What's your most treasured possession? What would you rescue from a fire (be it for sentimental or purely financial reasons)?
My Great-Uncle left me his visitors book which along with boring people like the Queen and Harold Wilson has Spike Milligan's signature in it. It's all loopy.
Either that or my Grandfather's swords.
( , Thu 8 May 2008, 12:38)
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the bloody thing out in the first place?
I would rescue nada, zip, not a sausage
after a decade of accumulating souvenirs from travelling and general kipple, I've had a slow process of slowly getting rid of all of it, even my house (sold pre empting the crash), and all my possessions - which have either gone on ebay or have been given away to friends and family - even sentimental items from travelling are not worth keeping if you put them in the proper context of what's really important in life
the remainder I'm left with are of purely practical use such as a few legal reference books for courses, and the art stuff will go soon - the idea is to be left with what only could fit in a good sized suitcase - which was the idea, as I'm in the process of buying land abroad with self built bore hole for water in our quest to get off the grid
the only artwork I haven't given away is a pastel (the horse jumper pic in my profile) because it needs a special glass frame to protect it - so if anyone wants it, drop me a private message. all I ask is you just paypal me the postage (about £3 ) and to make a donation of what ever you think fit to the web address in my signature
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 11:55, 13 replies)

of Clinton for the next US president is looking a bit wide of the mark.
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 12:12, closed)

which unfortunately makes buying a genuine title deed harder because of the corruption, even in the lower government levels
I'll still stand by my prediction of Hilary for Pres and Bill for UN leadership role by 2010
the show ain't over till the fat lesbian republican former first lady sings
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 12:16, closed)

Now when the black helicopters come to take you away no-one will notice you've gone.
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 12:25, closed)

I predicted the house
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 12:31, closed)

I don't see this as a minor slowdown - and I don't see a recovery
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 12:33, closed)

the fact this system is going tits up (as told in the form of a grand business plan in books like 'Millenium', and 'Tragedy and Hope') just gave me that little extra incentive
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 12:50, closed)

Fucking hell.
This loon has been gazing me to respond to his rantings....
Which I will, tomorrow (my time).
But I'll give you odds Mr Goat, five to one on any sum you can afford, that Obama will win the democrat nomination and, hence the Presidency.
It's also probable that Hillary will be VP so, I suppose that you prediction could come true if Obama dies in offices - but I doubt it.
But, your whole house-of-cards relies on this mass conspiracy theory that the world is controlled by some sort of elite. If that was really true - why will Obama be president?
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 14:02, closed)

Legless you've been trolling me around the links boards insisting on following up on one debate we had - I thought it was only fair to take you up on it
I look forward to it - I replied in the old thread, so we don't plug up the links board again
although you can apologise for being wrong now if you want ? ;)
also regarding Obama -
Zbigniew Brzezinski is a major backer of Obama along with Souros
Brzezinski was a neo con favourite author of "The Grand Chessboard"
and before you start screaming 'tinfoil hats' because I'm posting stuff you're unfamiliar with or something Hugh Edwards hasn't told you on the 9 news
here's the quotes and sources
Brzezinski, Obama's backer, also a globalist, wrote in "The Grand Chessboard" about the necessity of going into Afghanistan and Iraq long before 911
Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era" about what is needed to usher us into the world government
"The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty... In the economic-technological field, some international cooperation has already been achieved, but further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American position."
and rather ironically Brzezinski also wrote in "Between Two Ages"
"Shortly the public will be unable to reason for themselves. They'll be conditioned to let the media do all their reasoning and thinking for them and the only topics of conversation they will have shortly is what's been feed to them or downloaded into them on the previous night's news."
Brzezinski Backs Obama washington post article
despite this HIlary I would say is a safer stooge for the CFR than Obama (CFR - council foreign relations - the group Prof Carrol Quigley says runs the government and decides the candidates and policy - and the group responsible for taking us into the new standardised world system) - so my money is still on the lesbian queen
*in the UK the foundation is known as the Royal Institute for Foreign Affairs - and before that the Cecil Rhodes society)
you could do worst that read this book:
but if you insist on watching Newsround for your opinions - I can't help you
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 14:41, closed)

Hahahahaha conspiracy theorists always make me laugh.
Yes, tinfoil hats ahoy. Face facts - it's much nicer and more comforting to believe that a group out of your sight is controlling the world - it's easy to blame them for every misfortune.
P.S. that site is laughably poorly designed in every single way.
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 15:36, closed)

I always snigger (or despair, I can't tell which) when anyone mentions anything slighly off the mainstream people start screaming about tinfoil hats
the way I see it, we have three options
1.we can take the information we're given
2. we can go down the conspiracy theory route of templars, nice grey aliens, the queen is a lizard, fake moon landings, tin foil hats, altlantis and wonderful distractions which sell lots of books and are great escapism
my preference;
3. There are many published works by powerful world-stage players which make so called 'Conspiracy theories' or speculation unnecessary
Not only do they plan your future, they have the wealth of the planet to bring it about
this is just a long reaching business plan, no hidden lizards, just a different type of greenback
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 15:46, closed)

I just wanted to thank you for being the only other person I've ever met to refer to the entropy enveloping our lives as 'Kipple'. Is a beautiful and simple concept I used to use with my housemate whenever we had to do the housework instead of going skydiving.
( , Sun 11 May 2008, 6:59, closed)
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