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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Ok I admit it.
I eat bits of food I find dropped down my cleavage after dinner.

What do you own up to?
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:34, 15 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Me? Very little.
However, others seem to own up to a lot of odd things... www.myuntoldsecrets.com/
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:50, Reply)
I eat them during dinner!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:55, Reply)
^well that's depressing Loon.
Apart from the guy who sings show tunes in a tutu.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:56, Reply)
Is it?
Haven't been there in ages- I've got it bookmarked, but keep forgetting about it.

...and yes, having just looked, you're right, it is.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:58, Reply)
Reminds me
of post secrets.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:22, Reply)
I have a chocolate bar in my bag
Its been there since September.

Im saving it for when Im truely desperate.
Or until it expires
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:28, Reply)
My mum thinks I'm crazy because I can keep a bar of chocolate for weeks or months without touching it.
Cheese can go in a matter of minutes though.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:32, Reply)
Especially if you drop half of it down your cleft :)
Edit: I own up to wishing it were socially acceptable for men to wear skirts.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:37, Reply)
I watch people in starbucks
wait for them to leave, and then finish whatever food they haven't eaten before it gets cleared.

I also blow my nose into my fingers if I *really* need to and haven't got any tissue.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 22:07, Reply)
Where's JMG when you need him?
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 22:37, Reply)
You horrendously ugly nerds!

(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 22:44, Reply)
Ooh postsecret
I love "I judge people who can't spell. Especially on their postsecret."
(, Tue 6 Jan 2009, 0:10, Reply)
If you scroll back far enough, yes I'm there feeding a deer a peanut to keep her from sticking her nose into my glass of scotch.

Other than that, no.
(, Tue 6 Jan 2009, 0:25, Reply)
"I eat bits of food I find dropped down my cleavage after dinner."

I do that too.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2009, 0:56, Reply)

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