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Let's have a Sunday thread,
just in case anyone's about...
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:02, 137 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I'm here for a bit.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:03, Reply)
Blimey Blousey!
That was quick. How ya doing? I haven't been here properly for ages.

Oh, weren't you poorly? Are you better now?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:04, Reply)
just listening to the archers' omnibus on radio 4...
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:04, Reply)
I'm back to being bright eyed and bushy tailed. Yay!

I've been on here a little over the holidays.

Have you had a nice Christmas and New Year?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:08, Reply)
Morning Blair.
How did Mini Blair enjoy Christmas?

Blousey, glad to hear it. I had a lovely time thanks; quiet Christmas and New Year (but great) and have also been entertained by London-based b3tans.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:10, Reply)
Mornin' all
Hope you're all suitably well/hungover/sore/infected* on this cold Sabbath day.
As for me, I'm just kicking back and awaiting the humungous brunch that my youngest is cooking for us all. I have a mug of tea and a very smug expression.
Sunday mornings rock!

*delete as applicable
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:19, Reply)
Lets face it.....
London based B3tans are an entertaining lot.

I'm off to the USA in two weeks and then the weekend after I get back it's the York bash so I've got a fun packed January to look forward to.

I'm now off for some fun packed ironing.

(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:20, Reply)
Im here.
Looking for gainful employment on the internet.... Well, a job of some sort anyway
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:23, Reply)
Morning Fredz and Placid.
Aah, employment. I'm employed already, but I might well have a trawl around to see what's out there, too.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:25, Reply)
But jobs are very boring. Only thing more boring than working is looking for work!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:28, Reply)
If it wasn't for wasting the day away on enjoying b3ta, I think I would be unable to cope.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:44, Reply)
Though also with the entire facebook thing for me, and occasional funny pictures of cats as well. Oh, and wasting the day lookin on websites while you're supposed to be workin aint wasting the day, it's sticking it to the man! (Or at least that's what I tell myself to preserve my sanity/dignity)
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 11:48, Reply)
I wish I hadn't had as much fun as I've had with superb people over the past two weeks. It's ruined me.

*prepares for bout of depression*

I might get rid of all my friends so that I won't be sad when I'm not with them.

/special logic
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 13:37, Reply)
We're a couple of miseries!
But it is good to know I'm not the only one who gets like that :)

What injury? Were you doing something naughty with Tourette's?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 13:55, Reply)
Afternoon All
Hope everyone had a good new year!

Everyone getting back to some semblance of normality now?

Lusty's up for a visit and has requested a boobie squeeze from clenders and ancrenne!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 13:59, Reply)
Her wish is my command!
*grabs Lusty*
*gives her a New Year Boob Squeeze Deluxe*

And Beekers, you get a *rubs tummy*
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:03, Reply)
@ clenders
Ooh, a tummy rub!

For that, my dear, you can have a *flex*

Sorry to hear about your phantom trip, ancrenne! *hugs*

And I shall pass on the lady love!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:07, Reply)
How are you lady ancrenne? Hope the knee isn't gipping too much.

We have a house of recrimination today. SJ had 3 mates over last night for a sleepover. To put it mildy, he's not having another one for a very, very long time.

Kids, eh? Who'd 'ave 'em?

*Rolls eyes*

*Puffs out cheeks*

(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:11, Reply)
Hey DG
Did it get a bit messy then?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:13, Reply)
Not messy as such
Just really bloody disrespectful. There's bits of torn jeans all over the dining room floor, sugar all over the kitchen bench this morning, smashed demo XBox discs all over the path outside. Oh, and a neighbour nearly called the police as they were out in the car park setting fire to stuff, with leaking petrol all around. I kind of wish he had called them tbh.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:16, Reply)
Fucking Hell!
Sounds like a party I had when my folks were away when I was sixteen.

Vomit in the bin, piss on the kitchen floor, toilet seat broken, beer all over the place. I never had another one without the folks there.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:18, Reply)
*waves at everyone*
*licks ancrenne's knee*

*licks faces all round*

*wags tail*

damn right SJ has been on clean up duty.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:20, Reply)
*rolls over for belly rub*

I is missing you petal. We are back to chaos, with no schedules/plans/organisation :(

I am cooking tonight's dinner though - COQ au vin in the slow cooker ;o) x
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:24, Reply)
Hey Tourettes

As long as he's suitably ashamed!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:24, Reply)
I'm the only person in the entire world who hasn't met Tourette's yet.

