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juicer time again

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 17:57, archived)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 17:58, archived)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 18:05, archived)
alright, morbs
fancy being a Mod on qftw? rob has just offered me the job
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 18:41, archived)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 18:45, archived)
hey! it's not that funny

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 18:47, archived)
no wait hang on as you were

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 18:48, archived)
I don't have the energy for all that dog fingering
My mod days are long gone.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 19:13, archived)
Yer having a few kronnies, in a becks glass tho, not one of those vase glasses

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 19:04, archived)
I dunno which continental hipster poof decided to start serving pints in lady-shaped glasses
But he wants glassing.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 19:15, archived)
the San Micheal glass is just a pint brandy glass now, shit beer even in Spain tho

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 19:20, archived)
a single pint of that makes my stomach turn

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 19:22, archived)
it was never supposed to be a pint (said in a rollerball style )

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 19:26, archived)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 19:42, archived)
bit gutted nobody clicked my candyrolling :(

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 20:29, archived)
soz i went out

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 20:36, archived)
you can't type excuse without u ex: '(

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 20:40, archived)
na not tonight
school night innit
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 19:51, archived)
alright spani... waitaminute

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 20:08, archived)
so, what bands are you into?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:20, archived)
rubber lololololol

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:25, archived)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:26, archived)
you haven't heard of them

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:30, archived)
probably not, but i can google them and pretend i have

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:31, archived)
Anyone else signed this online petition to let Clarkson use the n-word?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:32, archived)
i'd only sign that if he'd 'use' it on a sandwich board in downtown harlem like john mcclane

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:35, archived)
I am in a dilemma.
I dislike Clarkson and I dislike the BBC. Which one do i support? Only one way to find out.....FIIIGGGHHT!
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:36, archived)
The BBC is a fine institution.
ITV and Sky are proof enough of that.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:59, archived)
the comments section on the bbc news site has swung to something akin to that of the daily mail in recent months
top comment on some story the other day was one encouraging people to vote ukip
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:01, archived)
I won't hold the BBC responsible for the general public being morons.

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:07, archived)
i think it's fair to blame the bbc for the overall degradation of society

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:18, archived)
OK, I won't hold them wholly responsible.
Besides, they have a habit of pissing off the right sorts of people.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:47, archived)
they're cracking down on paedos though, so sf has to show solidarity

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:01, archived)
yes, for fuck's sake, stop asking

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:37, archived)
300,000 dull twats, last time i checked

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:41, archived)
i quite like that Girl Band recently, who else, er
recently i've mostly been listening to Rob Hubbard, Datashat, Legowelt, and Can.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:39, archived)
the last thing i listened to was modest mouse

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:42, archived)
all of their songs follow a similar formula
jumpy chanty bit, slow down for chorus and harmonies, repeat catchy bit over and over again
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:44, archived)
yeah, pretty much
it's effective though
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:51, archived)
One Direction
Zayn is soooo gorge!
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:44, archived)
and Aphex Twin

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:45, archived)
pinot noir
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:46, archived)
that was nice

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:55, archived)
all of them
all the bands. And the groups.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:53, archived)
even my band from when i was 14 and i could play about four chords?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:55, archived)
what do you have against combos?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:55, archived)
He's probably a button masher.

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:00, archived)
I'll ^v^v ABAB you in a minute sunshine

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:02, archived)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:02, archived)
Nothing specific
Ensembles are alright though
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:01, archived)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:57, archived)
i know you're a big prussian blue fan

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:03, archived)
ha, I remember them
Didn't they realise it was all nonsense when they grew up? Seem to remember reading something to that effect.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:06, archived)
yeah, they started touring events promoting medicinal marijuana

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:17, archived)
Good for them

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:18, archived)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:19, archived)
what made them sieg heil twins? were they in the hitler youth or summat?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:33, archived)
I think their Dad was some kind of white supremacist nut
and convinced them to form a cutesy pop duet with racist songs
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:37, archived)
Yep, and holocaust sceptics
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:39, archived)
oh shit, i remember them
they were on some louis theroux documentary
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:45, archived)
Even the SS?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:05, archived)
I like Taylor Swifts backing band on her second tour.
I thought they were very good
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:55, archived)
This is the biggest western band in China
...apart from Westlife, they're probably bigger.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:04, archived)
The lead singer has bleached blonde highlights
he must be emotionally 15 years old.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:11, archived)
i didn't hear it because i don't really want to share it with the office
but i'm assuming the music sounds like a cross between creed and boyzone?
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:35, archived)
It's a bit like that but worse.

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:43, archived)
plus support - they're so eclectic!

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:33, archived)
haha, you card

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:36, archived)
Urethra Franklin

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:39, archived)
Minge Ure

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:39, archived)
Pelvis Presley

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:39, archived)
Bellender Carlisle

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:39, archived)
The Muff Medways

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:40, archived)
Pubic Enemy

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:40, archived)
Cockteau Twins

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:42, archived)
cock two twins

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:43, archived)
^Pat Sharp's favourite band^

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:47, archived)
public enema

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 15:42, archived)
New thread! Show me some love!
None of that "appreciation day" nonsense, just me being a needy, beakering prick.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 10:29, archived)
Give me a song and I'll sing it like I mean it.

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 10:29, archived)
I misread "song" as "snog". Thought my luck has changed.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 10:45, archived)
give me a snog and i'll snig it like i mean it?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 11:40, archived)
You're so snexy when you snig.

