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Got a great tip? Share it with us. You know, stuff like "Prevent sneezing by pressing you index finger firmly between your nose and your upper lip."

(, Wed 29 Nov 2006, 16:33)
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Can't sleep?
Simply take 200g of valerian root. Grind it into a paste and add 300ml of boiling water. Leave it to steep for 30 minutes. Meanwhile take lavendar and remove the flower heads. Put them inside a muslin bag with a similar amount of seed corn (you can purchase this at any health food shop). Next take 3 nutmegs and grind them to a powder. Add this to the extract of valerian and stir well. Sterilise a large glass jar and wipe the inside with lemon juice. Add the tincture of valerian and nutmeg and shake vigorously for 5 minutes. Place the liquid in a saucepan over a high heat and reduce in volume by 3/4. Go out to your garden or a nearby copse and cut 6 good straight hazel rods, less than 1cm in diameter. Strip off the bark (conserve this!) and roughly plait the rods into a broad, shallow bowl. Annoint the hazel bowl with valerian/nutmeg ointment. Heat the lavendar and corn in the microwave for 1 minute until warm and place in the basket. Holding the hazel basketwork at arm's length, walk around your bedroom, ensuring that the herbal essence is wafted into the highest corners and under each item of furniture. Construct a small hammock of woven natural hemp to suspend the basket roughly 1.5m above your pillow. Now you should be so knackered that you will fall asleep easily.
(, Tue 25 Jan 2011, 9:42, 4 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
by the time you've done all this you won't just be knackered, it will be time to get up. Best stick to Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic's remedy.
(, Tue 25 Jan 2011, 10:03, Reply)
I feel like sleeping after reading all that.

(, Tue 25 Jan 2011, 11:33, Reply)
You mean get some herbs* and Asprin?
Might as well have a Lemsip.
*can't be arsed working out what the active ingredients are, since they're probably largely a placebo anyhow.
(, Tue 25 Jan 2011, 18:34, Reply)
tincture of valerian actually works

(, Tue 25 Jan 2011, 23:00, Reply)

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