*gently prods Ancrenne's knee with a fix-it stick*
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:25, Reply)
sugar ffs
they were making COCKtails with cider, coffee, ketchup & cheese.....

(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:25, Reply)
Mmmm, food!
I've got two thirds of the moussaka left that I made yesterday.

It is all of the nom:)
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:28, Reply)
Coq au vin
is full of win. It smells good already.

However we also need to fit in a trip up the street to get some vegetables for this evening.

Oh, and look at wedding rings :)

EDIT: ancrenne, we had a long chat about this earlier. Basically, he has no respect for the home he lives in because all he does is sit on his arse expecting people to clean up around him.

So this evening he's getting a lesson in dishwashing 101. Hopefully if he starts to realise what an utter cunting chore it is keeping the place half decent he might think twice about leaving shit all over the place.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:31, Reply)
Too right it will be
But a lesson worth learning methinks. I was washing dishes and making cups of tea when I was 9. Didn't do me any harm.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:40, Reply)
I'm off now I think. Still got a fair whack to do.

(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:42, Reply)
I use Photobucket...
so I am of no use to you.

*is sent away in disgrace*
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 14:55, Reply)
Nice to see a HSH thread.

I start school tomorrow. I really am a bit frightened.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 15:04, Reply)
Mrs Bin...
It's usually the anticipation that's worse, so let's hope that's true in this case.

Hope it goes OK!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 15:06, Reply)
Mrs Bin
I'm sure Clenders is right. Once you're there and have made a start it'll be fine & dandy :o)
Good luck! x
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 16:07, Reply)
I think I'll be OK
It's a PD day (Baker day if you're old like me) tomorrow so no children.
The wee shites start on Tuesday.
I've had lots of advice, most of which is 'don't smile'.
It's going to be hard.

I covered a year 2 class there a while ago.
One of the TA's was talking to one of the children from the class.
The child said : "We didn't have Mr McKeon this morning, we had a girl instead"
"Well" said the TA "that's Mrs Bin, she's going to be teaching year 5. Did you like her?"
"Yes, but she was very strict!"

(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 16:43, Reply)
Afternoon all!
I'm on my way back to civilisation after a weekend in the land of flat caps and rickets.

It was lots of fun though, even if I am now slightly sloshy due to all the tea I've consumed.

Hope all are well :)
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 16:47, Reply)
Today I have been mostly eating and drinking red things.
Red onion slices and tomatoes on my sandwich
Goji berries in my cereal

And I will shortly be starting on the red wine and cooked prawns which are slightly pink so can count on this list.

Thank you.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 16:52, Reply)
Hmmmmm gravy!
I don't think it goes well with prawns though : (
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:02, Reply)
Good evening b3ta
It feels like it's been a while...
I'm back from my London adventures, so on the plus side, I've got the internet back. On the downside, I start back at work tomorrow :|

I hope you've all had good Christmassssesss and New Yearseses.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:24, Reply)
Kaol, good to see you back
I'm watching the darts.

I have to admit it's mainly because I like laughing at the prols.

You've got to love Bobby George though.

(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:35, Reply)
I'm not allowed to play darts.
Not after what happened that time...

So, yep, I've got work tomorrow. But As I've been off for two weeks I've defaulted to my Sleep-from-7am-to-4pm pattern. Which is a bit of a pain. And I've gotta get up at half seven tomorrow.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:39, Reply)
We have both defaulted to the
sleep from 2am to 10am pattern.
Today we have alarms set for 7:00 just to prove that we could wake up at that time. We then planned to get up and go for a walk.
So they went off and we woke up.
Realised that yes we could wake up at that time and went back to sleep.

Oh well, only 6 weeks and then another week off.

You really should watch the darts, it's the funniest thing on the telly!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:44, Reply)
Like I said, I CAN be awake at seven. But it's because I haven't gone to bed...
I don't think I've ever read so many books and watched so many DVDs in such a short space of time.

