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What the shuddering fuck?

this should really be in a take a break style mag, surely?

question - what is your favourite bathroom utensil? my parents have a metal bog roll holder* in the shape of a devil, I've asked for it to a named item to be left to me in their wills.

*the holder, not the bog roll, is metal, pedants.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:26, 52 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
I was born in the hospital that woman died in
Does the bathroom cabinet count? That's where the Calpol is. If not, then the bathmat that stops me fucking over every time I get out of the shower
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:31, Reply)
This bit got me...
After the inquest, husband Peter Corton said: "Cindy got a very poor service from the NHS. I'm sure she would have got better treatment in foreign countries."
Why are they more adept at identifying bathroom utensils lodged in a person's buttocks?

Best item - towel warmer.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:32, Reply)
did they just not believe her?
I'd say the stand thingy that goes over the toilet to hold all my pretty things I like to display
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:34, Reply)
it's awesome. You just spray the shower after you're done and it keeps it clean and non-mildewey.

I also like my body brush, it's like having a really good scratch all over.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:37, Reply)
After you use the showerspray..
..do you have to squeegee it too?
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:38, Reply)
you just spray and then get out. You rinse it off before you get in next time, but effectively that just means running the shower until it's hot enough anyway.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:10, Reply)
Is it called 'Showerspray'?

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:26, Reply)
I love a good exfoliate before bathing.
It makes your skin as soft as a babies.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:39, Reply)
You little minx.

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:50, Reply)
Get the Mrs to do it.
You won't be able to keep your hands off her.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:51, Reply)
But you know I'll be thinking of you, right?

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:57, Reply)
: /

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:57, Reply)

Oh yes, that's nice and now my front please

How did anyone ever think that stuff was funny?
I was a barman (baryouth really) back then in a very working man's pub. That semed to be on the TV all the time, full volume. The bar was full of happy but moronic faces looking just above my head. It'll all be in my book 'How I Learned to Love and Loathe the Working Classes'.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:48, Reply)
"I'm sure she would have got better treatment in foreign countries."

can we not just sink Lincolnshire and turn it into a giant paddling pool or something?
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:38, Reply)
think of all the scum that would be in it
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:47, Reply)
What you do, right
is turn Lincolnshire into a giant Sarlacc pit and tell everyone from Derbyshire that there's a free Honda Accord for each of them at the bottom of it.

Two birds, one ridiculously impractical stone
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:49, Reply)
not a fan of Derbyshire are we? Can't say I blame you - I went on holiday there one summer when i was about 12 - it was shit
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:11, Reply)
I'm from Nottingham
Hatred for Derbyshire follows as surely as "is shit" follows the words "This Oasis song"
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:37, Reply)
Do people seriously have
'favourite bathroom utensils'?

*shakes head sadly*
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:43, Reply)
They name them too.

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:44, Reply)
I call the big one "Bitey"

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:48, Reply)
that's not your bathroom utensil

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:51, Reply)
I'm sure I've heard you say that to me before

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:56, Reply)
it was a kitchen spatula
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:08, Reply)
If that's what you want to call it, dear
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:42, Reply)
you have a possum in your bathroom?

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:52, Reply)
Points for Vipros!
Successful quote spottage = 3 points. These can be redeemed against a small bar of chocolate or 1% of a hooker.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:55, Reply)
do tell,
pleeease tell.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:58, Reply)
I will
But I have to make it up first
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:02, Reply)
I like the 4-inch square corner at the back of the bathroom cupboard
which is the only bit of the bathroom I am permitted to keep my shaving tackle. All other shelf area is for women's bathroom requisites only.
I have not only named it 'Sticky little razorland' but declared UDI for it.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:55, Reply)
not really
but I needed a tenuously linked question to go with the crap story being posted
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:16, Reply)
Obviously this
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:51, Reply)
That's so crap it's not even kitsch.

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:53, Reply)
I have 3 :(

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 13:57, Reply)
one for the twig
and one for each giggleberry?
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:01, Reply)
my nan used to have something like that in the link.

How do sir, you alright?
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:03, Reply)
aye, not bad
pretty bored at work. just doing reports at the moment.

trying to decide whether to go for a surf after work tonight or not.

I'm thinking probably not, because I'm a lazy bastard
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:06, Reply)
yeah work is hell here lately, completely restructuring the whole company from the bottom up

Any news on the new ep?
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:30, Reply)
that sounds like a pain
should have the CD any day now!
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:31, Reply)
previous suggestion still stands, even if someone gets mimpy about it afterwards!
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:35, Reply)
I remember the general thrust, but not the specifics...

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 15:26, Reply)
like drunken sex?
i'll regaz
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 15:55, Reply)
so did mine
alsmot identical in fact.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:08, Reply)
are you my brother?
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:30, Reply)
i've no idea
do you spend your life drunk, flitting between call centre jobs?
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 15:07, Reply)
The Poo Horn
(Or 'egg whisk' when it's in the kitchen)
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:07, Reply)
oh ew.

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:12, Reply)
My toilet roll holder
It is free-standing because a wall-mounted one would be impractical.

I have, spookily, just bought a new toothbrush holder and bathmat.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:16, Reply)
That is way spooky.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:28, Reply)
I mean literally
while this thread was commencing, I was in Wilkinsons touching cloth bathroom utensils
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:31, Reply)

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:32, Reply)
I'm covered in goosebumps, Mont

(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:34, Reply)

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