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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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Mod fails.
This one time a repeat troll had a mental breakdown on a once-popular website and the Mods wet their pants but failed to do anything about it and the tragic loser rolled straight back.

Tell us about a time when you thought the Mods were all fucking useless.
(, Sun 5 Jan 2014, 9:35, 2 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Ever bored people to death
on question of the week in a clumsy attempt to wind up someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about you?
(, Sat 4 Jan 2014, 14:31, Reply)
Deletion, online.
Ever thought better of something and then deleted it?
(, Sat 4 Jan 2014, 14:00, 3 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Ever sounded like a sanctimonious prick?

(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 23:23, Reply)
Ever got a perverse thrill out of repeatedly returning somewhere that you're clearly not wanted or liked?
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 19:41, 1 reply, 10 years ago)
Is the noun 'Japs eye' racist?
Is it?
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 14:04, Reply)
I was overlooked for promotion in the Scouts because I 'fialed to show leadership' on a two-day hiking expedition. The person who got promoted ahead of me had shown his leadership skills by going to a school disco that weekend. YES IT WAS THIRTY YEARS AGO AND ARRRRRGH.
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 8:39, Reply)
Put out to pasture
How are you going to kill time now that b3ta has withered up and died?
(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 10:57, Reply)
When was the last time you compared something you found mildly annoying on the internet with the atrocities committed by the Nazis?

(, Wed 1 Jan 2014, 16:06, 6 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
New Year's Eve Shenanigans
Share your New Year's Eve-related stories.

We found my nan's false teeth under the mistletoe a few hours after we'd seen in the New Year. The teeth still had a mouthful of grandpa's lips in them.
(, Mon 30 Dec 2013, 13:08, Reply)
I once had a toilet disaster whilst wanking, pitying other peoples partners and looking like
various people. I bet others could share similar stories involving battery acid.
(, Tue 24 Dec 2013, 16:15, Reply)
Moronic spouses 3: The Klumps.

(, Sat 21 Dec 2013, 9:15, Reply)
Mistaken Identity
Poor old H from steps eh? Not only does he make painfully shit music, he also rapes kids.
No... Wait.
Have you ever been involved in a case of mistaken Identity, and what hilarity ensued?
(, Fri 20 Dec 2013, 10:19, Reply)
wangchung disasters 1984

(, Thu 19 Dec 2013, 19:35, 2 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Stephen King disasters

(, Thu 19 Dec 2013, 12:53, 1 reply, 10 years ago)
Christmas Crackers
Share your Crimble-related stories.

Such as the time we found my nan's false teeth under the table a few hours after we'd finished Christmas lunch.

The teeth still had a mouthful of food in them.
(, Thu 19 Dec 2013, 10:52, Reply)
nanking disasters 1937

(, Wed 18 Dec 2013, 22:44, Reply)
improve the world
as we're going into 2014 with a bunch of sociopathic cunts in government, what would YOU do if you were prime minister?
(, Wed 18 Dec 2013, 15:15, 3 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
wanking disasters iv

(, Wed 18 Dec 2013, 9:21, Reply)
Did you marry a fucking moron?
Do you find that your desperate anecdotes every week revolve around the fact that your spouse should be wearing a padded helmet and pushing trolleys around the aldi car park?

Go on. Admit it. You must be fucking ugly to have settled for that cretin.
(, Tue 17 Dec 2013, 19:52, Reply)
sleep deprivation
What's the longest time you've gone without sleep and why? Tell us your stories of no sleep.
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 13:14, Reply)
Christmas shopping
The only jumpers left are extra small, the toy shop has run out of sonic screwdrivers and the shops shut in 30 minutes. Tell us what went wrong and why you left it to the last minute.
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 11:40, 2 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Your Christmas list
What's on your christmas list? Or what have others asked you for?
Extra points for the unusual or unreasonable ones.
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 11:35, Reply)
The butterfly effect
Christmas is coming! As a child that meant that there was nothing to do but watch the muppets and eat chocolate until you were violently sick, while your parents did all the work.

Now you are grown up you have to rush around doing all the work. You can either approach this with the logistical foresight that is normally reserved for a major military operation. Or more likely run around the shops in a blind panic at quarter to five on December 24th.

Either way any small hiccup will snowball into a disaster. So tell us when has a small thing lead to a very large disaster?
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 10:51, Reply)
disasters III
(, Sun 15 Dec 2013, 20:13, Reply)

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