I could watch the darts, but... I've got more than a week of internet to catch up on!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:48, Reply)
'lo Kaol, Mrs bin
I also have to go back to work tomorrrow, after a whole 15 days off.

And my sleep pattern has defaulted to 02:30 - 11:30, which is a bit of a twat.

Apart from New Year's day, which saw a relatively early rise in order to take ancrenne up to Edinburgh, followed by a 02:30 bed time.

Still, it was all of the win and much fun was had by all :)
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:49, Reply)
Sounds good :)
I had Christmas with family, then saw a few friends on my Birthday, and spent New Year's Eve with 700,000 people in front of the London Eye :D
The Fireworks were well worth the cold.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:51, Reply)
Ah yes
We watched them on the telly whilst Tourette's attempted to patch up the massive hole in ancrenne's knee...

They were spectacular, but on balance I think I preferred getting spectacularly moolaad in Edinburgh. You should go some time.

Oh, hang on...

(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:54, Reply)
I shall be going, indeed :)

Oh, and in other, Shock News... I've quit drinking.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:55, Reply)
I didn't quite catch that...

EDIT I got the days mixed up - the hole-patching was the day after. We watched them as we quaffed champagne, injury-free.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:57, Reply)
In response
to your sig DG, I think that Matt Smith is an interesting choice.

When he first popped up on the screen my first thought was, he's only a boy and what has happened to his face!
But on seeing him speak I think he could pull it off.

I really feel for him.
He must have sat there yesterday knowing that after 6 o'clock that night his life was going to change beyond all recognition.


Kaol - quit the drink. Well done sir.
I stopped drinking about 2 years ago. Although I will have the occasional pint or glass of wine, I've not got drunk.
And I feel much better for it.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:58, Reply)
Well... I'm not sure why.
Well, I am.
But it's a "good idea".
For a while, anyway.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:58, Reply)
Mrs bin
I sometimes venture onto some fan boards, and I have to say the amount of vitriol being spewed about him is quite shocking. But then, people were hostile to DT at first, and of course, he turned out to be really crap didn't he?

Yeah, he's young, but there's something about him that I think will pull it off. He has that young-old look about him, which could be interesting. Give the bloody guy a chance. Bsides, it's a year and a bit before he'll be on screen, by which time he'll be 27...

Kaol - I'm also going on the wagon. Through the week anyway.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:02, Reply)
My sleep pattern has been sent to constant.
*dreads tomorrow*
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:05, Reply)
*hands clendrix ruby slippers*
Repeat after me: "There's no place like home..."

Right, I'm off to tackle the warzone that is the kitchen. Laters!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:08, Reply)
Hello Ms. C!
I think I'd gladly trade the internet for regular coffees with you :p
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:10, Reply)
so when it starts
He'll only be the same age as Peter Davison was then.

I told Mr Bin that I 'would' and he thinks I'm a bit wrong in the head.

The problem with the fans who post on the fans sites, is that they are the kind of people who post on fan sites.

*edit* thought I'd better check, sorry Davison was 30.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:10, Reply)
Oh Mr K. What a wonderful time I've had.
Can they be those fucking awesome coffees? Coffees just like us?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:14, Reply)
Fucking awesome coffees :D

*liver twitches*

I should've gone for one of 'em today.
Instead I was hoovering.
And now I'm in the coldest house ever.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:16, Reply)
Is it colder than our cinematic experience?

BTW, I will postpone my musical purchase until you are free to meet with me again (say...March? Or are you too busy?).
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:17, Reply)
Oh no Kaol
I am in the coldest house ever.
I have no real heating!

Every year I forget what a pain in arse it is!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:17, Reply)
Ms. C, I'm sure we'll work out a date soon enough :p
But, yes, it's colder than the cinema here!

Mrs. Bin, The house has no heating, and it's been empty for over a week!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:28, Reply)
You win then.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:29, Reply)
*is cast aside like old shoe*
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:30, Reply)
*rolls eyes*
I see you've been dosing the little-people with Ket... :p
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:35, Reply)
The Reader
Hello all

COMPLETELY o/t, but if an opportunity to go see The Reader presents itself ... please, do. It's tremendous.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:37, Reply)
Don't you roll your eyes at me!
I have special needs priviledges, remember?

