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yep no one agrees with me

don't bother making counterpoints, just mock, that's the internet way!
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:31, archived)
why shouldn't i?
you're ignoring the fact that people do like it and posting a mockery based link
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:37, archived)
i'm not ignoring them, i'm calling them creepy autists
see, i said it up there
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:40, archived)
i was calling you a twatty whiner
i'd say each of these opinions are as irrelevant as each other
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:43, archived)
read the bad wecomics wiki review of it
it explains why it's bad rather neatly without resorting to as much name calling as i have here
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:48, archived)
it 'explains why it's bad'?
that doesn't sound right to me

i'm pretty sure this comes down to personal opinion
did you form yours then have it enforced by this 'review' or just let the internet tell you what to think?
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:53, archived)
the first one

(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:56, archived)
no it doesn't
the review was written by someone with an IQ less than that of a golden retriever.

The major approach of the review is that it's rubbish because a)the drawing is poor (moot point, the author has never claimed points for drawing skills) and b)it's rubbish because if you understand the maths or the science you suffer from aspergers (which is a rather childish thing to think, really).

It's basically retard bully level "hate what you don't understand"

If you don't get the science, you might not find it funny. That's fine. But only a terminally self-obssessed idiot assumes that because they don't understand it, it might not be funny to those that do.
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:54, archived)
i understand most of the jokes and i think laughing about statistical data and the fibonacci squence is borderline autism
does that make me a bully?
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:59, archived)
i'd say that it makes you someone who doesn't really understand autism

(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 15:06, archived)
no, it makes you a bit of an idiot.
how on earth can the subject matter of comedy be defined as autistic?

you don't find it funny. Cool. But that doesn't mean it isn't to others. Even though this is the internet, and this may come as a shock to you, yours isn't the only valid opinion out there.

People find humour in whatever they want. and those that work with that kind of maths or science day in, day out, are likely to find humour in it. It's no more or less "autistic" than finding humour in any work-related subject.
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 15:06, archived)
i don't think you understand the meaning of the word "hyperbole"
and i'm sorry, but it is still intensely nerdy to find fourier transforms and poisson distributions funny, no matter what you say
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 15:23, archived)
It's subjective.
Some people (myself included) like it. Some people don't.

Spouting sweeping generalisations just makes you look like a bit of a tit.
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:57, archived)
so say i were to completley unironically state
that this comic was my favourite one in the whole wide world

would you put down the tastes as subjective or would you think i was a creepy furry inflation fetishist?
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 15:02, archived)

(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 15:03, archived)
A lot of the criticism seems to be more about the fact that it's stick figures
as opposed to the "smug" writing.

Does a comic really have to be well drawn to be a comic? So can it have pretty pictures but shit writing and still be called a comic?
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:48, archived)
i don't think it takes much to be labelled as a 'comic'
the difference is being regarded as a good comic
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:49, archived)
but this seems to be a major issue for them.
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:53, archived)
a comic is a media form where the pictures and words supplement each other to tell a story
a comic with good writing can be really let down by bad art, and the reverse is true also

although in the crazy world of webcomics i don't think it matters too much either way, people will still praise you unequivocally no matter what turds you plop out
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:53, archived)

(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 15:03, archived)
All that review says is
"I don't understand the science, therefore it's rubbish"

In case the reviewer (and you) missed the fucking massive tagline in the comic, it's a maths and science comic. Not understanding it doesn't make it not funny full stop, just not funny to you.

And since that review basically says "anyone who understands science or maths has Aspergers' " then you'll forgive me for suggesting that there isn't really any need to counterpoint an opinion that fuckwitted that it might as well have been written by a 5 year old.
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:49, archived)
I understand the science just fine
and xkcd is a shithole piece of arsecunt piss-rag written by autistic pseudo-intellectual shitcunts

fuck xkcd man, fuck xkcd right in the ear
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:54, archived)
No it's not.
OMG, difference of opinion, ON THE FUCKING INTERNET.
(, Mon 6 Jul 2009, 14:57, archived)