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Real world photoshopping » Message 1204960
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My dolly's posessed.
Luckily the hamster, like all pugilists, is very religious. CFB and darkened atmos.must give credit to ToxicTom also. /edit +cheers, Blyerkit
From the
Real world photoshopping challenge. See all
453 entries (closed)
Shakmaaaaa! ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:29,
archived )
that is like
totally amazing
Dai_Marzipan Ain't no party like an S Club party ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:30,
archived )
that is the best thing ever
gingerbenji wrote a book http://goo.gl/8UiGjd ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:30,
archived )
clarse &
@man move along, nothing to see here on ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:33,
archived )
it's so cute
more vomit ! more vomit ! more vomit !
my badger is cuter thany your mom ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:32,
archived )
thread jack
I had a dream last night in which my friends and I, took the 'Countdown' clock apart, only to discover that the second half of it didn't have any lightbulbs in it. I remember feeling upset and let down by that fact. Just remembered it and because I am drinking right now, I thought I'd share the dream.....erm...right...I'm off
Nath ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:32,
archived )
i like that
i like that a lot.
martian ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:32,
archived )
My mates and I used to conduct pub exorcisms
Basically you all go up to random victim, chanting "The power of Christ compels you" over and over then throw your pints over the victim. It's funny, for a split-second.
dr_fonz ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:33,
archived )
got to try that one now.
usually end up doing practically the same thing anyway. might as well have an excuse.
Shakmaaaaa! ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:35,
archived )
the split second before you get a fist in the face.
Samsonite ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:37,
archived )
The whole office is now demanding to know
why I just spurted tea over my monitor. Thanks. :@ |
blyerkit e k trilby ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:34,
archived )
you beanhead
it's never prudent to waste tea. now pop the kettle on quicksmart!
Shakmaaaaa! ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:37,
archived )
I can't see
the biggy... and I wanna!!
dr_fonz ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:40,
archived )
this is due to lycos AND yahoo being rubbish and half-inaccessible from work. curse my rubbish luck. will try to fixey
Shakmaaaaa! ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 16:42,
archived )
May be because the png
is absolutely enormous!
Artamnesia ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 17:14,
archived )
made my day...
DesecrationForsaken ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 17:06,
archived )
that's great
compels has one 'l' - unless it's Welsh, but that'd sound just horrible. soup?
Sybil 'n' Tess ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 17:34,
archived )
I bow down before you
LittleTiger ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 18:06,
archived )
i want his fetching hat, mind
Shakmaaaaa! ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 19:23,
archived )
welcome, mate :@ )
blyerkit e k trilby ,
Thu 15 May 2003, 20:58,
archived )
I vote for this,
I hope you win.
EvS ,
Fri 16 May 2003, 3:33,
archived )
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