The little people are all running around having fun (until I shoot them in the head).

Cheers Edmund. I was considering watching that one.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:37, Reply)
Have you been watching In Bruges? Or do you just like giving drugs to little people? I thought ket might be a bit much for a midget. Would shetland pony tranquilliser not be more apt?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:44, Reply)
I have indeed. Or at least, I tried to but
a) it was bloody freezing and
b) the person I was watching with was prone to hysteria

Perhaps just a couple of asprin and a litre of cola would do the trick.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:50, Reply)
It was fantastic!
I can't help it, midgets are my comedy weakness.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:53, Reply)
Evening all
I'm back from work with a ton of charcoal under my nails thanks to a dog who ate some rat poison and needed charcoaled food to help his stomach. Methinks a shower is in order soon as it's never coming off otherwise.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:54, Reply)
you started laughing while we were still in HMV buying the DVD!

Becky, really? You haven't been down those bloody mines again, have you?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 18:58, Reply)
You'd think it to look at me
as I got a lovely big dollop of it up my arm where she licked me. Didn't notice til I was on the tube and it fell out of my sleeve!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:00, Reply)
That's a valid point Clendrix...
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:00, Reply)
I must be a philistine.
I'm drinking a £7 bottle of my favourite wine, Valpolicelli and don't care for it as much as my usual £4 bottle of Valpolicelli.

@Kaol. Giving up the drink, even if only for a short time is a very good idea. I thoroughly recommend it. Good luck!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:02, Reply)
I gave up for a year once!
Although now that I've stopped drinking, I'm smoking more.

I'm sure it'll balance itself out!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:03, Reply)
Swings and roundabouts Kaol.
A little bit of self denial is good for the soul.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:08, Reply)
Yes, that's right.
Kaol is all about balance.
*shrieks with laughter*

Blousey, it's because you're not swigging it from the bottle this time.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:09, Reply)
*rolls eyes*

Of course, why didn't I think of that.


Ahhhhh! much better : )
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:11, Reply)
In Moscow some years ago I ordered a bottle of wine in a restaurant that was the cheapest non-Russian red on the menu ... it was £60 and they told me I couldn't have it as they'd run out, but that they'd give me a £125 bottle instead.

Wish I could empathise with you on the tasting not as good but it tasted like the nectar-full sweat of the Gods!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:12, Reply)
I know and I was expecting it to taste lovely but it just doesn't compare with my usual £4 bottle. I'm not a wine expert but when I find something I like I stick to it. I thought I'd splash out on a better quality wine this time but have been disappointed.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:19, Reply)
I insist on low-quality everything...
food, drink, friends, internet sites...
I exist in a bubble of anticpated disappointment.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:23, Reply)
Sorry to hear that with the wine ... :(

Oh, and @all

Happy New Year from Edmund towers :)
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:23, Reply)
You've stolen my philosophy!
"Expect the worst, and anything better is a bonus."
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:24, Reply)
I'm sharing it with you.
Sharing. It's nice. Try it.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:26, Reply)
Sharing is why I'll never get married. Damn people, trying to get my stuff.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:29, Reply)
You want your own stuff?
You should have got here first.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:33, Reply)
I've gotta go pick up Chinese food :D

(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:35, Reply)
MM: Hi there MM, how long have you not have a fag for?
MM:Oh hi, haven't had a fag since last night when I gave up smoking
MM: well done, how's it going?

MM: Going well then.
MM: yup.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:53, Reply)

(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:54, Reply)
Hello MM
Something you want to tell us then?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 19:56, Reply)
So watching the darts as I was I was amused to notice that there was woman holding up a sign saying 'who is Matt Smith?.

Evening MM, how is the not smoking going?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:11, Reply)
Congrats MM
It's my last night tonight. May be a gibbering wreck when I see you Tuesday!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:15, Reply)
Hello all.
I just did cooking. And then I didn't have a cigarette. How are we all?

bex, I have inhalers and gum. We can stand outside and chew pointedly.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:22, Reply)
Or we could do the same indoors
as we won't have to be outside :) I'm going back on the patches, just need to remember to put one on each morning.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:28, Reply)
I'm trying to break the habit
and then wean off the nicotine.