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 11:56, archived)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 11:59, archived)
what is love?
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 10:31, archived)
I heard that you play the saxophone at an olympic level

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 10:37, archived)
special olympic level! amirite?
high fives
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 10:40, archived)
I heard he won a hot dog eating contest

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 10:45, archived)
I quite like your pickled onion flavour

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 10:50, archived)
you're alright, i s'pose

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 10:53, archived)
hey mano,
I don't suppose you know, but why did qftw go?
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 11:30, archived)
it's gone?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 11:51, archived)
Maybe it was never there in the first place.....

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 12:38, archived)
well, fat lot of hairy good you are.

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 12:50, archived)
i really am, yes

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 13:48, archived)
what's the fucking point?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 12:32, archived)
hang on, i'll gaz you some dick pics

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 12:41, archived)
I heard you that generous of spirit you don't even think that *mvee is a prick.

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 12:57, archived)
surely even his accountant partner thinks he's a prick?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 13:03, archived)
He's a prince among men.

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 13:29, archived)

nce ck
men pricks
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 13:48, archived)
you're probably the fifth or sixth best one on here

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 13:19, archived)
hang on, i thought we were all baldmonkey?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 13:34, archived)
I know your name but I have no idea who you are or what you're about
That's probably the best result you can hope for.
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 13:56, archived)
Is it true that you were in the original line up of five star?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 13:57, archived)
Why am I so crap?

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:20, archived)
I bet you eat more egg than most people

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:12, archived)
I reckon you love jorts (jean shorts)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:12, archived)
You're quite offensive sometimes but nobody minds because your opinions don't count for anything.
That the sort of thing your after?
(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:16, archived)
Oh sorry, I was confusing you with meatsnake. You're not as bad as meatsnake.

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:18, archived)
Aw, thanks 2Can!

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:19, archived)

(, Wed 11 Mar 2015, 14:29, archived)
juicer time then

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 17:40, archived)
bit early, no offense

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 17:42, archived)
not for the alcoholics

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 17:45, archived)
which slightly-too-expensive-for-me pub are you at today?
I went to the Hungry Horse in Longbridge last month, dirt cheap. Maybe even cheaper than the Goose in Selly Oak.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 18:06, archived)
The goose is ok for a pint
Their food is awful.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 19:37, archived)
yeah and the regulars are all criminals and care in the community types.
great pub.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 19:48, archived)
you'll fit right in then ;)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 20:34, archived)
i thought i already made that joke,
but perhaps it was too subtle for you
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 21:09, archived)
what i'm saying is you're a bit thick

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 21:10, archived)
I admit I'm not too bright

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 21:27, archived)
may I recommend the goose?
give their food a miss tho eh
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 22:44, archived)
All the Selly Oak pubs are grim. I blame all the disgusting students.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 20:49, archived)
yup, and the smoking ban
i prefer a grim pub to a wanky pub though.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 21:09, archived)
haha Birmingham like thats even a place

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 20:46, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 18:38, archived)
If you see Clarkson there punch the cunt for me.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 18:38, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 19:47, archived)
just arrived

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 18:43, archived)
Oh look here's a new thread.
You're welcome.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:21, archived)
what do you think of that disco song nickelback have done then?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:28, archived)
i've not heard it
i like disco but i've never taken any interest in nickelback, soz.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:36, archived)
you're about as interesting as bread

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:40, archived)
No, you don't know me well
In every little thing only time will tell
But you believe the things that I do
And we'll see it through

Life can be short or long
Love can be right or wrong
And if I chose the one I'd like to help me through
I'd like to make it with you
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:45, archived)
what's this stream of shit you've typed?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:47, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:04, archived)
^this guy

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:07, archived)
So basically you're saying that brb is the best thing since sliced bread?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:33, archived)
i don't think that is what i'm saying, no

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:52, archived)
you don't need to
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 16:21, archived)
But sliced bread is shit.
...oh I see what you did there.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 20:42, archived)
trick question, anyone who has ever heard of nickelback is a massive dribbling spastic who has sex with dead farmyard animals.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:42, archived)
that can't be true because i've heard of them and i've never had sex with dead farmyard animals

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:44, archived)
well obviously you're going to deny it

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:45, archived)
i get the impression you've heard of them too and i dunno, maybe i'm a bad judge of character
but you don't seem the sort to have sex with dead farmyard animals
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:46, archived)
Well thanks to you I have heard of them now so I suppose I'll have to go and fuck a horse or something. Cheers the doveston you prick.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:48, archived)
He's a good lad
A little bit shy so you'll try and have to understand
Such a good lad
And just for a while the guy'll need a helping hand
His word are hard to follow, but his heart has found a way
to show you the things that he never could say
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:56, archived)
nickleback are super dog shit
but linkin park always gets away without hatred. They are even more super dog shit than nickleback.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:48, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:49, archived)
^ has stuck his finger up an old man's bumhole

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:50, archived)
i remember there being a lot of shit nu-metal bands around that time
remember static-x and evanescence? i feel like they weren't derided enough
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:54, archived)
i mean, look at them for christ's sake
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:55, archived)
I do remember those dickheads now
I also remember a band where all their songs were about getting dumped. Some shit times for music back then.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:58, archived)
think the two on the left had wandered over from the machine head shoot

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:58, archived)
I think the middle one is Henry from Eraserhead

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 17:53, archived)
Also Puddle of Shit
not that I've heard of them
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:56, archived)
Wayne Static is dead now.
Also remember Papa Roach?
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:00, archived)
I remember Papa Shango
and Papa Austin With The Great Peso.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:03, archived)
i'm gonna guess he died of a drug overdose
but for all i know maybe he died of just being an utter fucking bore off
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:06, archived)
I have no idea.
but i hope he died from being an utter fucking bore off now.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:09, archived)
I went to the Ozzfest, when nu-metal was a thing.
It was painful, until Therapy? came on and were brilliant, but by that point I was sitting behind the stage, and so had to enjoy it from there. Foo Fighters were damn near booed off the stage.

