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It's Saturday morning
Have some nostalgia.

Coffee and croissants are optional.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 9:05, 47 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Pa pom, pa pom
pa PAAA pa pom
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 9:41, Reply)
are you grandfather flump
in disguise?
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 9:49, Reply)
Ning you lot

It's chuffing cold in my house. Snuggled under the duvet on the sofa with kiddo. Saturdays rock!
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 9:53, Reply)
lo no3l
that sounds like a lovely saturday morning.

I'm at work, and duvet snuggling is prohibited.


your flumps reminded me of chubby bunnies!
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 10:00, Reply)
Morning miss. Not spoken to you for ages! :)

I enjoyed your QOTW post. Gotta love the *actions*

I'll have to catch up with you later - going to make use of my christmas present of some clippers and *gasp* shave my beard off.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 10:07, Reply)
nooooo! not the beard!
it has been a while, hasn't it.

erm, happy shaving!
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 10:12, Reply)
Oh, it's Pootle!
*huggles tulip*

How are you, my dear?
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 10:32, Reply)

I'm rather sleepy this morning.

How are you?
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 10:37, Reply)
*enjoys pouncing*
Oh look; I appear to have fallen over with Tulip on top of me. How awful!

*lies at awfulness*

I too am sleepy, and a bit hungover, and feeling slightly sheepish.

I have however, clocked up 132 hours without a cigarette. My lungs feel like I've had about 40 last night though. *splutter*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 10:46, Reply)
*wriggles free*
*runs off to get coffee*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 10:51, Reply)
Aw, she's gone!
*feels foolish lying on ground*

*stands up*

*dusts self off*

*decides that could sound like a euphemism for wanking*

*giggles to self*

*dusts self off*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:02, Reply)
*returns with coffee*

*sees BK dusting himself off*

*averts eyes*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:11, Reply)
*realises has been spotted*

*carries on*

*winks at tulip*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:13, Reply)
*fetches tissues*

*holds out at arms length*

*eyes still averted*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:15, Reply)
Oh, thank you!
*cleans up*

*suddenly feels embarrassed*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:22, Reply)
wanking off on a thread with pootle on it.

here, have 10p. go and buy some shame, and hang your head in it.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:30, Reply)
I was dusting myself off! Subtle difference.

*can't think what that would be*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:33, Reply)
Is shame like a bucket?
Or maybe a wooly hat.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:34, Reply)
*knits hat of shame*
*plonks on BK's head*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:41, Reply)
Ooh, I feel rather like a voyeur now...
Does anyone know where I can get one?
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:47, Reply)
*wears hat with pride*
*and a cravat*

*defeats purpose of a hat of shame*
*moves hat so is at jaunty angle*
*considers monocle*

*has image of wanking while wearing a cravat snd a monocle*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:50, Reply)
Morning all
I've been up since 6.45!

I've also just noticed that I've had a letter published in the Guardian!
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:50, Reply)
oh no
now I have an image of you wanking whilst wearing a cravat and monocle

*is disturbed*

edit @ Mrs Bin - oooOOOOOOOO!! go you! I'm afraid you'll have to tell me what it says though, I read The Daily Telegraph

*pinches hat of shame from BK*

(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:55, Reply)
Hey Mrs L!
What was the letter about?
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:56, Reply)
It was in the money section
about whether to haggle in shops.

I won the prize letter and should get £25 of book tokens!
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:58, Reply)
@ Tulip
Yes dear, it's Daily Telegraph porn!

I get my servant to catch my emissions in a velvet handkerchief:)

@ Mrs L
That's cool.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 12:01, Reply)
I was up at 6
It was that or my cat was seriously considering how I'd taste.

And then she doesn't like the current food so I couldn't even go back to sleep. I managed to resist until about 9 then I went down the shops.

Of course now I can't go back to sleep.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 12:02, Reply)
Mr Bin
Has been published in the Independent!
But he didn't win a prize.

Off back out now for lunch, seeing as how I had breakfast so early. (a friend needed a life to the station for 8 o'clock FFS)
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 12:03, Reply)
I'm off too
Lunch at t'pub, followed by t'footie.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 12:17, Reply)
are you all eating lunch?
it's making me hungry!
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 12:35, Reply)
Just nipped in to say thank you Tulip.
I now have the bleedin Flumps theme tune rattling around my head.

*nips out again*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 12:35, Reply)
at least it wasn't Jamie and The Magic Torch
sorry blousie!
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 12:43, Reply)
*dons threadkiller hat*

*dons monocle*

*dons cravat*

*"dusts off self"*
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 13:25, Reply)
What are you doing?

*enjoys telegraph porn*

(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 13:34, Reply)
not doing nothing!

(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 13:35, Reply)
Well that's this afternoon sorted.
Having just walked four miles to Tesco and back, kiddo and I will be making pepperoni pizza (including bases from scratch) and iced carrot cake. And playing Uno. And watching too much My Name is Earl :)

Happy days!
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 14:08, Reply)
Sounds good No3l
I just got back from watching the Baggies lose - AGAIN.

Should have had a penalty in injury time but that would have required us not to be the unluckiest bastards around.

EDIT: Am also a little tipsy now. Lunchtime drinking is always a bit strange.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 14:45, Reply)
I've got cider sitting outside the front door, chillin'. Best wait til after we've cooked though :)
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 15:02, Reply)
barges in with an uninvited observation ( as you do)
has anyone noticed that many b3ta `s are cider drinkers? I had a few responses to something said about cider, just wish I could remember.....

transcendental inebriation?
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 15:25, Reply)
I've noticed that before
but no idea why that'd be the case :)
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 15:28, Reply)
who are you again?
I`m sure that i`ve seen you post beore but I can`t remember where? was it today, my keynoard is mispling all i`s doing hic

have already said that james may and oz thing should be in search of SCRUMPY and james buys the wheelbarrow!
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 15:48, Reply)
I'm me. Who're you?
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 16:11, Reply)
And more importantly
Who am I?
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 17:24, Reply)
I am 1731 years old.
I cannot die until the Devil forgives me.

Still haven't figured out how to get that to happen.*

*Still, no rush.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 21:45, Reply)
You are
Maxentius AICMFP
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 22:32, Reply)
"His body was found the next day and paraded through the city"
Pfft. In those days, you just hacked a corpse up a bit and everybody said Hooray if they knew what was good for them.

And being on the side of the guy with the losing army was not good for them. An excellent time to swap insignia with a decarch and have it away on my toes.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 23:03, Reply)
Also, Italian archaeologists = thieving bastards
You turn up and say, "that's my vase, that" and they won't have it.
(, Sat 10 Jan 2009, 23:04, Reply)

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