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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I was just reading on another forum that different sports change our bodies (obviously), and I was wondering...
how has your body changed over the years and what's caused it?
*Awaits obvious puberty/sex gags*
( , Fri 2 Jan 2009, 18:53, 22 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Now at the age of twenty five I have streaks of grey hairs throughout.
My mum says it's from smoking but my dad's family was all the same as well, going grey early.
( , Fri 2 Jan 2009, 19:28, Reply)

I started my receeding hairline.
At 26 I started putting on weight.
At 39 I started to lose some of the weight I've put on, but I still have to waitr on getting my hair back!
( , Fri 2 Jan 2009, 19:56, Reply)

to have nice quiet nights in and go to bed at a reasonable hour.
When I was 19 I would have hated me!
( , Fri 2 Jan 2009, 19:57, Reply)

In the last few years my shoulders and biceps have grown - farmwork initially started that off and then rock climbing has just continued to build it all up.
My waist disappeared with twins and now I am just straight up and down - I honestly wish I could say, "Does my bum look big in this?" because I'd love a huge J-Lo arse!
Oh, and of course my standard reply should be that I don't age but my men simply get younger...Although that's not entirely true - current one is 5 years younger, previous one was 10 and the one before that was a paltry 3 years younger.
I don't do older men. They can't keep up.
( , Fri 2 Jan 2009, 20:09, Reply)

The closest I've ever come to a significant physical change (since puberty) was some medication causing me to put on a stone in about 6 weeks although I dropped (most of) it again just as quickly.
My mind has changed an awful lot in the last few years. I'm dead bitter, grumpy and cynical now.
( , Fri 2 Jan 2009, 20:14, Reply)

I lost a shit load of weight, (the hard way), and this coupled with a new friendship of two mad Hartlepool women who led my astray, caused me to have sex with young men at regular intervals. Unfortunately lying on my back a lot and drinking copious amounts of booze caused my new found svelte body to fill out again. Still, it was fun while it lasted.
@Chickenlady. There are some older guys out there that have stamina, along with a few other tricks they have up their sleeves. *grin*
Edit - Don't get me started on gravity. Grrrrrrr!
( , Fri 2 Jan 2009, 20:40, Reply)

and mountain biking have increased the size of my legs and arms, but my slight belly remains :(
( , Fri 2 Jan 2009, 23:14, Reply)

my teeth are a tiny bit flatter than they should be.
( , Fri 2 Jan 2009, 23:40, Reply)

Doesn't that give you headaches? I know when I've clenched my jaws or been grinding my teeth I end up with terrible headaches - not good.
Something for the stress?
The 'good' answer is yoga or meditation, the more realistic answer (but bad) is alcohol...not really good for stress though...
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 1:42, Reply)

( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 5:16, Reply)

When I was in my late teens/early 20s, I had a lovely six-pack...*wistful*
I used to play rugby, go running, and do all manner of fitness type things. Now I'm 37. I tried to go for a run the other week (before flu, and thinking I was still 21), and it was embarrassing...More of a shuffling shamble, with added gasping desperately for breath. The demon tobacco has a lot to answer for there, me thinks!
I shall stick to walking my 2 hell hounds, 3 miles a day is enough for me these days!
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 10:24, Reply)

After about two hundred metres, I was staggering down the road like something out of Shaun of the Dead.
I think I'll stick to walking.
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 11:04, Reply)

5 years of cycling everywhere and 2 years of powerlifting left me with thighs you can crack walnuts on (with a hammer, it's my party piece when I'm REALLY drunk), calves bigger than most peoples' thighs and a grip like a taxman. Decades of Martial Arts left me with good stomach muscles and Rugby gave me mahoosive shoulders and an 18" neck (OK, it's partly titanium scaffolding now, but it used to be flexible).
Unfortunately my love of full-contact marathon drinking has overlaid this Godlike frame with blubber, but trust me, there's a sex machine under there.
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 11:09, Reply)

During secondary school I used to do Taekwondo, and later fencing. As both of these sports are very leg-based, I developed thick strong calves and thighs.
I didn't continue these, or any sports during uni, but managed to retain my strong legs. The cider took it's toll on my belly though!
Then a year after uni I broke my left leg (tib & fib), and was in a cast for 15 weeks. Naturally my once rippling muscles atrophied something horrible, but also, I was being (over)fed by my parents lovely food, my belly expanded as well. Once the cast came off, I began to learn to walk again, and to rebuild the muscles in my left leg. It was horrible. The kicker was that after so long being immobile but well fed, my metabolism was shot, and I found it impossible to lose weight.
It's been 3 years since I broke my leg, my muscles have mostly recovered, I no longer lean to one side when sitting, but I can't run far before my knee starts hurting (cycling's fine though). I'm slowly working off the weight, but seem to put weight on far too easily.
At least I have a cool scar. Chicks dig scars, right?
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 11:12, Reply)

Both my knee joints sound like they have gravel behind them.
The metatarsle in my right foot 'goes' once every six months.
My neck clicks and causes shrieking when it goes awry.
My lower back is fucked.
Basically I'm a rickety old sod ..... Oh yes, and I'm carrying about 3 stone more than 2 years ago.
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 11:18, Reply)

I left high school at 5'3" tall, destined to be a shortarse. At 21, I was 5'7". At my last checkup, aged 30, I was nearly 6'.
I put it down to giantitus. I've got The Gangles even though I'm in my 30s.
I'd like to say diet played a role, but beer only works wonder for girth.
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 17:42, Reply)

When I was 19 I had been training Aikido since I was seven a regular two times a week at minimum. So I went off to university in pretty awesome nick! I had scary thighs for a girl and was pretty toned and fit, life was good. Until I quit any form of exercise at all for my four year degree. Good plan darras! I didnt get fat.. But I lost tone and it saddens me greatly!
So when I moved to Norway I started weight training and cross training or cycling. I cycled 20km a day, five days a week and life was awesome. I had a goal in mind, I wanted a body like Mila Jokovitch :p Damn her eyes...
And then I broke my collar bone, half way through a literally full time-no time for sleep opera production I was working on. So that meant a full three months with no exercise at all, eating bad things at unhappy times of the day. And then christmas happened. I guess I should count myself lucky that at present I am only 4kg heavier than I want to be, but I still have a way to go when it comes to stomach tone! Damnit...
But now is snowboarding season, and being a not beginner yet not great snowboarder I do spend some time struggling to stay upright which does wonders for my abs. And the summer is a good time for mountain hikes. Wish me luck!
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 20:12, Reply)

to learn to stand properly after many years of dance lessons made me stand like Mary Poppins. Thanks mum. She maintains that she was trying to correct my pidgeon toes, but they've reverted back to that now anyway.
Other than that I haven't changed much since my teens, but gravity is going to get the upper hand all too soon.
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 21:51, Reply)
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