"booed" doesn't look right.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:05, archived)
boo'd, bood, booe'd, boo-urns?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:10, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:11, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:13, archived)
where's my car?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:20, archived)
bar, surely

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:28, archived)
bon't be bidiculous, banolith.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:33, archived)
he said banolith!
3 times and i appear and ban someone
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:51, archived)
banolith banolith
now ban 2can
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:57, archived)
there's no control over who gets banned, i'm afraid

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 16:00, archived)
Anarchy in the UK

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 16:11, archived)
i hope it's you

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 16:13, archived)
I hope it's yer ma

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 16:17, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 16:18, archived)
I hope it doesn't turn out all gay like the last one

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:31, archived)
look yeah, this sort of rampant bigotry might fly in a mongy or frank thread, but not here.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:38, archived)
I'm entitled to my internet opinions, just like you're entitled to babble on about bins.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:44, archived)
no, we are infact privileged to do those things.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:59, archived)
well we're off to a bad start now you've posted in it
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:38, archived)
you're uninvited to the hair wash now

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:41, archived)
s'alright, I'll just watch the video later.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:43, archived)
uninvited to the hair wash
uninvited to the hair wash yeah
hey, get your hair washed today
bend over and you don't have to pay
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:44, archived)
would do a hilarious edit to shoehorn in 'toupee' but can't be arsed

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:45, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:40, archived)
now we're talking

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:40, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:45, archived)
I think he's 5 to 1 at Cheltenham this afternoon.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:46, archived)
and it's big red bum, with viagra enduced ramrod coming up the inside, and cautious alsatian blowjob leading by a nose

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:51, archived)
come on lasty!

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 15:19, archived)
anyone fancy a kick about after work?
Meet you all on the park at 5:00.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 13:56, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:04, archived)
I doubt you would have been picked
I doubt there are many members of this forum that could run let alone play football.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:08, archived)
Fuck off, nonce.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:11, archived)
you realise this will end up on the popular page dont you?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:18, archived)
no thanks I'm washing my hair.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:11, archived)
there are showers there

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:18, archived)
I'm helping MEATSNAKE wash his hair
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:15, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:19, archived)
i'm filming SS express helping MEATSNAKE wash his hair

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:20, archived)
I'll be gazing, longingly, at MEATSNAKE, as the steam from the shower envelopes his body.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:24, archived)
it's middle name pride day, allegedly! what's your middle name, eh? i bet it's something spazzy like reginald.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:15, archived)
It's Paul, what a shit name. Still, at least it's not my first name like some kind of fucking wanker.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:22, archived)
so generic as well, there are roughly 4.5 billion pauls knocking about

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:27, archived)
it isn't really, tr0ll3d, gutted loser

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:28, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:51, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:52, archived)

**** paul... Doesn't have the same ring as its french counterpart
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:32, archived)
Dave-Paul is more redneck I like to think.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:33, archived)
Search Results Behind the Name: Meaning, Origin and History of the Name Paul. From the Roman family name Paulus, which meant "small" or "humble" in Latin. Traditionally children born with very small penises were named 'Paul'.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:37, archived)
That's very brave of you to say, Paul.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:38, archived)
shut up Paul

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:39, archived)
It's Dave, Paul.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:39, archived)
i think i was named 'ironically'

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:52, archived)
like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:54, archived)
exactly like that, yes

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 13:06, archived)
i think it was a double bluff

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:54, archived)
because it's a boys name?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 13:55, archived)
Never mind that, it's "take pride in the three digit security code from that back of your credit card" day.
Why not post yours here, and then we can compare?
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:23, archived)
you've exposed my phishing scam

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:52, archived)
i'm proud of my middle name(s) but i'm not going to share it/them with the |_ËËT haxx54\/\/5 on this site.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:23, archived)
^middle name is susan

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:27, archived)
susan foreman, actually

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:28, archived)
I used to not like my middle name, then I discovered some cool pop stars had the same middle name and then I became an adult and none of that mattered any more

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:27, archived)
still not telling you though, nark

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:27, archived)
you people are all pussies

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:53, archived)
ok who told you what it was

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 13:30, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 14:10, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:28, archived)
it suits you, bbz

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:54, archived)
means powerful in arabic
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:54, archived)
it's Hebrew for "bee"

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 20:47, archived)
Thomas, bit spazzy thinking about it
What's yours mano
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:29, archived)
His middle name is 'poohouse'

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:35, archived)
it's a bit jesusy
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:51, archived)
you're named after the world's most famous train!

