the experience.
Though, on a less serious note, but yet, serious as well: having Norks! LOVE having the Girls! And men staring at them when I talk to them? No biggie...but then, I am relatively new to all this! :)
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 19:42, Reply)

It hadn't occurred to me that you'd be able to give us good insights into this! So what other differences do you notice now that you've gone pink?
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 19:55, Reply)

Norks... Most chaps would find their lives complete with norks...
/cheapening thread mode off
Must be like viewing the world with a different set of eyes. I've kind of taken it for granted that there isn't really that much difference between the sexes, but I'd never thought to put that question to someone who can speak with experience on both sides of that particular fence.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 20:22, Reply)

is for real! I can cry for the silliest things!
Nails are WAY more brittle, so the whole trauma of breaking one? It's not just a 'girly' thing, it HURTS!
The orgasm thing. Hmmm. This is not so easy. Since I am still on the journey, I can only explain that I DO feel things so much more keenly now. Estrogen is A-MAZING! So, I HOPE when all is said and done, multiplicity will be the 'norm'! :D
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 20:23, Reply)

but then I'm a bit rubbish at being a girl sometimes.
Peeing standing up would be a bonus instead of squatting when you're camping or out pissed.
I agree with the walking down the street at night and getting leered at one, but I usually wear my MP3 player so am oblivious.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 20:33, Reply)

As I've already said, I wouldnt go back for all the tea in China. Seriously. The experiences thus far have been 95% amazing and everything I have ever hoped for. You know?
I am finally in a place where my relationships are SO much more solid and enjoyable (friendships) but again, it's hard to say how much of my experience has been attributable to my gendery dysphoria or just being a testosterone ridden male species. :p
So, I guess what I am saying is: I will be more than happy when standing to pee is really no longer an option because, deep down, all the sensations, tastes (strawberries are just 100 times better as is chocolate!), feelings, relationships and joys are worth the experience of feeling like i was in the wrong body, dealing with the social ostracism as a teen and twenty-something and the personal angst and fear that I would never get to this point in my life.
I REALLY need to stop jabbering so much though! (And God, I am SO SO SO much more chatty than I EVER was!)
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 20:55, Reply)

It never would have occurred to me that the consistence of fingernails would change. Nor that your skin would be more sensitive.
I don't think I'd like that part, really.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 21:31, Reply)

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( , Sun 20 Jul 2008, 22:24, Reply)
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