10 years, 8 of which were 30 a day. This has been the first day since I was 11 I haven't had a fag.

Need to put some potatoes on, back in 5
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:33, Reply)
30 a day
where did you find the time, let alone the money?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:36, Reply)
I've been working since I were a nipper mrs bin
And my parents never got home til about 9, only child etc.

I thought I was cool. Those were the days....
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:39, Reply)
A latch key child as we used to say.

But what about when you were older? I reckon that's about 2 and a half hours a day smoking!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:42, Reply)
I was a fairly cocked up human being for a while.
I wasn't at home much and squats don't tend to mind you smoking in them.

But I am being HEALTHY now.

How were your festivities?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:46, Reply)
was fine. Spent it at mother-in-laws with Mr Bin's sisters who can't stop breeding.

Don't do New Year, so that was it for me.

How were yours?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:48, Reply)
Evening All!
Everyone esle havinbg a go at quitting too?

I'm intending to start tomorrow morning:S
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 20:51, Reply)
Well that wine may not as be as tasty as my usual but it's hit the spot.

@Beekers, how are you my old pal, chum, friend, mukka?

Edit - Giving up things is good. I shall give up being a boring cunt this year.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 21:00, Reply)
Actually a fairly pleasant one all round
Family was fun and amiable, new year was fun and not a disappointment as it is most years.

My cooking needs my attendance for a little while but will be back less intermittently later.

Oi oi BK x
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 21:02, Reply)
Hey Miss Blouse
I'm not too bad. Having my first day off the booze since the 20th of last month.

All ready to go back to work tomorrow but it's going to be hectic!

Hope you had a lovely festive period:)

Hey MM!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 21:03, Reply)
I just want to get the first week back at work over with and then I can relax.


Hence the bottle of vino. I need knocking out for tonight.

Right I'm off. See you all tomorrow.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 21:12, Reply)
@ Blouse
Usually my way of knocking myself out too.

Catch you later!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 21:14, Reply)
Nice thread-killing :p
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:07, Reply)
Someone is still there

Do Not Want!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:09, Reply)
Bring on tomorrow!
Wanna get it over with!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:10, Reply)
I've had Chinese food, and a long chat with my Dad.

Now it's iPlayer and no alcohol time.
I need a smoke.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:12, Reply)
You have a point
And I starting to get a little bored.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:13, Reply)
Hurrah for ace and funny dads.

I fink I'm gonna turn my computer off and read my book.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:14, Reply)
Clendrix fancies my Dad :(
That makes me feel far too young.

I think work tomorrow will involve coffee, b3ta and stealth-napping.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:16, Reply)
Where on earth did you get that idea?
He's bloody lovely, but hey...
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:16, Reply)

You know I'm joking!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:18, Reply)
*runs away*
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:18, Reply)
What HAVE I stumbled back into..?
*runs away*
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:40, Reply)
Nah, come back!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:42, Reply)
*runs back*

*runs away again for a smoke*
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:44, Reply)
I need another smoke.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 22:46, Reply)
I'm gonna have to hit the sack. Back at work tomorrow. Arsebiscuits.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 23:00, Reply)
Yeah... Work tomorrow for me too...
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 23:02, Reply)
One more ouzo couldn't do any harm...

Could it?
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 23:12, Reply)
Nah, it'd be fine...
I think... :|
Hmm... Time to smoke again, then off to bed.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 23:16, Reply)
think I'll be sensible for once in my misbegotten life.

Bed for me too. Night!
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 23:17, Reply)
Oh, I don't think it would hurt.
Although I have to work tomorrow. Which is a bugger as it will in all likelihood be the busiest day of the year. Ah well. Still, I just got back from visiting my Dad down Norfolk way, and today we visited Blickling Hall, where we found this little oddity...

I would suggest clicking on the picture to get a better view.
(, Sun 4 Jan 2009, 23:27, Reply)

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