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:55, archived)
Is your first name 'John'?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 13:54, archived)
don't have one.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:31, archived)
That's an unusual name

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:33, archived)
Yeah, like you don't already know you fucking stalker

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:35, archived)
yeah, i already know your spazzy name
although you're pretending it's your middle name for some reason
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:58, archived)
which gives me the initials MPH which i used to think was too cool for school.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:37, archived)
Mr Paedo Hands

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:38, archived)
clickin dis

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:40, archived)
Mine's John

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:42, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:48, archived)
broadsword tits mcgee
a mighty name for a mighty warrior
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:56, archived)
Thomas Joseph Patrick

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:56, archived)
nice trips

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:59, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:14, archived)
It's been morning for ages though

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:21, archived)
morning Alan
are you on the olympic frisbee team now or what?
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:25, archived)
I prefer the term "Frisbee Roi-Soleil" but yeah, totes an Olympian

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:28, archived)
alright, brb.
I need to put the bin out tonight, but I can't remember if it's recycling week out not. What can I do?
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:26, archived)
phone the caaaaaaaancil.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:27, archived)
what was it last week?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:30, archived)
Maybe I'll just moved house, start afresh.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:56, archived)
better make it a different city, it's likely the same binmen will cover several areas

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:59, archived)
put your recycling in the bin

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:37, archived)
then put the bin in the recycling

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:16, archived)
Now this is a fucking thread.
anyone got a raspberry pi?
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:53, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:57, archived)
Can I ask what you are currently using it for?
I am using mjpg streamer currently but having a few issues with stability.

Just thinking of other small projects to mess with. I also have it running XBMC etc.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:02, archived)
I'd like to claim to have done anything clever with it,
but it just sits under the TV and runs xbmc full-time. I've managed to lose the SD card that had raspbian on it, too, so the situation is unlikely to change.
I replaced my homemade NAS with a WD MyCloud, which has sorted out the playback issues that I was having, and looks much neater on the shelf, but gives me negative geek cred.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:13, archived)
This was very pretty much all i had done with mine but have decided to build a baby monitor type thing out of it.
so far its going ok.

I have also started building a games table (similar to the pac man thing) this is currently in the garage though and hasnt seen the light of day for almost 6 months now.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:35, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 12:48, archived)
I make no apologies.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 13:14, archived)
I'm very proud of you.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 13:36, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:59, archived)
Two Hats is a big smelly poo!
Unless he has a screen reader, he'll never know how mean I've been about him. This post will surely have been pushed off the board before his sight returns.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:15, archived)
how did he go blind?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:21, archived)
A headache stopped his eyes working.
I'm not totally convinced of his story, to be honest.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:23, archived)
I think we need to see a doctor's note

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:26, archived)
Statement of Fitness for Work For social security or Statutory Sick Pay
Patient's name: Mr Two Hats
I assessed your case on: 10/3/15
and, because of the following condition(s): Dun wanked himself blind
I advise you that: you are not fit for work.
This will be the case for: 2 weeks
Love Dr Chunder XXX
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:06, archived)
the world in which you are a doctor is a world in which we have failed as a species

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:11, archived)
My doctor never puts kisses on his letters to me.
He did fondle my balls the other day, though, so he must like me.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:23, archived)
did you turn your head and cough?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:27, archived)
No, we maintained eye contact for the duration.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:34, archived)
it must be love then, congrats!

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:36, archived)
all I'm saying is, it is always the person that you expect to call in sick half of the time who claims to suffer from these so-called 'migraines'

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:26, archived)
all this stuff about 'working from home' was a ruse all along

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:27, archived)
I bet he spends all day down the juicer laughing it up with all the locals

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:36, archived)
or sits in his car and masturbates into an empty crisp packet

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:40, archived)
You just described my dream job.
Only the crisp packet wouldn't be empty.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:40, archived)
what flavour crisps?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:43, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:44, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:46, archived)
Salt and Vinegar,
for that frisson of danger.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:49, archived)
I'm going to retrain to become a recruitment consultant
I say retrain, but what they do is basically a sales job.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:44, archived)
I once got headhunted by a recruitment consultancy.
It quickly became apparent that they'd made a terrible mistake.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:47, archived)
oh, monster munch :(

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:00, archived)
The fact that they didn't go so far as to offer me a job
counts as a happy ending to the story.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:20, archived)
clickin dis

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:21, archived)
two hats depreciation day?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:24, archived)
You know how much mod-sanctioned bullying upsets me, manolith.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:26, archived)
true, what with you being a mincing bender and all

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:27, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:46, archived)
go away

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:58, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:34, archived)
Okay maybe

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:34, archived)
he requested some bullying yesterday
i'm just trying to give the forum members what they want
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:27, archived)
See a need, fill a hole or something

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:34, archived)
go away

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:36, archived)
I like it here though

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:06, archived)
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:08, archived)
I thought to myself "you know what, I MISS manolith" and so here I am.
Missed you, buddy.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:15, archived)
you're starting to sound like spanishfly
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:16, archived)
Who's spanishfly, and is he a supercool dude like yourself?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:17, archived)
Okay I made myself retch a little

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 11:18, archived)
and a head dobber

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:27, archived)
that's so mean
i never thought this once great forum would sink this low
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:56, archived)
It's all manolith's fault.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:59, archived)
It's turning into /links everyday

