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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I have gin, an erection and some Cheetos
What have you got?
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:29, 54 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
A ball gag, lube, a plastic sheeted room and YM

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:30, Reply)
Oh man that's tonight? I thought it was next week : (

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:32, Reply)
Every Friday in November is my turn on the rota.

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:33, Reply)
Man you are going to be RIDDLED by December

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:43, Reply)
Only just got the all clear from last year.
I'm a glutton for punishment, but your mum is such a mucky cow it's totally worth it.
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:46, Reply)
Sporter's wife is my mum?

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:47, Reply)
Sporters is your dad?
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:47, Reply)
A night of high-end gaming on my own and work tomorrow.

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:33, Reply)
Do you ever want to just quietly add an air bubble into people's drips?

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:36, Reply)
I went no-where near Boyce when he was brought in after that fatal overdose!

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:39, Reply)
Old Hoover snout finally clogged up his cyclone eh?

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:42, Reply)
Piss, pills, powder and pakistani blowjobs eventually did for him.

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:48, Reply)
It's how he would've wanted to go

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:50, Reply)
So when are you meeting SportsCow?

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:19, Reply)
4983 texts left this month
Does that count?
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:42, Reply)
I can't believe you've already texted your ex 17 times this month

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:44, Reply)
Evening BS
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:51, Reply)
Alright harters
You properly re-employed yet
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:53, Reply)
Yes and yet no
I'm still looking for the right one to come along, what I'm doing at the moment is a huge step back both monetary and career wise, still at least I'm paying the bills
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:02, Reply)
Soz to hear that I had a thought you'd got back on track, still these things take time I guess

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:08, Reply)
I'm a glass half full type of guy
things could be a lot worse, talking of which how's the new job panning out for you? Any regrets? Any massive perks?
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:17, Reply)
Perks are pay and location

I always make the best of things, you get out what you put in etc etc blah blah
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:20, Reply)
My mum said you put very little in and..........wait......damn.....FORGET IT OK

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:21, Reply)
Aww man! Only 3828

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:45, Reply)
£8 credit!

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:45, Reply)
^ renter

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:47, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:47, Reply)
Gay as you go

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:48, Reply)
there is nothing wrong with being scared of commitment

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 22:59, Reply)
Fuck that contract shit, cunts want to speak to me when I m out, cunts can phone ME.

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:04, Reply)
Yeah, but nobody actually likes you enough to phone you

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:19, Reply)
And that's why I save a fucking fortune.

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:21, Reply)
Evening AB what you doing haunting the darker corners of /ot at this time of night?

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:22, Reply)
I am fucking working tomorrow. Hence no booze.
Next seven days I'll be working 5 12 hour shifts and trying to complete TWO pieces of college wrk for this fucking course they've got me on.

I may very well plead Having A Hard Time Of It Lately to try and get an extension on the college work.
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:43, Reply)
Who knew that being a fluffer at the sperm clinic would be that intensive?

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:49, Reply)
^ fat wife

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:04, Reply)
a letter from C & G telling me how much my mortgage is going down to.

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:02, Reply)
Less than mine?

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:03, Reply)
dunno, prob not
A substantial drop though.
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:04, Reply)
Good stuff though. More money for drugs and records innit.

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:05, Reply)
considerably more disposable income, yer

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:06, Reply)
Dispose up your nose.

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:06, Reply)
For what reason, rate change?

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:09, Reply)

rate sex
(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:33, Reply)
Is she a bloke now?

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:47, Reply)
A ginger Fatima Whitbread

(, Sat 9 Nov 2013, 0:02, Reply)
I bet you really ment to say Speedos not Cheetos

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:24, Reply)
A pocket full of bullets and a blueprint of the school.

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:26, Reply)
I'm sure that can wait till Monday

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:30, Reply)
i don't like em

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:31, Reply)
Tell me why

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:31, Reply)
I blame the blacks

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:46, Reply)
Is that why once they got out of the school they said you'll never go back?

(, Fri 8 Nov 2013, 23:50, Reply)
one hand in my pocket and the other one is giving a high five

(, Sat 9 Nov 2013, 2:22, Reply)

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