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I got my croissant
not the lovely fresh ones, but still there and croissanty.
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:18,
2 replies,
latest was 15 years ago)
Did you take a picture of yourself about to enjoy it?
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:19,
I look more confused than smug
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:19,
That's an overcooked croissant.
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:20,
The man speaks the truth
PenguinOfDeath is Scottish, and most likely angry, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:21,
It was decent. Not crispy or airy enough for me.
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:22,
Since when did you get so bloody fussy?
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:22,
He's changed.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:23,
But Mrs Al ain't fussy.
As proved 10 July
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:24,
She's obviously done something unspeakably wrong
That he has evidence of, and he's blackmailing her.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:25,
And I'm forever thankful that this is the case.
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:26,
Good boy.
She's quite the catch.
And you're a pretty cool BFF, with your invites to weddings and gigs amd meativals. But if you say I said that, I shall deny it.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:27,
I'm rather looking forward to my first meatival.
Is pulled pork and burnt ends as amazing as what they make out on Man V Food?
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:29,
Are you talking about our date next week?
Yes. Yes it is.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:30,
Becky moved the date of a meatival I was invited to,
In order to accommodate you. Which means I can't go.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:33,
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:34,
At least I was invited to this one
It must really hurt to NOT be invited to one.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:35,
It's OK not to be on a guest list when one knows that twats are on it.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:37,
But to find out that your friends went for MEAT
And didn't even bother to invite you? That'd cut deep.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:38,
Pure projection there, Labs.
I was already getting meat elsewhere.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:42,
That place begining with 'T', taytoes or something like that, tell me all about that.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:44,
It has endless meats.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:47,
What's their condiment selection like?
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:48,
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:49,
I trust it has meat on the side as well?
Amberl was stripey and dominated Europe, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:52,
One must swim through meat juice to retrieve it.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:54,
no objections here
Amberl was stripey and dominated Europe, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 17:04,
I just tried googling them, it's ungoogleable what with them stealing the name from some crisps company.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:52,
They have mango sauce
they have a yoghurt sauce with lots of chillis in and they have a tomato sauce with lots of chillis in.
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:54,
Oh, I got it, it's an indian.
What's their popadom-condiment selection like? The best bet about an indian meal is a shedload of popadoms and dips.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:59,
I think it's Tayaabs shurely
Amberl was stripey and dominated Europe, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:54,
delete this sick filth now!
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:56,
I blame you Al
though as it happens from the descriptions given here, I do want to go to it
Amberl was stripey and dominated Europe, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 17:03,
Ohhhhh, I was gogling 'taytos'. =/
Whats a Karahi?
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:58,
bowl used for cooking/serving curry
Vipros. clever got me this far, then tricky got me in, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 17:03,
Oh, I'm looking at the menu and donno what I'm looking at.
It's going to take me MONTHS to decide now !
Can you explain what each and every thing on the menu is for me please.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 17:05,
I haven't seen the menu and I'm not going
so I don't think that would be a good use of my time.
Vipros. clever got me this far, then tricky got me in, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 17:06,
Oh. anyone else?
I had a curry a few weeks ago and I ordered chips instead of rice and it was the best thing I've ever done at an indian.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 17:08,
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:44,
Oh yeh.
And at least I go when I'm invited, unlike you on BH weekend, you gay.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:47,
Which weekend was that?
I've bailed once because of work, and once because of the gf.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:49,
Future weekend - end of the month.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:50,
For the Meat?
I'm in Menorca!
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:51,
Didn't you get an invite to a club night on 29th?
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:51,
Yes, yes I did
But unfortunately have to take holiday when the GF could get time off work.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:53,
[EDIT] - I thought the date changed?
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:53,
I thought 29th was a decoy date in case that creepy twat turned up.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:55,
It's moved round the corner now
has becky told you?
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:51,
Have said it's fine with me.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:52,
Look Labs, I like you and all
but if you don't stop stirring shit up between me and my BFF I'm gonna fuck you up so hard you'd think a brain tumor was a birthday present. And I'll poison your onions.