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:00, archived)
i forgot to say it at the time, so i'll do it now
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:01, archived)
So this is morning
And what have you done?
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:10, archived)
another day starting
stick it up your bum
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:30, archived)
Shadow of mordor is well good
It's like assassins creed meets arkham but set in middle earth. Which satisfies my nerd bone.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:32, archived)
I appreciate this doesn't really fit into the tune of Do they know it's Christmas
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:36, archived)
sing it to the "feed the world" bit
You'll see it does
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:44, archived)
You know what, you're right!
fuck, I think I've got a migraine coming. I#m going ab it blind
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:57, archived)
oh no, how awful!
*flicks Vs in front of your face*
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:05, archived)
I'm still not entirely convinced they're a real thing

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:08, archived)
I've had one
they're definitely real
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:10, archived)
how do I know if you are a real thing though?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:11, archived)
shut up MGT

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:38, archived)
shut up MGT is an abstract concept or summat

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:44, archived)
cool, i haven't started playing it yet
and i don't need to hear about your 'nerd bone' thanks very much
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:45, archived)
blind soz

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:59, archived)
oh bravo

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:35, archived)
there's no stoppin' us, no stoppin'
no-one does morning threads better
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:12, archived)
This ain't a morning thread, it's a goddamn travesty

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:14, archived)
How dare you
This is an 'alright' thread
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:31, archived)
You, Sir, are a disgrace.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:13, archived)
That's taking it a bit far, meaty
Go to your room and think about what you've done.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:15, archived)
Very well, I shall bid you good day.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:18, archived)
You are entitled to your opinion, sir
And in many ways I agree with you
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:31, archived)
i disagree

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:50, archived)
so that's the way of it

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:00, archived)
I agree

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:18, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:32, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:32, archived)

Everyone loves a good chant.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:33, archived)
They do don't they

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:34, archived)
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:55, archived)
does he now?
useful to know
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:56, archived)
its the moustache that keeps people coming back

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:00, archived)
when was 'the time'?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:34, archived)
Quarter to four this morning

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:36, archived)
a good time indeed

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:45, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:45, archived)
I reckon I probably had an erection, then.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:13, archived)
*all* right? or just a bit right?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:42, archived)

I've just checked, it's a little bit right.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:44, archived)
girl I don't want to fight

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:47, archived)
you must be at least this right to participate

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 8:46, archived)
start a new theread
too blind to reply
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:02, archived)
do i have to?

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:07, archived)
he won't see if you do or not
too blind, you see
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:08, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:02, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:06, archived)

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 9:07, archived)
i forgot to say it at the time, so i'll do it now
merry christmas
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 0:03, archived)
JMG Discussion.

I may check this thread later.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:21, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:22, archived)
pretty sure the real jmg died years ago and this is a sockpuppet run by either the bilderberg group, or the reptilians

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:34, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:37, archived)
jossy's mediocre giants

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:52, archived)
JMG has always been my hero, and he always will be.
I hope to see his life bought to the big screen, some day.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:37, archived)
no fatties

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 20:25, archived)
what can be said of JMG that hasn't been said before?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 20:56, archived)
He's from Norfolk

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 21:02, archived)
one leg is 4 inches shorter than the other

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 21:08, archived)
He has a pre - hensile penis, 4 feet in length

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 22:05, archived)
he was the first manager of bucks fizz and masterminded their ascent to the top

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 22:36, archived)
He once had a piss next to Jimmy Savile but they didn't dock

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 23:37, archived)
It's over eleven years since I got my one and only FP.
Oh and I'm in Jesmond this evening.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 21:34, archived)
Pick a fight. They're all soft.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 21:56, archived)
I just went for a short walk without a jacket.
I fit right in.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 21:58, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 21:47, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 23:21, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 23:21, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 23:21, archived)
Some excellent remarks, here.

(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 0:02, archived)
What's for dinner?
alt:live JAM discussion.

UPDATE: The live JAM discussion has now ended.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:27, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:28, archived)
how many beef?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:30, archived)
Three million and twelve

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:32, archived)
9 fluid ounces

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:39, archived)
where's the beef? hahaha get it?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:43, archived)
it's in the oven

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:43, archived)
i gotta cheap pizza on a yellow sticker special
however, it is too big to fit into my mini oven so i am having to cook it in shifts.
i haven't had jam in ages. nor marmalade.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:39, archived)
^ cooking in shifts worked out marvellously
10/10 would recommend to a friend
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:22, archived)
right, here's the thing, yeah?
those big rectangular fuckers don't fit in the big main oven but they DO fit in the smaller oven above it. What Is That All About?
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:34, archived)
that's just the man fucking with you, brb, just the man fucking with ya

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:58, archived)
If I wanted to read transcripts of the Wannsee conference,
I'd read transcripts of the Wannsee conference.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2015, 1:15, archived)
quorn chili tortillas cooked by my wife.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:44, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:47, archived)
Haha yeah like you've got a wife

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:58, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:50, archived)
new zappa album

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 19:50, archived)
with jam
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 18:48, archived)
whats the most hipster bullshit thing in your town?
here, it's this, a sort of pop up wanker gourmet foodie boutique www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/food-drink-news/depot-cardiff-events-street-food--8799501
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:32, archived)
check out the new years eve video,
barely even mentions the food
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:34, archived)
Doesn't look very hipsterish to me, but I spose it's Wales.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:42, archived)
you're confusing people who look like hipsters with a hipster event

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:43, archived)
you're confusing hipster and middle class

