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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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You have two beers
One is nice and cold the other not cold enough. Do you

A: drink the warmer one in the knowledge that the colder will still be ok when you get to it?


B: drink the colder one first for maximum enjoyment the man up for the warm one?
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:15, 6 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Drink the colder one. Shove the warmer one in the freezer.

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:16, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:17, Reply)
Wait till you get home pisshead.

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:21, Reply)
or this.

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:22, Reply)
That's an hour and a half away and today has been poo

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:22, Reply)
should have stayed in london

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:24, Reply)
Would've if I could've
Barnes was very much home, but I'd need a maybe £750-£900k for a nice three bed with decent garden :(
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:26, Reply)
You're looking about £700 for a flat in Aberdeen these days.

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:26, Reply)
No one cares because no one wants to live there, they have to live there

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:35, Reply)
Are you some sort of cunt?
Lots of people want to live here because oil companies tend to pay over the odds.

Offshore someone as dim as you could probably make about £50k for pushing a broom.
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:39, Reply)
yeah, average offshore salary is what, 77k or thereabouts?

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:40, Reply)
Something like that, yeah.

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:41, Reply)
and yet you moved to england
to do the world's most boring job for £2k?
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:57, Reply)
it beats getting fucked by psychochomp in exchange for no pizza

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:59, Reply)
yay! old memes! lol!

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 18:19, Reply)
So they have to live there to be near to the oil

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:44, Reply)
I see the council are considering an Aberdeen weighting for their employees as well
The property market up there is mental.
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:39, Reply)
Tell me about it.
I was looking into trying to buy a flat recently. I've got a decent deposit saved up but I can't afford the £15-30 grand over the asking price that isn't covered by a mortgage.

National companies (that work with big oil companies) struggle to keep staff up here because local competitors can charge less and pay staff more.
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:42, Reply)
one of my friends bought a flat in Ferryhill for 70K in 1997.
She just sold it at a ridiculous profit.

The BBC were reporting that property up there has done 100% growth over the last ten years and average rents for flats are a grand a month. Mental.
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:49, Reply)
That's 17 years! You'd do less time for murder

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 18:01, Reply)
frog and i went out in barnes recently
he liked it. it was a bit full of double buggies and 4x4's for me.
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:28, Reply)
Stay about from my Barnes
It's pretty family orientated, but then I have two little girls so fits perfectly
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:29, Reply)
it's the women
all yoga doing blondes, trying to pretend they used to have careers and used to be interesting, whilst weaving their own organic yoghurt out of breastmilk and wiping giant couscous off baby mabel's face with a natural non-bleached yurt cloth.
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:31, Reply)
That's us!
It's actually not that bad, but considering your northern sink estate upbringing I can imagine it's a little intimidating
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:34, Reply)

yah i used to work at goldmans but now all i can talk about are how many times a day my kid shits itself... meanwhile the husband tries to hide the reek of gin and tonic and secretarial minge that persists on his breath, however much he protests that he has been in a meeting/at the gym...
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:40, Reply)
Drink the cold one first so it doesn't get as warm as the warm one.

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:21, Reply)
This was the decision I made, I figured the alcohol in the first would make the warmth bearable

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:26, Reply)
Although if you're getting train cans you might want to drink the warm one first as a shake-shifter so you don't spill the cold one.

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:31, Reply)
drink the colder one
save the warmer one

put it in the fridge at home
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:18, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:19, Reply)
i said "in the fridge"
not "up your arse"
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:23, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:39, Reply)
Shut up jason

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:53, Reply)
A: drink the warmer one, then the colder one
Or alternatively, B: don't be such a chronic drunkard and wait til you get home to chill the warm one.
(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:49, Reply)
Cans of what brand of beer?

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:53, Reply)
M&S Belgium lager :(

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:57, Reply)
So why didn't you pick up two cold ones?

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 17:59, Reply)
Because commuters from Waterloo are drunkards who had bought them all

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 18:04, Reply)
Write to M&S to complain.

(, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 18:04, Reply)

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