"Are you prejudiced?" asks StapMyVitals. Have you been a victim of prejudice? Are you a columnist for a popular daily newspaper? Don't bang on about how you never judge people on first impressions - no-one will believe you.
( , Thu 1 Apr 2010, 12:53)
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I am a gay man and I hate screaming queens and would like to have them put down, it's because of over the top mincers that everyone presumes we are all cut from the same cloth and shout coo-eee and prance about.
The word 'gay' is used all the time to describe something that is shit or weird or wrong.
'That's so gay' describing a shit film or something, you get my drift.
This gets my goat, especially when if I am around, it will normally be followed up by "just like you Dave!" That's not funny, nor witty or clever.
People presume also, that I want to sleep with any man and regularly give head to strangers. I don't.
My family think that I know every gay man in the world, like we are all part of a sect. Have you met Grahma Norton? Will Young? Did you know about Ricky Martin?
Yes, I was sucking him off last night while Will and Graham spanked me
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:10, 26 replies)

...raving queens give homosexuality a bad name. The screaming mincers, that seem to be the only gay role models anyone ever sees on TV, do nothing to dispel the stereotype. We still seem to be trapped in a 1970s view where gay = camp and, as you say you all know each other (possibly in the Biblical sense).
Question, though: does disliking the OTT flouncing antics of Graham Norton, Alan Carr, or Dale Winton make me a homophobe?
If so, sorry.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:48, closed)

Hmmm, good question. I don't think it makes you a homophobe for disliking the screaming queens. I despise their being and do not like them at all, but I can't be a homophobe as I am 'a' gay.
If only there were straight acting, intelligent non-mincers on TV, but I don't see that happening anytime soon, as we are stuck in a time warp where gay does indeed equal camp and over the top funny characters, there for comedy value rather than anything else.
The fact that people reckon opinion has changed on gay life nowadays is full of bullshit. Yes, it is more open, but, again (broken record) everyone presumes that Graham Norton, Alan Carr, Dale Winton et all is what the rest of us are like. ha ha
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:58, closed)

"If only there were straight acting, intelligent non-mincers on TV"
Oh, but there are plenty of them. The thing is, because of the fact that they don't make a profession out of their sexuality, and camping it up, the public consequently don't know that they are gay.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 17:48, closed)

In my last job, I was told that objecting to the word Gay to describe anything rubbish, poor quality or pathetic was being overly sensitive. I am by no means a typical stereotype gay woman, but I am a great mechanic and my Girlfriend rides motorbikes in ways most guys can only dream about. No where was I pathetic, in no way is my sexuality rubbish. Yet every day when I was at work I had to listen to how something crap was gay. It is homophobic shit.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 17:56, closed)

you sound SO much like my buddy Tim.
He totally hates fags,he says they are the reason that gay men are beat up and dissed.
He is an awsome man,been my best friend for almost 20 years.Its sad that some hate others for who they choose to love,I dont get the prejudice against gays.
You would not believe how many people come up to me and ask me if I am worried he will mollest my son,I tell them he is gay not a priest lol, took years for my husband to feel comfortable around him. To me,he is my beloved friend, upside is the is the only male that I know that loves to go shoe shopping with me!
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 20:57, closed)

"took years for my husband to feel comfortable around him"
Did he just think that he would sudfdenly come on to him and try and convert your husband and get him into bed?
This is what I find most frustrating, that there is a presumption that all gay men are on the hunt for cock 24/7. We are not! Not at all dissing your husband, as I have friends and family that were the same with me, it's kind of pathetic really to think you know someone for many years or your entire life, come out, and then the presume if you are left alone with them, we will try and get you into bed! ha ha ha
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 2:16, closed)

