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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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hey b3ta dot com forward slash questions forward slash offtopic
i am considering a high profile defection to qotw there are too many backstabbers and liars bitter liars in talk what can you offer a high profile talker in return for defections

i have much to offer

i am friendly :)

sometimes people want to give me a hifvie and a cuddle and sometimes cake

sometimes i can be mean but often i work things out in the end i don't like leaving on a bad note

you know the adage never go to bed angry with each other i think we could be like that

qotw needs a sidekick pretty much i am that sidekick

i know secrets
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 20:07, 23 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I smell a potential troll here...
I'll be watching you! Seriously, welcome. If you're being serious, that is.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 20:22, Reply)
hey pb hifive
i'll start hanging out in OT with you

so long as you gots my back

no backstabbing

all backnives to be handed into the treachery box
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 20:55, Reply)
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 2:07, Reply)
I hope you don't
release those dodgy looking chipmunks
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 20:30, Reply)
hey man i don't lknow about you but sometimes i likke the chipmunks they are a GUILTY PLEASURE

(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 20:59, Reply)
As far as I can tell
you're welcome as long as you behave and show yourself to exhibit characteristics expected of a normal QOTWer, no slipping back to your old ways now!
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:01, Reply)
are there rules books i should look at
what things will you trade me to know my secrets

my secrets are big secrets not like who darren fancies although that will surprise you

they are secrets that would blow talk apart

they would fetch a high price on baord

here are my demands:
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:04, Reply)
First of all ......
I'd consider changing your profile pic. It made me feel poorly.

Second of all. You need to sort out your problem with a lack of punctuation. They get tetchy on here about that.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:03, Reply)
that dog was a traitor barkin barkin all the time
but i think my positive s outweigh my negatives

i am a good friend but dont think about crossing me

i am moving into off topic gonna get a white picket fence gonna get a smoknig chimney ill be all like howdy neighbour and you will never betray me
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:07, Reply)
Profile pic
Ooh, I feel queasy now...

But welcome anyway.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:07, Reply)
when will i recieve confirmation of acceptance is there a cermony a little one with some kind of gaslight slowdance because i want one
i have secrets

terrible secrets

this stuff is godl
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:10, Reply)
I think we got a live one here.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:09, Reply)
who are the big cheeses of OT the razzledazzle the inset
i mean i guess we're all nice and hifive each other every day sometimes sit back on the porch drink a mint julip

but who really has the chutzpah the posting nous who leads from the front bravely ?
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:13, Reply)
I remember your Benoit story
Hope it's not too raw still.

Everyone drinks cider here. It's the natural way of things.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:09, Reply)
i like cider this is a friendly place :)

(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:14, Reply)
i am sorry if i scare you or you find me stupid

(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 21:54, Reply)
You scare me and I find myself stupid.
Stick around. See anything you like?
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 22:21, Reply)
hey man looks like a good place can see myself fitting in
on top of secrets i can offer pictures of doctors
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 22:28, Reply)
I'm only interested if they're wearing
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 22:38, Reply)
you want one doctor in a mask or a doctor doing operations
i am offering genuine doctor pictures one hundred percent legit doctors and doctors operating man is all good gotta blur out the patients face though they dont sign waivers
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 22:41, Reply)
That's ok
just stick black bars across their eyes so I can still see the mouths.

So that rules out the one in the mask. Or are they both wearing masks?
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 22:56, Reply)
in exchange for top information on the heigher echelons of the posting teir of offtoopic i will ive you a picture of one doctor in an operating mask doing minor surgery
who are your best qotw buddies
(, Sun 28 Dec 2008, 23:42, Reply)
I tell you the following in exchange for the photo
Off Topic doesn't have a hierarchy or upper echelon.

Everyone here is treated equally.

As sickening as it sounds, it works for us.

If you hang out here, your current peers will brand you a fat, useless emo prick and discredit you. Online.

And yeah, it gets a bit fluffy around here, but fuck it. We welcome everyone.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 7:26, Reply)

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