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:45, archived)
all hipsters are middle class

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:47, archived)
but not all middle classes are hipsters
logic, intit.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:48, archived)
well no obviously
whats ur point
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:49, archived)
its like if i went "check out this football match" and you were like, youve confused football with sports
and im like, all football matches are sports and then you were like omg he's so right and dreamy and handsome
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:50, archived)
sort of, but more like if you said "check out this football match" and showed me a game of cricket

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:52, archived)
u dont kno what ur talking about m7

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:53, archived)
maybe yeah
i don't claim to be an expert on these things
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:54, archived)
i guess im just jealous we dont have a pop up cereal cafe round here

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:55, archived)
anyway the qualifier was "most" hipster bullshit, i couldn't find anything more hipster in my town
soz 2 disapoint
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:54, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:58, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:59, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:50, archived)
a pop up streetfood event where they're gonna screen movies, in an abandoned warehouse i mean i dunno whats not hipster about that

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:52, archived)
artyfarties do that shit all the time and they're not hipsters

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:54, archived)
yeh they r soz

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:54, archived)
but they pre-date hipsters and most of the artyfarties i know are far too old to be hipsters
i dunno man it just seems you're not being accurate enough with your pejorative terms
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:57, archived)
i dont know any of the artyfarties you know soz

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:57, archived)
well i'm glad we sorted that out
same time tomorrow then?
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:01, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:04, archived)
there is a coffee place near me where they weigh the coffee, takes its temperature, shake the milk and all this bollocks
adding more time and effort to a simple task. Wankers.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:41, archived)
I don't like waiting for coffee
If I was happy to wait, I'd go home and make one myself. And the word Barista makes my skin crawl. See also Sandwich Artist.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:45, archived)
I was hoping the future would remove middle men and make tasks easier
not want to chew my own teeth waiting for some cunt to turn my coffee into an 'experience'.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:48, archived)
hey the sandwich is a valid art form, it just suffers from a lack of funding and public awareness

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 17:36, archived)
My town is dying on its arse.
No hipster bullshit, just empty store fronts in the town centre. The amount of excitement when it was announced that M&S were moving into the vacated Comet unit in the retail park, was ridiculous.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:42, archived)
you could open up a pop up something or other in one of the abandoned stores

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:45, archived)
in case you were wondering the lobster is now dead.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:45, archived)
what lobster?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:45, archived)
A lobster I was stroking before
I watched the chef put a knife through its head. The students were a little distressed
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:21, archived)
One Hour Forty Five Minutes To Go

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:45, archived)
Remember this moment, when your children ask you where you were, you'll be able to tell them.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:47, archived)
to what?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:47, archived)
half five

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:48, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:50, archived)
OH God, i'll miss some of it by 30 minutes
I meant 5
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:50, archived)
that was a narrow squeak!

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:51, archived)
miss what?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:51, archived)
Less than an hour to go now ! Apple Event !

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:03, archived)
what apple event?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:04, archived)
There's a big apple event on in about 30 minutes now

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:33, archived)
what happens at an apple event?
is it like a parade?
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:50, archived)
Sorry, your browser doesn't support our live video stream. Please follow along with the posts below. Live streaming video requires Safari 5.1.10 or later on OS X v10.6.8 or later; Safari on iOS 6.0 or later.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 17:22, archived)
dunno if this counts
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:51, archived)
yer i guess

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:53, archived)

This pointless fucking thing.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:53, archived)
it's coming along
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:02, archived)
On the one hand, it's nice to hear
on the other, it's a pointless waste of cash tarting up a neglected dump overshadowed by a horrendous '70s tower block.

They should bulldoze the whole lot and turn it into townhouses with quaint boutiques and hipster cafes and shit.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:06, archived)
it's not pointless, it makes you remember the flood and give praise to god almighty

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:02, archived)
dunno but every time i've ordered a pub burger recently,
they've served it on a fucking chopping board instead of a plate
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:55, archived)
i had one that had chips that were just quartered potatoes
that was on a chopping board too i mean fucks sake
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:55, archived)
what's with that?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:59, archived)
lots of new places cashing in on hipsters who are the current demographic with the
most disposable income, lacking in any actual food knowledge but who think they do because they can afford to eat wherever they like. but at heart, they mostly just like burgers. so places take advantage of this by pretending like their burgers are special, by doing stuff like serving them on a chopping board or with massive chips. they can often get away with shit quality cheap meat and still sell it for a massive mark-up, because their clientele have no fucking clue
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:03, archived)
50 new restaurants opened up in Warsaw
49 of them sell burgers, and the other one sells pointless immigrant food.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:09, archived)
everything is pointless

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:12, archived)
except a quincunx,
that's got five points
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:14, archived)
a what?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:15, archived)
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:15, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:24, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:27, archived)
nothing make sense in the great cosmic scene

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:15, archived)
everyone i ever knew and ever will know will die on this rock

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:19, archived)
*holds up sharpened rock, goes on murdering spree*
hahahaha get it
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:19, archived)
No, I was just trying to rewrite the Lego movie song

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:26, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:49, archived)
Well this headline's a bit misleading
bloody clickbait

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:57, archived)
looks mega authentic, love to go.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:00, archived)
It's always been grotty, I'm not surprised by this
To be honest I'm surprised more places haven't been closed down. Some places round here look disgusting.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:02, archived)
this is exactly the reason for the existence of tea.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:01, archived)
filthy pictures?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:02, archived)
dirty water

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:05, archived)
I want to go back to Portsmouth and see how it's changed
But I think the integral charm and magic of the place has gone, since they demolished the Tricorn Centre.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:10, archived)
You might be right

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:14, archived)
Take your pick
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:08, archived)
A shop that is called "Hipster".
It has a mannequin outside wearing red skinny jeans, a shitty flannel shirt, large black rimmed glasses and some shitty fake straw hat.

