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here are my cups
rob ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:20,
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serve no porpoise in my life i dont drink coffee, or tea... or any hot beverage for that matter.
DaWolfey ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:23,
archived )
but they can make you look grown up and you can still drink you 'beena out of them..
rawx ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:25,
archived )
Heh, "'beena"!
Haven't heard that for a while. Do use use "TK" also?
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:27,
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what the
hell is TK??
rawx ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:38,
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Red Sauce!
Sorry, bit of a flashback to uni, with people removing bits of food labels, so we had bottles of "ato chup". Although "fit cock is up" was reaching a bit ("Fruit Cocktail in Syrup").
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:42,
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Tomato Ketchup [sp?]
bhell13 ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:45,
archived )
Said backwards, it's a Russian Spy.
Or the new Bond baddie.Otamot Puchtek
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:48,
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I like that
a lot.
skulker ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 16:10,
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I keep my pens
in one
Craymen ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:26,
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i have one that is full of 1 and 2 pence coins
it used to have 5s in it as well, but i ran out of beer money and used 38 of them to buy a pint.
mikeisbrill ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:41,
archived )
I keep my penis
in one
Mumm-ra ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 16:20,
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Not even in winter?
What about soup?
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:26,
archived )
that's why the good lord created bowls and spoons! and no, not even winter. I drink water now. and milk and the occasional can of coke or whatever
DaWolfey ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:28,
archived )
and beer
DaWolfey ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:28,
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you need a mug to drink your whiskey out of when you are at work, so nobody will be any the wiser... ..untill you fall over
Wallz ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:39,
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coke is nice out of a mug
spacefish bong! ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:31,
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it is.
coke out of a glass is disgusting, but out of a mug it is okay.
mikeisbrill ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:42,
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Soup in a mug is great at festivals.
And cheaper than paying some hippy for a sloppy-looking falafel.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:33,
archived )
if ya had this mug
You'd drink all the time..
Idyll23 ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:59,
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The coaster makes it perfect!
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 16:06,
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I keeps around some win95 discs as frisbees.
Idyll23 ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 16:10,
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They're very nice
we have a blode mug and a giantbee mug.
Wifey ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 15:23,
archived )
here are mine!
bhell13 ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 16:07,
archived )
just beautiful rob
hal9000 sme ,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 16:28,
archived )
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