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Given the choice
would you rather have a giant penis for an arm, or a hand equipped with 5 penises?
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 13:55, 32 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Surely the 5 penis trick would be the best
As, if modern culture has taught me anything, this would attract anime girls into your lair to be rather unfortunately abused.

Also, if you had the giant penis arm you'd have to throw away one of every pair of gloves which would be such a waste of money and gloves.
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:02, Reply)
one of the penisesisieses be opposable for rudimentary grasping still?
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:05, Reply)
I assumed it would be
I will check with the originator

update: they would be positioned as your existing hand...perhaps your ball sack would be on the inside of your wrist.
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:06, Reply)
But even if it were opposable
it would only be useful if the owner of said appendage was aroused, otherwise it would be like trying to pick up coins with two water balloons, albeit elongated ones.
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:09, Reply)
a good point
but let's face it, no guy with 5 penises for a hand is going to have trouble getting aroused!
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:10, Reply)
When he peed
it would be like a sprinkler.

And that also begs the question, does he have ten balls in the palm of his hand?
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:13, Reply)
Would you have an enhanced circulatory system?
Or would you pass out from 6 simultaneous erections?
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:14, Reply)
but can it be milked

standard /board response
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:15, Reply)
I was just thinking
Who has 6 fingers?! Then the penny dropped.

I be an retardeds.
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:15, Reply)
5 penises of course
Go Spidey Go!

(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:16, Reply)
Oh Kitty...
*shakes head*
Silly Northerner :p
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:20, Reply)
goog god
think of the money shot

@Kitty that made me snort my lemsip everywhere
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:20, Reply)
If I had a pound for every time I have asked myself that question!
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:23, Reply)
One question though.
If I had the five penis option, at the point of ejaculation would all five go off at once?

That would be nice.
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:25, Reply)
I can't help being all naive and innocent. As well as retarded.

And I'm a Southerner, Kaol, so that either explains things or is an anomaly depending on whether or not you're northern.
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:27, Reply)
I'm not Northern, at all.
I was kinda taking the piss, what with you living in "horrible Blackburn"...
Think I failed that one.
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:35, Reply)
Why is everyone on QOTWOT
So obsessed with teh cock?
Plus it's obvious that the five penis option is the only logical choice. With the arm one you would give a Nazi salute to every pretty girl you saw, and what would you do with it? Rape an elephant?
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:39, Reply)
An elephant, eh?

I was thinking "Drainpipe-filled-with-offal", but you've shown me a better way, thank you.
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:41, Reply)
sounds like cockrot.
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:42, Reply)
I love you and hate you in equal measure
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:52, Reply)
Oh, ok...
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 14:59, Reply)
that would make you indifferent, no?
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 15:05, Reply)
just the level of apathy I was after
well done!

Kitty: it's not all at the same time
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 15:05, Reply)
So it's like a lilting oscillation?
Or a permanent tug of war in your heart?
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 15:09, Reply)
the tug of war metaphor is apt

(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 15:14, Reply)
Ok then.

I'll never forget you though.
You have lips like a Summer breeze*.

*I may have been too drunk to remember that
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 15:25, Reply)
I don't believe you were too drunk
because I do have lips like a Summer Breeze!
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 15:31, Reply)
Lucky guess?

Oh bollocks... My secret's out :(
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 15:36, Reply)
Five cocks.
Just so I could say my condoms fit me like a glove.
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 15:50, Reply)
Kitty's miscount
is not quite so embarrassing if you consider a girl with a hand equipped with 5 penises.

Christ, with that arrangement you'd never get anything done, would you?
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 16:47, Reply)
I keep telling you, don't drink the fabric conditioner. You'll go mad.

(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 18:33, Reply)
a penis with five fingers
so it could wank itself

i realise this was not an option, but it's the biological mutation i would prefer
(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 20:17, Reply)

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