Hipsters are ALL cunts. No exceptions. Nobody can prove me wrong on this, due to the 100% of factness.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:21, archived)
Fucking hell, they have a webshite.

No mannequin in the photos though.

It's the kind of shop I expect rnuk buys all his clothes from.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:24, archived)
I went into Forbidden Planet in southampton one time
and there were some youngsters in there talking about Dr Who and one of them proudly proclaimed "I ONLY watch the series with Tom Baker in it"

Students never change, do they.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:27, archived)
but i bet he watches the other series just to find out why he doesn't watch them

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:31, archived)
a 'steruk' is a type of prosthetic pelvis

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:39, archived)
I never could work out why they named their mod boutique "Hipster",
but I also couldn't be bothered to go in there to find out.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 16:59, archived)
There is totally Hipster shit in there - the mannequin that's out front in summer is proof of that.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 17:38, archived)
Along with the shit listed on their website.
They're less Mod than Hipster.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 17:39, archived)
Shame. I used to like buying my clothes from Carnaby Street, and that place could have rekindle my interest in my appearance.
I'll just have to carry on being an unkempt mess.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 17:43, archived)
"It took us four days just to paint the floors grey"
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 20:21, archived)
alright - I have just been stroking a lobster
what have you been stroking this afternoon?
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:13, archived)
My ego

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:22, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:22, archived)
two cats
check em
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:23, archived)

c h
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:26, archived)
My own hair.
It needs washing.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:27, archived)
Spanishfly, we have found your tipping point. Good bye.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:28, archived)
OMG, someone's going to get 8008315 over the next month or two.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:29, archived)
135 will be even better

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:33, archived)
yah'yah', you get me zo?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:43, archived)
daddy's taking us to the zo tomorrow

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:47, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:04, archived)
You so crazy!

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:06, archived)
don't you want to talk about eurovision?
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:10, archived)
whats that?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:17, archived)
you know what it is, silly

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:48, archived)
its silly?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 15:23, archived)
someone got a copy of eJay and a rhyming dictionary for christmas, clearly

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:48, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:14, archived)
Apple store is down ! OH BOY

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:25, archived)
there must be other greengrocers near you that you could use instead

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:27, archived)
like the orange shop

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 13:40, archived)
bananas & melons

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 14:20, archived)
r.i. p granny smith :'(

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:30, archived)
what things are you buying now gonz?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:37, archived)
Apple Watch hopefully

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:43, archived)
A fool and his money are easily parted,
except for when the Apple website is unable to keep up with demand.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:46, archived)
It's OK, this fool has plenty of means of making more.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:49, archived)
Spend it while you can, it's not like you can take it with you when you die.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 13:18, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 13:32, archived)
So buy the gold iWatch and drop dead, then.
Think of the efficiency.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 13:52, archived)
I wouldn't touch the cheaper versions, get the saphire and steel one, lol

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 13:02, archived)
Deffo going for the steel one.
They reckon the gold one will be like $5000
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 13:04, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 14:02, archived)
let's just put what happened behind us

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 13:02, archived)
thanks for the 3 points Saturday doves

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 13:03, archived)
no probs, hopefully cardiff will get relegated and all the shit fans will fuck off

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 13:10, archived)
so, our eurovision entry has been shat out
what did you think of it, eh? are you ready to get excited about eurovision? i know i am

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:16, archived)
could you provide some sort of link for those of us that just can't be bothered?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:16, archived)
bit lazy m8

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:16, archived)
it's the blue, underlined bit

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:17, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:31, archived)
no probs, happy to help

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:34, archived)
I liked it more when Wogan did it
Seems a bit post-ironic now.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:17, archived)
the wogan era was the best
i quite like graham norton but he just can't step out of wogan's shadow
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:22, archived)
My BRAND NEW ps4 died
I've had to reinstall the firmware. Good job I haven't had it long because I've lost all my game data. Fucking bullshit. You don't get this with board games.
Where is that fucking prick MONO anyway?
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:27, archived)
must have you on ignore
did a really good morning thread
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:30, archived)
He wouldn't dare

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:36, archived)
wow, sucks to be you!
are you sure you didn't spill ginger ale on it or anything?
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:32, archived)
Don't be ridiculous
It was Um Bongo
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:36, archived)
I used to have a laptop with a crust of Vimto around its ports.
Ran for years.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:44, archived)
should have sold it to jmg

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:46, archived)
Because he hasn't run for years?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:50, archived)
he used to be obsessed with vimto
and he used to dance a lot. he was a lively, vivacious forum member
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:53, archived)
I think that i will be an Australian instead this year.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:23, archived)
best start killing some aborigines then

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:26, archived)
am on it.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:28, archived)
I think you're dreamy

