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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I've not 'ignored' anyone before

But I've just discovered that the OT board looks a lot nicer with a little judicious pruning.

And it keeps my blood pressure right down!

If you 'ignore' someone, does that mean they can't gaz you?
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 11:40, 20 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
And odd
How none of us have replied, except the Loon.

Like I said, odd...
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 12:19, Reply)
ooh! ooh! me too! me! me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me !
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 12:44, Reply)
It's like a child
throwing a tantrum in the supermarket to try and get some attention.

If you ignore it, it'll eventually realise the futility of its efforts and give up.
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 12:44, Reply)
People say that all of you QOTW tubbies and panderers have JMG on ignore.
Or at least the vast majority.
I wish to declare that I remain very popular on all forms of b3ta. Especially amongst the girls you probably fancy, on the internet.
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 12:49, Reply)
After telling myself I wouldn't stoop to ignore anyone.
I have now done some pruning myself and found it to be most beneficial.

I should have done it ages ago to be honest.
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 12:58, Reply)
Pretty much.
I gave them a civil reply, then ignored the lot of them. *shrug* Niven's Law: there is no cause no noble that it will not attract fuggheads. A modification: there is nothing so quiet and peaceful that it will not be shat upon by chav scum. This applies to nice places in the countryside, quiet pubs and obscure message boards.

I thought that maybe I was being harsh, so I checked out JMG's video that baldmonkey posted. It was like watching a couple of fanboys trying to be John Cleese circa 1972- a load of self-indulgent wank. If this is typical of what they find amusing, then I would venture to say that I'm not missing much by ignoring them. They seem to be the sort who find someplace to hang out and then crack each other up by screaming out their own taglines that mean little to nothing to anyone else, then hoot at anyone who doesn't find them amusing- which is to say, the rest of humanity.

Ah well. Every board has its twats, I guess. I'm just glad that this one has an Ignore feature.
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 13:03, Reply)
Whoops, missed a couple!
That's better.

Only niceness now.

It's always the silly ones that spoil it for everyone isn't it. Nice to be able to 'put them in the corner, facing the wall'.

Heh heh.
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 13:14, Reply)
You liked 154 QOTW stories, therefore you love us more than your mum. Stop trying to pretend you don't, as it's obvious you want us all to do a sex wee on your face.
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 13:18, Reply)
I just looked at Gilgamesh's profile
and got what appeared to be a picture of Vanilla Ice with an american flag outfit and a raging boner.

now that is funny (I actually mean this)
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 13:21, Reply)
add &css=n to the end of the link and you get proper profiles
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 13:30, Reply)
I can't be arsed
to figure out how to un-bork someone's profile to see it properly. Too much bother for something I'm only vaguely curious about.

Guess I'm just not that interested in people who are so convinced of their own wit and cleverness. *shrug* Meh.
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 13:52, Reply)
silly people? here? on b3ta?
surely not
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 14:01, Reply)
Ttssattsr told me how. He is my friend.
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 14:22, Reply)
The thing is
I don't think I'll bother putting them on ignore.

Sometimes it's nice to read their pointless inanities and realise that no matter how bad a day I might be having, there are people out there more pathetic and full of self-hate than me.
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 14:44, Reply)
haha, I bet you really got bullied at school
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 15:53, Reply)
I bet you give your mum bumlove :0)
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 16:37, Reply)
Someone has to
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 16:41, Reply)
tis good
to ignore.

If someone has you on ignore - can you see their posts? And is there a way to know who is ignoring you?
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 17:22, Reply)
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 17:48, Reply)
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 17:55, Reply)

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