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And when you get a phonecall, first thing, with one of your pet hates (in my case being people eating down the phone at you) that does nothing for my mood. That, and people moaning needlessly. What are your pet hates, and why?
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 9:47, 38 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Stupid people.
People who stop/walk slowly in the street.
Rubbish cyclists when I'm driving.
People who're obsessed with fashion.
Er... There're loads more, but as you can't stand "people moaning needlessly", I'll stop there :p
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 9:51, Reply)

Schoolkids walking 7 abreast down the pavement, forcing other pedestrians into the road
The kettle being empty at work so I can't have my much-needed first coffee of the day as soon as I get in
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 10:03, Reply)

My job as boring as it is, revolves around knowing what forklift you need to buy spares for.
To do this I will need
Serial Number
and possibly Mast number
With these details I can find anything and everything about your truck, without them its just a blind guess.
Is it too much to ask that you have the details ready before you ring?
Its always going to be the first thing I ask for anyway.
Its a red one, doesn't help all our trucks are the same colour ... and its actually Orange.
Not all Keys are the same either regardless of what you think.
Oh and people who make quotation marks with their fingers deserve to die slowly and painfully
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 10:03, Reply)

I could list a huge number of things, but they are all due to people being stupid and not having any awareness of the world around them, or the effect that their actions will have on it.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 10:11, Reply)

To you, Mr. V.
Every damn thing that annoys me is down to stupid people.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 10:13, Reply)

Can be summed up into two categories. The wilfully ignorant and the rude. The slight problem is, these cover a multitude of niggles.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 10:28, Reply)

Getting to a cash point to be told there is no money available. The three people in front in the queue haven't bothered to tell anyone.
What happend to common fucking courtesy?
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 10:37, Reply)

People who write the message in the subject line and send nothing else.
My dad is a bugger for this!For example, he just sent me this:
SUBJECT: w'ere home,got home @ 7pm last night,see you tomorrow
Grrrrr,bad dad!
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 10:39, Reply)

Rank stupidity
Poor grammar
Distinct unwillingness to leave personal safe space for fear of the unknown.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 10:43, Reply)

but Kaol's done it for me.
Another 'stupid people' related one is ditherers. Why do some people take so long to do simple tasks? Like this morning in the car park when some woman took three cuts to put her car in the space. Nose first.
It's not like she even had to turn much, as it was the first space opposite the entrance. But she made a right bloody meal of it.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 11:10, Reply)

-"apostrophe's" in the wrong place (hate this hate this hate this)
-"at the end of the day"
-the word "literally" being used as a filler to make stupid people try to sound intelligent:
e.g. "he literally drove me up the wall" (NO HE FUCKING-WELL DIDN'T)
-busy shopping centres/streets (in fact anywhere with slow moving, randomly stopping, idiot pedestrians)
-people who tell you a "fact" that you KNOW is wrong yet they will not even consider they're wrong
-people (especially family members) who forward ridiculous chain emails believing that little jimmy clickclickdurk from Botswana will get £500 from Microsoft if this email is forwarded on 100 times
-people on b3ta who post a gigantic wall of text with little punctuation (see that big key with the arrow on the right of your keyboard? IT'S THE RETURN KEY)
More if I think of them, there must be loads - I'm angry most of the time.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 11:53, Reply)

"I'll be with you momentarily"
really? I'd appreciate slightly more of your time than that
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 12:01, Reply)

is fucking disgusting, I'm with you on that one. I also can't stand mouth-breathers. The noise of something mouth-breathing down the phone fills me with inexplicable rage.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 12:42, Reply)

It's an American usage. They use it to mean 'in a moment', rather than 'for a moment', as we do. First time I heard it used as such was shortly before landing at a US airport.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing momentarily. Please ensure your seatbelts are fastened, your tray-tables are folded away, your seat backs are in the upright position and that any hand luggage is stowed securely in the overhead lockers or under the seat in front of you".
I had visions of us touching wheels on the runway then shooting up in the air again.
Fortunately we landed normally before disembarking. Or 'deplaning' as it was there.
I love America. It's nuts.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 12:43, Reply)

by American usage I assume you mean it's wrong.
and people over here do it too. I've heard it on tv and radio as well as in person.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 13:03, Reply)

Is people who tell everyone what pisses them off the most.
But in reality my pet peeve is people who don't say please or thank you. Manners cost nothing, but they are priceless!
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 13:13, Reply)

