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This is a question My Wanking Disasters

Ever been caught by your mum? Or tried to fuck a pillow and got the spongey bits stuck to your bell-end creating a strange new flower? What about the time you man-milked the keyboard causing your PC to short-circuit and knocking out the mains for the whole street? Maybe you're a lady and you were using your mobile phone as a vibrator and accidentally dialed your mother? Tell us your stories and we'll tell the world.

(, Tue 1 Jun 2004, 17:23)
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Euphemisms are great!
"Maybe you're a lady and you were using your mobile phone as a vibrator and accidentally dialed your mother?"

A group of friends and myself were gathered in my living room as teenagers, imbibing the booze and generally being teenagers, when the subject of my brother's porno tape came up. The lady among us (!) encouraged us to put said tape on, and we all enjoyed watching people having sex for a while, before one of the group told us he had to "ring his father" and left the room.

Since that day, "ringing your father" has been our euphemism for masturbation. I mention this only because we then pondered on what the female equivalent would be, and eventually concluded that it would have to be "dial your mother"!
(, Thu 3 Jun 2004, 8:56, Reply)

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