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:45,
I like it.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:46,
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:46,
Oh lol.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:35,
That's a Hawt D8, rather than a Srs Bzns Meating (do you see what I did there? do you ? do you? did you see it?).
But both shall be GLORIOUS.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:34,
you spelled everything correctly in that
AND you included a wordplay pun. I am so impressed.
Kitty v1.0 desperately naive, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:36,
Hawt= hot
D8= date
Srs= serious
Bzns= Business
Meating= I'll let him off
do= did
PsychoChomp, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:38,
Kitty v1.0 desperately naive, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:39,
I can't help it, I'm smitten, which is actually a form of retardation in most cultures.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:42,
It's better Gonz
It's like that time your aunty barbara walked in on you in the toilets when you were having a bit of "Gonz Time" and you said your tummy felt really sick but your happy place felt better than ever.
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:31,
Let's play the Aunty Barbera Game !
What two of these facts are true?
- I once replaced her toothbrush with the bogbrush and for a month she was convinced she was a giant for a week.
- She doesn't like red food, and refuses to eat it, and purple is OK as long as it's more blue than red... but you don't get purple food any more, so you can't eat that eaither.
- When I was 8, she was convinced she invented the "Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side" joke, and went around telling myself and all my friends, and that it was the funniest joke in the world from our reactions to it, but was quite miffed when people dead-panned her.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:41,
It's 4
That christmas when BGB invited us up to hers but then went somewhere else leaving us on the doorstep with Barbara and Barry was one of the best christmases I've ever had.
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:46,
It's a shame that, did Barry ever get on The Program ?
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:48,
He did, but after about three weeks he stole one of the other patients alarm clocks
and wired it into a rudimentary explosive and they kicked him out. He's doing okay though I think. He managed three days last week without fighting a stranger or soiling himself.
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:53,
What a trooper !
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:54,
I now only count to 9 before I won't pick food up off the floor.
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:24,
You fool
I'm still up around a 20 count.
PenguinOfDeath is Scottish, and most likely angry, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:25,
I still keep it to 5
Kitty v1.0 desperately naive, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:36,
I donno, lampito doesn't look _that_ bad.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:24,
It looks like it was hugging something
My croissant was more arms-wide-out.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:20,
I have a lady gaga-esque one too
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:21,
It has a penis AND a va-jay-jay?
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:25,
It's over one eye.
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:26,
you do look
a bit like Vipros though. The expression perhaps
Amberl was stripey and dominated Europe, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:45,
I'm not allowed croissants any more
at least not until I stop being so fat.
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:19,
Poor al
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:21,
Poor Fat
PenguinOfDeath is Scottish, and most likely angry, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:22,
Fat again
chickenlady b3ta's very own Elizabeth Taylor, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:22,
As soon as you put that ring on your finger,
they're allowed to get fat and you're meant to slim down.
PsychoChomp, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:22,
In Chompy land
chickenlady b3ta's very own Elizabeth Taylor, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:23,
I think you'll find a number of 70s stand ups agree with me.
PsychoChomp, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:25,
Good old Jim Davidson
Bazongaloid, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:27,
You can say anything you want
and claim you're quoting him ironically.
PsychoChomp, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:30,
No, I think Old Chompers might be right here.
Look at where he lives.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:26,
chickenlady b3ta's very own Elizabeth Taylor, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:31,
You're losing weight though!
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:23,
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:23,
Oi you.
I expect you to choose something for us to see at the matonay next week.
I'll be away from civilisation and won't be able to look.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:25,
I think that one with all the action heros is starting on that day, fancy that?
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:27,
Oh god, with all those old crap gits...and Bruce Willis?
If we're going to watch brains-free stuff, can't we watch Knight and Day?
Yes, I know I said you should choose, but I'm a woman, so I didn't really mean it.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:29,
That's the one.
Hah, I'll tell you what, you pick three films, and I'll pick one out of that... or visa-versa.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:30,
OK, I will look at films and times next Monday or Tuesday when I'm back and gaz ya some choices.
thealternativefact, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:31,
Sweet =)
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:32,
Just so you know, if you put Sorcerer's apprentice on there, that'll be just danddy.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 17:01,
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