Siddown and strap in guys & gals, I'm ill and bad-tempered today so - rant mode - ON!
People who tell me what I "ought to be doing" at my age can fuck RIGHT off!
Armchair ninjas talking about "death touch" and "instant knockout pressure points". Never found ONE in my 34 years of martial arts study.
Armchair rambos who've never even HELD a real firearm, let alone shot one, claiming "instant knockdown" of this or that particular weapon from their experience on fucking computer games FFS!
Ignorant fuckheads who have no idea of their surroundings and walk into me.
Groups of schoolkids who try to get ME to move out of their way - NOT happening in YOUR lifetime sonny!
People who claim "I'm allergic to x y or z" yet don't carry an epipen. You're not "allergic" you're just a twat.
People who say "I can't take tablets". Why the fuck not? I've seen some of them eat stuff of a size that would choke a horse yet they "can't take tablets".
Drunks in casualty departments.
Adverts for get rich quick schemes offering "up to £1000/week in your spare time". Generally posted in the windows of near-MOT failure cars. If you'r earning THAT much, why do you drive a ten-year-old Nissan Bluebird?
Wilfully ignorant people, "never read a book/newspaper and proud of it".
Estate agents.
Insurance/investment salesmen telling me what to do with my money once I've earned it. Why not tell me how to earn more?
People who can't control their kids.
Pretentious restaurant menus. Anywhere that uses the terms "nestling", "coulis", "blushed" or "drizzled" will not get my custom.
Hot food served on cold plates.
Teachers with no social skills, unable to interact with anyone who isn't their chronological junior or in their profession.
Acronyms used badly such as "ATM Machine". The "M" stands for "Machine" you fuckhead.
Rights before responsibilities.
The anti money-laundering laws. Its none of your fucking business where I got the money and besides, the REAL money laundering isn't done through banks you dickheads and certainly not by me.
People who say "There's no "I" in team". No, but there are TWO "U's" in "Lazy, aphorism-quoting motherfucker".
And relax!
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 13:13, Reply)

I'm feeling particularly vitriolic right now, knocking on the door of middle age I've become an Angry Man. In no particular order of rage, here are my irritations:
Recruitment agencies
NuLabour governments
ID Cards
Broken down lorries
Rain and mud
B3ta buttnuggets necessitating yet another "Ignore".
My own negativity
Strictly Come Dancing
Health & Safety
People who don't close their mouth when chewing food
Dog shit
Runny noses
*edit* Yep, people who can't control their kids gets me every time. Grr...
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 13:33, Reply)

But I hate 9/11, because it's four days after bonfire night, and all my sparklers have run out. :C
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 13:50, Reply)

Yes. It's wrong to use that meaning of it in the UK, in my opinion.
Captain Placid - the phenomenon you refer to with ATM Machine is known as RAS Syndrome.
RAS of course stands for Redundant Acronym Syndrome...
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 14:14, Reply)

just wind me up. I work with one who's constantly "breaking" their PC - by forgetting their log-in ID - and asking me to "fix it".
I can't fucking fix it, I don't know your log-in! Write it down somewhere, you fuckwit. No, I can't reset it, it's a permanent ID with a rolling password change! And by the way, I'm not the IT helpdesk - they get paid more than me! Aaaaargh.
*goes off to lie down in a darkened room*
Edit: Vipros and K2k6 - you forgot PIN number. That one bugs me.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 14:23, Reply)

Firstly: B.M. ex, my shortening of your username made me laugh :)
Secondly, your post also made me laugh.
And lastly, I'd like to add to the list: Staff members who feel the need to track me to the toilet and tell me they have someone on the phone for me. Is it so hard to take a message? Or to understand that mid-shit I am unlikely to want to know about anything outside of the toilet cubicle unless there is an abundance of bog roll there whereas in the toilet there is none. Take a message please. Or do what you normally do and tell whoever is calling that I'll call them back, and don't bother writing down any details (name, phone number or reason for call) so that I have something to look forward to later when they call back and moan at me.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 14:48, Reply)

