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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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You know how everyone has a certain sound or feeling that goes right through them, eg. nails on a blackboard, forks on a plate, that kind of thing?
Can anyone explain why thinking of those kind of things sends that little shiver through you?
...or is that just me?
Lately I've found that I've inadvertantly used Pavlov's conditioning on myself by thinking of these things when I go past a certain station on my way home, it's driving me mad!!
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:20, 42 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

For me it's the sound of sanding.
Dry things rubbing together. Scraping.
Makes me go cold and my skin crawls.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:27, Reply)

Dry, cracked, old pensioners hands rubbing on crimplene.
**Shudder and BOWK!**
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:30, Reply)

it's violins. I can think of a few notable exceptions, but generally violins make me shudder. And make me cross.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:32, Reply)

like the underside of doormats or the inside of cheap camping mattresses.
I feel horrible now just having typed that.
Have no idea why just thinking about them makes that happen though.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:33, Reply)

My worst one is when you've shampooed your hair or done the washing up, wet crinkled fingers rubbing together!
*cringes and shudders*
And anything scrapey on sheet metal, like those foil art kits you can get in craft stores where you use a sharp pointy tool to scrape the top layer off to create a metallic picture. WHY?! Who would want to do that?!?!
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:34, Reply)

Its the sound of metal on metal, like knife sharpeners or cutlery on pots and pans
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:36, Reply)

as the fact that hearing those sounds makes me feel what it's like to scrape things, and that is horrible.
other than actual fingers down a blackboard, the sound of someone with little skill on the guitar playing Today by the Smashing Pumpkins.
It drives me nuts.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:36, Reply)

Things that are the wrong size.
this: cache.daylife.com/imageserve/09BV2z61sW7JX/340x.jpg
freaks me the fuck out.
(It's just a picture of someone holding a giant tennis ball, I promise)
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:40, Reply)

Is actually one of my favourite sounds.
I don't mean that in a "Lol, stabbing peeepll!" way.
There's just something really satisfying about it.
The little ringing sound after the scraping... *smiles*
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:42, Reply)

I know what you mean.
like the drawing of a sword. makes a fine noise.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:44, Reply)

For this reason I can never buy new electronics.
*throws more coal into computer boiler*
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:46, Reply)

of empty Strepsil packets, if you pop the lozenge out of two adjacent holder thingies and fold it over, you can push them together to make a slight popping sound, kind of like bubble wrap but less poppy and more clicky.
In that vein, I love pressing the lids of jars that have that little button that says "do not purchase if button is depressed".
I should carry around a little Strepsil clicker as an antedote to horrible scrapey thoughts.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:51, Reply)

they should get themselves some counselling, and some mood stabilisers.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:55, Reply)

Pickle-jar-lid-clickers are awesome.
As are pickles.
I think I'm easily amused by simple things.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:58, Reply)

I hate squeaky teeth. My teeth squeak when they've just been cleaned and I hate it!
Likewise, biting wool. ARGGGHHHHHHH
Teeth. On. Wool. The stuff of nightmares.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:58, Reply)

One of my friends gets very agitated at the thought of grinding your teeth on cotton wool. I can't ever think of a reason cotton wool would be in your mouth, except at the denist or if you've been bound and gagged. In either case, I think the cotton wool squeaking is the least of your problems at that point.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:00, Reply)

Why did you have to remind me?
At the dentists:
"Kaol, could you please bite down on this cotton wool?"
"Yes, all the way down."
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:00, Reply)

is enough to set one of my mates off.
quite amusing :-)
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:02, Reply)

It's horrid when you don't peel a Kit-Kat properly.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:10, Reply)

any noise they make brings me out in sweats and histrionic acts of violence
Crying is the worst, but even horrible burbling and laughing, oh god that baby laughing rphone ringtone, its like a knife in the ears every time.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:14, Reply)

The only good baby noise is the one just after the knife-sharpening one.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:16, Reply)

I thought I was the only one who felt that way about babies' cooing and gurgling and all the things that make most women go all melty and irritating.
I hate when people bring their spawn into the office when they're supposed to be on sillybitch/maternity leave.
One of my favourite Simpsons quotes is when Moes says "aww, the sound of children's laughter....it cuts through me like a knife!"
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:19, Reply)

decided it would be immensly funny to ram a fucking dribbling pile of her fucking dna into my face while I was eating the other evening.
not impressed.
not impressed at all.
There is a fork dent in the lounge door
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:25, Reply)

Get out of my head :(
We had someone come in today with her stupid fuckin' baby.
She's on maternity leave.
I wish she'd stay away.
They stink as well. Filthy little incontinent bastards.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:26, Reply)

bet I can guess who!
If I was interested in the little sacks of shit I would have one of my own, and then still wouldn't need to look at yours.
now do fuck off, thankyou!
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:31, Reply)

im sure fake burberry and kappa will dominate the next 15 years.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:33, Reply)

thats two out and another on the way in what 3 years?
Fucking breeder
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:35, Reply)

When the girls at work were talking about Downs syndrome and birth defects and what you have to deal with if they baby is born with any of those things and I said "I wish there was some kind of test where you could play dance music during the ultrasound and if it's raving, abort it straightaway".
I'd have a Downs kid over a chav any day. Same thing though really.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:39, Reply)

I think there's one out, one on the way :|
Not three.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:39, Reply)

was the latest not the second? she popped a couple of months ago
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:40, Reply)

Stupid babies, all look the same.
I don't even know any more.
Kitty, I like the idea of a rave-abort-test.
Ten points.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:41, Reply)

is not hating babies an abomination onto womanhood?
Good skills!
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:43, Reply)

Although I do have a slight defence, babies are acceptable only if the following two criteria are met:
1. It must be asleep
2. It must be wearing one of those baby-gro things that is designed to look like an animal. It is very important that the hood bit of this has ears. It does not count if there are no ears.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:48, Reply)

You're not letting the side down!
You're the same age as me. Got years to come around to the idea of wanting kids.
Or deciding that they should be banned.
I'm gonna roll with option two.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:58, Reply)

should be hermetically sealed away until they are 18, and then slowly drip fed into society.
im with banned, its certainly the more environmentally friendly solutions.
Die a barren old harriden and save the planet :)
hahaha edit: this requires one ogf halfys "smooth, very smooth" moments by pointing out I meant women in General, and not Kitty of course.
fonz thumbs.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 17:08, Reply)

Of 5 and 7.
They're acceptable. They understand what you're saying to them, you understand what they're saying to you.
Outside of those parameters is frankly a blur to me.
Never wanted, don't wish I had but somewhere in the world is my 19 year old daughter. Mistake!
She'll be OK. Last time I saw her (she was three) she had her Mum's looks and my brains.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 19:35, Reply)
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