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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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so the diamonds i bought...

The diamonds I bought a few days ago were set in a ring today.

I was led to a buzzing thriving little workshop filled with industrious sharp eyed little Indian men darting around in a blaze of brightly patterned loose cotton shirts. Security was non-existent. One or two half assed plastic London gangsters could have had the lot in less than 10 minutes. The place was grubby and reeked of men and shoes and wet metal. But they all seemed happy and bright, chatting and laughing - it didn’t feel like a sweat shop. The place whirred and whined with dozens of angry little hornet drills nibbling and chewing like manic dentists - little shards and sparkles of gold and platinum made their battered wooden benches glitter under their tiny desk lamps – every one personalized with ganesh or the bhudda or some Bollywood babe.

When I bobbed my head from side to side it looked like ice on tarmac. But I didn’t dare do that initially - convinced of some sleight, some chicanery, a jigger here and a pokery there and my bona fide Antwerp gems could suddenly haven been taken for a ride into a tin or drawer or any of the million places a quick dark hand could slip a tiny shard of sharp bright icy wealth. But slowly I felt guilty. All around were men who earn in a week the cost of a cheap steak and a bottle of house wine. I watched them carry sapphires rubies diamonds and pearls in their grimy hands with care and diligence but no awe or desire.

The man who so skillfully set the thousands of pounds of diamonds into the platinum setting I had personally designed worked meticulously. He was clearly determined to do it not just right, but perfectly, shoddy was not an option here when so much else in this gaudy desert hick frontage was. Very quickly I felt uncomfortable just being there, watching, sitting on my little stool, sitting right there behind him on a ‘boss’ stool that had been ushered in as soon as I arrived. Sure there was an attempt at CCTV but even the most half assed of card trick chancers could have made switches in their little booths with ease. Christ I could have purloined the odd stone while I was there, and blamed it on the apparent chaos and I would have probably strolled out while some poor but highly skilled sod was carted off to the clink.

As they drilled and ground and polished I felt more uncomfortable. I was there basically to accuse every one of them of being a thief, a vagabond. I tried to feign I was there for the colour - the experience, but they all knew the deal and accepted it graciously - another wealthy fat white prick determined to show ‘em who’s boss. You wont trick me boyo! To be honest I don’t think any of them even wanted to. I think they had too much honour. All those men were skilled, dedicated yet quite clearly dirt poor, but had far more dignity than me. Looking back I am quite certain not one of them would have switched my stones for crap. I enjoyed the experience and the ring is quite frankly stunning. It is worth twice back home what I paid – easily.

I learned some humility today but sadly, would I trust them to do it all again with me waiting in the front shop sipping tea?

Would I fuck.
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 19:38, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Have you
Found a way to smuggle them into the country yet?
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 20:47, Reply)
well you'll laugh at this
i actually shoved the earings through the long dormant holes in my ears

i had my first piercing around 1985 and the second george michael nonsense followed around 87.

i have not worn earrings since the early nineties

it hurt a bit. but not as much as it it did to look at the state of me in the mirror, even beckham would have stuggled to carry these babies off - i looked like a cross between liz taylor and a t rex in drag.

so no that wont work

the FUCKING STUNNING ring fits on my pinkie - just up to the first knuckle

i look like jimmy saville-krankie

so no there is no clever subterfuge

they will be flung in the laptop bag next to as many keys coins iPods and phones as i can muster

if my asre squeaks going through customs then at least it will be tight flesh not hidden trinkets
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 21:07, Reply)
I thought
that, perhaps, you could offer one of your gem-stone selling friends a cheap steak and bottle of house wine in exchange for a 'receipt' for two hundred quid's worth of 'cubic zirconia' in case you do get picked up. Stuff it in a folder with a bunch of other random receipts and dig it out if you need to. Mr Average Customs Clerk isn't likely to be a genius when it comes to gems, are they?

Obviously they're probably wise to this sort of crap but might be worth a shot.
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 21:18, Reply)
these look like 6 grands worth whatever you do

and thig thing is - if i just bring them in and get caught i pay some cash - if i am seen to be smuggling - well thats a serious criminal offence

my surname is fleming - i will go into bond mode - ravish a stewardess - drink the free champagne then stroll through customs with the diamonds

oh yeash!
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 21:22, Reply)
i may be missing some of the saga here
but if you are transporting them home to give to your wife as a gift, and if she is returning to Dubai with you after the holidays, then why not just drop them in a safe deposit box in a reputable bank in Dubai while you are briefly out of the country? Sure, you'll have to transport them back home eventually. But at least this would buy you some time to procrastinate checking out the customs laws further....that or make the story more believable when your wife goes through customs wearing the jewls and saying, "Oh these old things? I've had them for years!"
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 21:49, Reply)
I knew youd jump at the chance to wear them!

(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 21:57, Reply)

Just poke them up your bum and be done with it.
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 8:25, Reply)

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