is a horrid habit, once that my ex wife has. Example:
The year was about 1994 or 95. I had gotten into a TV habit of watching the X-Files between 9:00 and 10:00 every Sunday night. Quite predictable, wouldn't you say? As I don't otherwise watch much TV, I think it's reasonable to not want to be interrupted for one hour on a Sunday night.
Nurse Ratched worked the evening shift from 3-11, and worked alternating weekends. And invariably, at about 9:20 on Sunday night she'd call me while on dinner break, chewing with her mouth open into the phone, making slurping and smacking noises, and then wonder why I would object to this.
Every. Fucking. Time.
Once or twice I can understand- but after a dozen instances of this, don't you think it might stick in her memory at least a little? Wouldn't you expect that if she forgets and calls and asks what I'm doing and I reply that I'm watching the X-Files that she would not get annoyed with me for not wanting to talk to her?
Another thing that utterly winds me up: people who make excessive noise. If I'm outside on Sunday morning with my coffee watching the birds in the feeder, do I really want to hear my neighbor talking loudly to his dog, or starting up his leaf blower at 7:00? If I've just climbed up a mountain and am enjoying the view and the wind, do I really need to hear "WOOOOO! YEAH, WE MADE IT! WOOOOO! HEY, LOOK, YOU CAN SEE THE LAKE!" If I'm out on the lake, do I really need to have jet skis roaring in circles, jumping their own wakes fifty feet from me? If I'm walking along a street downtown, do I really need to listen to some white punk in a Honda thugging out to Tupac and thinking that he's the coolest muthafukka in town?
There are far more things, but these are an excellent start...
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 14:54, Reply)

People masticating with their mouth open...I told my first ever girlfriend that we were splitting up because I was going to be away for the summer, it was really because she ate with her mouth open. Yuck.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 15:10, Reply)

someone at work asked me for some DNA acid so they could do a PCR reaction the other day. so I shot them.
American dates annoy me too - why the fuck is it month then day? why? It makes no sense! Likewise farenheit. We work in a lab, where every temperature is written in celcius, then when I say 'ooh, bit hot today, it's 33 degrees outside' they all look at me with 'que?' in their eyes.
And Captain Placid, what's wrong with London?
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 15:21, Reply)

make sense. Today is October 7, 2008. That would be 10/7/2008. It is not seven October, it's October seventh.
Odd facts about Farenheit: he based 0 degrees on the freezing of seawater and 100 degrees on human body temperature. Only thing is, he was a drunk, so his own body temperature was usually elevated- hence normal body temp being 98.6 degrees F.
Celcius used fresh water's freezing and boiling points to establish 0 and 100. This incidentally means that one degree C is about two degrees F.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 15:30, Reply)

that's good to know re: farenheit!
still, today is the 7th of October, therefore 7/10/2008. My labelling has confused my whole lab now, as I actually started work here in July, so when they see my flask with '2/10/08' on it they are a tad flummoxed. Oh well.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 15:35, Reply)

People who marvel at my inability to drive..
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 15:46, Reply)

He can't keep his hands off the bloody thing.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 16:11, Reply)

The Goat
Posting speculative pants once again. Argh!
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 16:14, Reply)

Septic clients quote dates at me like, "7-10", "5-9", "4-3" etc.
I always ask what's a "7-9" etc?
I know what they mean.
But they're septics - they deserve it.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 16:22, Reply)

I dislike London from my 2 years having to live and work there.
Many and varied are the reasons for my deep-seated hatred of the place. I'm glad to say that the biggest one is potentially coming to an end - the "city". These smoke-and-mirror merchants are finally getting a dose of the reality that the rest of us face. You cannot earn money without adding value.
I also hate the overcrowding, the overcharging, the impersonal nature of the place, the pollution, the worn-out infrastructure etc etc.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 16:22, Reply)

Misuse of reflexive pronouns.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 17:18, Reply)

Lazy people wind me up. I work with some of the laziest motherfuckers known to man, they'll sit on their arses doing the very bare minimum and then have the temerity to complain about how busy they are!
Old people in supermarkets are there solely to piss me off. They weave, they stop suddenly, they dither and they get under my feet. The amount of times I want to scream "Listen you senile old twat, the war ended years ago - There's no need to hoard bread. You've fuck all to do all week but chose to come in on my rest day!"
Unruly children. I don't really like kids - I especially hate them if their shiftless parents don't control them. I now ask waitresses to be seated as far away from kids as possible. If little Johnny is running around shrieking then the chances are that someone is getting pissed off that you are doing fuck all to control the result of your pissed up knee trembler .... In all probability, me.
People who hold a full driving license yet can't drive for toffee.
Chuggers, especially those bastards who call upon you at home in person.
People who wear their ignorance and stupidity as a badge of honour. They're unwilling to learn, be educated or admit for one moment that even though they glean their entire world view through Trisha and the Daily Star someone might know a little bit more than them.
The sort of person who thinks it's big and clever to berate some poor sod who's just trying to do their shitty job. I enjoy telling these people to stop acting like cunts.
( , Tue 7 Oct 2008, 17:27, Reply)
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