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(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:19, 71 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
alright horbs
I've got a drippy nose. It's well sexy.
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:34, Reply)

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:35, Reply)
What's Quinchy on about in that last thread?

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:35, Reply)
some queer bent shit

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:36, Reply)
he's been on the poppers and babycham again

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:47, Reply)
The breakfast of kings
kings queens
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:50, Reply)

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:47, Reply)
dont 4get to use ur ed icon tomoz

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:50, Reply)

( MEATSNAKE Nasty Little Wanker, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:25, Ignore, Reply, I like this!)
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:24, Reply)
clickin ed

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:25, Reply)
politicans are all in a contest to be more shit than each other until no-one bothers voting any more and they can all do what they want
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:34, Reply)
Yeah nice one, Russell
Well done on telling everyone you've changed your mind after the closing date for voter registration.
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:51, Reply)
im not russell m8, im dave and i voted before the postal deadline #ed4pm

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:52, Reply)
nice picture of him getting into a private plane
after telling everyone to vote labour.
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:47, Reply)
Yes, wealthy people really ought to know their place and vote Tory.

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:53, Reply)
still, at least he only has 1 kitchen on board

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:55, Reply)
middle class person in large house SHOCKER

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:00, Reply)
you probably believe it was coincidence that he posed in the smaller of the two
bless you
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:03, Reply)
At least the Tories are open and up front about the fact that they view the electorate as cattle, eh?

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:08, Reply)
choosing between cameron and miliband is like having to choose between pissing yourself and shitting yourself in public. they're both terrible but miliband is sliiiiiiiightly more shit.
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:12, Reply)
I'm still not seeing how.

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:14, Reply)
well no
but you probably only eat red lentils
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:17, Reply)
I don't think food-based insults are a good choice, for you.

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:18, Reply)
she's not really got much to work with by those rules

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:19, Reply)
Especially when they're directed against vegetarianism

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:20, Reply)
i like red lentils
but i can also see the benefits of other lentil policies too
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:22, Reply)
because she's shallower than a dry dock and he looks a bit peculiar

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:18, Reply)
and today on "dr bullshit"
it's psychology
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:22, Reply)
ed miliband is just terrible

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:55, Reply)
In what way?

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:56, Reply)
shit populist policies and he has a terrible image
I still shake my fist at Unite for installing him over his brother.
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:03, Reply)
plus, Jewish

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:03, Reply)
and he's called "Ed"

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:05, Reply)
+ Fannybaws

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:06, Reply)
I'd prolly vote for somebody called fannybaws

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:10, Reply)
His brother is probably Jewish, too.

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:04, Reply)
bit racist

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:06, Reply)
How can it be racist?!
Jewish is a religion!
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:09, Reply)
only Christianity is a religion
the rest are just heathens
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:14, Reply)
i'm not voting for image m8, there are more important things at stake here friend

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:04, Reply)
unless you live in Doncaster you ent able to vote milib& anyway m8

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:06, Reply)
no shit, well i never

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:10, Reply)
I'm not keen on personality politics.

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:10, Reply)

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:11, Reply)
yeah, terrible at over promising, gr8 at over delivering
they call him 'the milkman'
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 8:58, Reply)

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:39, Reply)

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:40, Reply)
if the ankles were kept in the picture
you would have shot your load
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:41, Reply)
u no me so wel xx

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:42, Reply)
Well this is confusing strikethrough arousing

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:43, Reply)
my squildo has never been so graped

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 9:45, Reply)
lucy alexander y/n

(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:08, Reply)

(N)ew thread
(, Wed 6 May 2015, 10:08, Reply)

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