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:24, archived)
hey man, save it for manolith appreciation day
my head's too big as it is
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:35, archived)
I mean what a load of shit
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:25, archived)
yeah, it's pretentious wank, innit
not that it matters. we never get any points
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:36, archived)
I'm not fucking surprised!!
That's really bad. I mean, worse than usual.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:39, archived)
did you enjoy the 'scat' part
not poo, the other kind
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:44, archived)
I lasted 28 seconds
AND I was talking about the song before you make any jokes with your sewer moputh
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:50, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:53, archived)
shut yo moputh

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:01, archived)
try it from this point on
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:56, archived)
oh god
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:02, archived)
*solemn nod*

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:11, archived)
Well, that's frankly a bit shit

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:33, archived)
You might get wet, I'd be upset
Fuck me, it's like something from Bugsy Malone.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:37, archived)
it's the taking part that counts

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:47, archived)
i think in our case,
it's the paying for it that counts
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:52, archived)
they haven't asked me for any money

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:58, archived)
indirectly they have though, haven't they
unless you don't pay your licence fee, in which case i'll have no choice but to call the police
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:59, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:10, archived)
This is at odds with your earlier homophobia.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:48, archived)
the homophobia was fake
the eurovision excitement is all too real
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:49, archived)
I liked it better when your were pretending to bully me over my supposed lifestyle choices.
Eurovision is cack. Unless it's being used to provoke idiots into pointing out that Israel and Australia aren't part of Europe - that's moderately amusing for a short while.

I will make an exception for John Shuttleworth, however.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:56, archived)
i just think it's an entertaining night of telly
i'll go back to bullying you as well though
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:58, archived)
I watched a little bit of the last one,
and the presenter was going around giving the contestants cakes from their favourite bakeries. The contestants looked utterly bemused, and the whole thing was excruciating. On the plus side, I don't think I heard any of the entries until Ellis from Die Hard turned up and won.

Still, better than Crufts.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:03, archived)
haha, i actually missed the last one
due to my brother selfishly arranging his wedding on that day
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:11, archived)
Your brother is so heterosexual, he got married, rather than watch Eurovision?
You should start bottling his scent, sell it as instant manliness.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:18, archived)
so proud of my country right now
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:50, archived)
well, there's something to be said for blind enthusiasm, i suppose

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:59, archived)
Only queers and kids get excited about eurovision and you don't look like no kid to me so that kinda narrows it down.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:50, archived)
stand down, hartman. you miserable old cunt

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:54, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:03, archived)
the ukips should just buy the isle of wight and then they can all go and live there without any of the pesky brown people they hate so much
then they can enter eurovision!
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:10, archived)
i actually quite liked it

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 13:25, archived)
Monday! They said it'd never happen!
Morning jabronis.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 7:58, archived)
morning dickface

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:24, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:27, archived)
1 hat bad, 2 hats good!
Not doing an appreciation day, today, so please feel free to make this thread all about yourself.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:26, archived)
Can't soz
Official secrets act innit
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:27, archived)
Really? A perfect opportunity to invent a backstory for you, that you can't easily deny.
I heard that you were the voice that Justin Beiber lip-syncs to.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:35, archived)
I heard two hats is really Mr Kipling

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:39, archived)
I heard that he saved Hitler's brain.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:49, archived)
I'm like the Peter Shilton of neurosurgery

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:55, archived)
no no,
he shaved it
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 9:11, archived)
Even his brain has a mustache.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 9:14, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:27, archived)
No one's more surprised than me

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:35, archived)
oh yeah?
well you can take your monday, shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways and shove it straight up your candy ass!
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:35, archived)
you didn't need to say that
you didn't NEED to

*runs away crying*
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:36, archived)
two hats, wait! come back!
you dropped your gay card
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:41, archived)
they make us pay for those you know

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:41, archived)
i imagine it's difficult to get in your wallet what with all the rhinestones and such

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:47, archived)
And Dolly Parton memoribilia, etc

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:53, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 9:36, archived)

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 9:49, archived)
I knew you could do it, twoey
I just knew that if anyone could bring us a Monday, it'd be you
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:42, archived)

you Jesus
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:45, archived)
He is risen

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:47, archived)
Better knock him back and form him into a loaf shape.

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:50, archived)
body of christ

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:52, archived)
Drink this, it's my blood
actually don't. It's not good for you.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 8:54, archived)
I don't really get what goes on with these christians
but it sure seems like a whole lot of fun!!
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 9:00, archived)
I've taken to attending the local CofE, to support the kids' scout troop.
"a whole lot of fun" it is not. Thanks to my lax parenting, my youngest has a deep urge to praise Sweet Zombie Jesus at Easter time, and each walk through the graveyard is a dash to evade the undead.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 9:11, archived)
yeah, but don't they crack out the wine first thing on a sunday morning?
or is that muslims?
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 9:12, archived)
I think that's Catholics.
The wine is to offset the guilt they feel.
CofE is just droning hymns and a vicar attempting to be modern - ours talks like he has a sponsorship deal with the local Saintsbury's.
(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 9:16, archived)
i see what you did there!

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 9:43, archived)
what's up bozo?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 10:01, archived)
Only his proctologist knows for sure

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:02, archived)
are jabronies some sort of Rasafarian My-Little-Pony lover?

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:10, archived)
yes, that's exactly what they are

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 11:16, archived)
thenk yew mistah macingarry thassan ecelenn question

(, Mon 9 Mar 2015, 12:41, archived)

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