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This is a question "You're doing it wrong"

Chthonic confesses: "Only last year did I discover why the lids of things in tubes have a recessed pointy bit built into them." Tell us about the facepalm moment when you realised you were doing something wrong.

(, Thu 15 Jul 2010, 13:23)
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out with business lads
last week. a few new clients, we were getting drunk, having a few funny stories.

Then the topic got onto rude jokes, everyone said theirs.... then i dropped a rape joke clanger.

at that point, everyone chose to use the toilets and make phone calls.
(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 15:14, 8 replies)
You joked about raping a clanger?

(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 15:16, closed)
You have to wonder...
...what that would sound like.

How would you know whether the sounds they made were cries for help or a secret and shameful acknowledgement of how much they were enjoying their "ordeal".

Yeah right, she was asking for it. Look at her in her skimpy bikini, with those come to bed eyes.

(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 16:19, closed)
I hate it when that happens
you think you have the measure of your audience and then they take offence, "Oh sure! It's ok to joke about dead babies but the minute I joke about raping a dead baby all of a sudden i've gone too far"

I dont even know why I bother doing childrens parties anymore...
(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 15:22, closed)
I like your post.
(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 15:49, closed)

s parties
(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 17:10, closed)
tell us the joke

(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 16:31, closed)
Come on spill it.

I’m all rev’d up and ready to take offence
(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 17:12, closed)
Did you know...
four out of five people enjoy gang rape
(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 17:13, closed)
The safer alternative is:
Did you know that only one in seven dwarves is happy?
(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 18:24, closed)
haha actually some one had already said this joke
so taking it as 'ok' for this calibre of joke, I followed up with

Man in a bar with his mate, man turns to his mate and says
"do you know - I can have any girl in this bar if I wanted to"
"Really?" his mate replies. " How is that then?"

"because im a rapist"

queue tumble weeds , and the sound of wind.......
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 10:09, closed)

that is a confusing social situation!
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 12:25, closed)
the funny version is 9 out of 10. Spock never liked that joke either. Mind you as Kirk used to say, the needs of the many and all that.
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 11:42, closed)
Maybe you just reminded them all of how they wanted to go and rape someone

(, Tue 20 Jul 2010, 21:31, closed)
either that, or brought back terrible surpressed memories
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 10:11, closed)

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