So are lots of straight men though - it's a subset of being male, not a subset of homosexuality.
So, like straight women and gay men worked out millennia ago, straight men just have to learn that they're allowed to say no to a proposition AND feel a bit flattered at the same time. It isn't automatically an excuse for anger, violence, disgust, etc. It's just a pass, that's all.
I'm straight and I learned this early on (largely due to my much-loved and entirely decent gay uncle, now no longer with us, unfortunately). It really isn't very tricky. Just say "No, thank you." Both clauses are required.
( , Sun 4 Apr 2010, 13:56, closed)

my best friends are gay, they both hate OTT, camp mincers. it's not just them, either. there's been plenty of times when we've been out and some absolute screamer will walk into the bar, letting the entire world know that he's there and gay. you can practically hear the non-camp guys grinding their teeth to a fine powder.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 23:11, closed)

I've batted for both sides. Decided that I was more gay than bi rather late in the day.
On the odd occasion I have found it necessary to 'out' myself. Either to fend off flattering but futile advances from misguided female admirers or more often to shut up some loudmouth ranting about queers.
Invariably I am told that I don't look or sound queer, so I am not 'one of the ones' complained about.
But on reflection, the camp guys - the mincing queens - can't help being how they are or what they are, any more than I can, or anyone can be blamed for their colour. It's how they are, boys and girls. Get used to it. They don't bite - unless you want them to!
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 8:24, closed)

Just last week when someone asked if I lived with a girl, I told him no, I'm gay and he shook my hand and congratulated me.
What the fuck are you congratulating me for?
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 12:24, closed)

and was misguidedly congratulating you on avoiding lady drama. Even though it's really people drama, and blokes do it as well.
( , Sun 4 Apr 2010, 10:59, closed)

the times I've been condemned for my sexuality (bi) have invariably been by totally gay people. And (three times it has happened) they have been twice incredibly camp men, and once a very butch lesbian. I do know lots of lovely camp men thankfully, but it is still true that there are people who cannot give it a bloody rest. They bring their sexuality into everything- the tutorial, the dining hall, they define themselves solely by it
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 12:24, closed)

fuck that. im gay, not camp, work in construction and appreciate that some people are camp, some are not. if your friends are cunts then its not the fault of camp people on tv.
( , Sun 4 Apr 2010, 0:44, closed)

I have no need to get over myself. This is my opinion and my friends are not cunts.
You on the otherhand...
( , Sun 4 Apr 2010, 13:05, closed)

in essence your point is that you hate 'screaming queens' because your friends/family/associates assume you fit that stereotype?
what does that say about them?
some people are naturally camp and cant help it, just as you cant help being gay.
i have to admit to being a cunt though.
( , Sun 4 Apr 2010, 23:01, closed)

on one thing.
Anyway, I don't think I explained myself. I didn't mean my friends and family and associates think I fit the bill of camp mincer, that first statement I made was a general statement of my dislike against mincers that gives others the opinion that we are all the same. Reading all these messages seems to back up my opinion that gay men do have a big dislike against the mincer queen types. It's pretty much on every page.
My close friends and family are supportive and couldn't give a rats ass what the fuck i was doing to whom, it's more so random friends or people I know than close friends and family. I wouldn't dream of associating myself with rude cunts.
( , Mon 5 Apr 2010, 14:47, closed)

"The word 'gay' is used all the time to describe something that is shit or weird or wrong.
'That's so gay' describing a shit film or something, you get my drift.
This gets my goat, especially when if I am around, it will normally be followed up by "just like you Dave!" That's not funny, nor witty or clever."
I was going to say that I thought that the use of the word gay in the manner you describe had become so commonplace (e.g. being used by children to whom it's primary/only meaning is as a synonym for rubbish) that it had lost it's power to insult. Which, if it were true, would make your complaint an odd distorted echo of those of the retired Major types who used to write to the press complaining that you couldn't use the word gay to mean bright and happy anymore. However the last of your sentences quoted here show that it is still being aimed to offend. Perhaps you should fight back by giving new meaning to a another word. "It wasn't just good, it was queer." or summat like that.
( , Mon 5 Apr 2010, 2:05, closed)
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