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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Now then kids - how are we?
Occasionally drunk not social media obsessed irregular poster TD here to feel smug about your shite lives.

How are your shite lives? I really don't care, I just use this place to reaffirm my superiority.
(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 19:17, 33 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
sympathy reply

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 19:51, Reply)
I never really need a reply
I just make a statement then fuck off usually.
(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:06, Reply)
steak in about 90 minutes I reckon

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 19:55, Reply)
I think you're overcooking it m8

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:27, Reply)
Sous vide stoopid

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:29, Reply)
33 minutes at 56c - or gtfo

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:32, Reply)
Cooked by someone else or gtfo

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:32, Reply)
I cook shoulder of lamb sous vide and then finish it on a griddle. Delicious.

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:38, Reply)
We called it boil in the bag, when I were a lad.

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:51, Reply)
Sous vide is one of the oldest and best ways to cook some types of food. Try cooking a shoulder of lamb this way, then finish on a scorching hot griddle for a few minutes

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:56, Reply)
I'm a big fan of 'finishing on a scorching hot griddle'

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 21:04, Reply)
Can I come round for dinner?

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 21:04, Reply)
You're using a Sourse Viedy? Why didn't you say so?
If you say sourss viedy one more time, that'll be 99 sauss vidiee in this God damn rhyme.

And omg, just realised Limb Bizkit rhymed Time with Rhyme; that's PRIMARAY school stuff.
(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 21:46, Reply)
exactly the thing I was saying to Ferran over a plate of Boquerones al Ajillo just the other day.

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:39, Reply)
Absolute crap.
They should be cooked sous vide for about 6 hours at 65c, then pork ribs are as soft as cream cheese.
(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:58, Reply)
camel arse for 4 days 7 hours 24 minutes at 38.92 and it is almost edible

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 21:04, Reply)
On a scale of one to shite I'd say 6ish
I spent good money on whisky and it's bloody 'orrible. Quite tempted to not bother getting drunk on it, it's so bad.
(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:00, Reply)
There's a specialist on this very subject not too far away

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:03, Reply)
Good evening you few
I'm typing this on my new 'puter.

Just because it seems a good idea to clean the dust out of a lap top, doesn't make it so. 40 screws later, I have a kit of parts and a broken keyboard.
(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:46, Reply)
food babe y/n

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:47, Reply)
I can only assume you are all still drooling over photos of her

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 21:21, Reply)
My life is so fucking amazing at the moment that the only thing that concerns me is a bloody watch.
I got enough money to pay bills and eat out when ever I want, my health is great for me, my mental issues are next to non existent on these new tablets, I am sitting at my Mums place just finished a great meal, doing my office up in a few weeks, getting my dream - a dog - in a few months, love my job, good mates; old and new, trying the apple watch tomo and was one of the first (public) to order....... Everything's coming up Gonz, and you know what? Only thing missing is a missesm but who knows, maybe I'll find one on a dog walk.
(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 22:03, Reply)
Missing is a misses.

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 22:04, Reply)
a shannon production

(, Fri 10 Apr 2015, 22:06, Reply)

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