I was five years old and it was a huge white cockerel. the farmer had to rescue me.
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:49,

I was not only physically, but also mentally scarred for life

so sorry, I'm sure it was a traumatic experience
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:52,

with a huge white cock, I'll bet.
Edit: whoops!
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:53,
Edit: whoops!

at the top of paperchase - don't go looking for it, it isn't there any more - there used to be graffiti saying, "MEET HERE AT 12 WEDNESDAYS FOR BIG COCK FUN"
it was always my dream to go along at that time dressed as foghorn leghorn.
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 12:15,
it was always my dream to go along at that time dressed as foghorn leghorn.

someone had written "here is a mouse" on the door. THere was no mouse.
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 12:21,

but certainly not her last
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:54,

those word don't seem to fit together correctly.
except in my case of course, not that i'm bragging...
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:54,
except in my case of course, not that i'm bragging...

nearly there! (and it's such a crap celebratory pic it's hardly worth it!)
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:59,
nearly there! (and it's such a crap celebratory pic it's hardly worth it!)

all morning (well from that earlier thread anyway)
i hope i'm not disappointed.
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 12:02,
i hope i'm not disappointed.

got bit by a penguin on our holidays !
100 % of certifiable facteroonie
Woo to the pic :)
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:51,
100 % of certifiable facteroonie
Woo to the pic :)

bitten by a penguin! I was about 18 months old and at the zoo - the wire they fenced off the areas with was perfect for me to fit my arm through. I grabbed a penguin by the beak, and when it recovered from the shock it bit me.
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:53,

expect revenge to be swift and crushing.
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:58,

Little bugger bit hard too - It didn't 'arf 'urt n'all...
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:54,

bitten by a squirrel in Princes Street Gardens.
And when I worked in a pet shop I got bitten by everything. Worst thing was a catfish cos it got its barb stuck in me and I had to go to the medical centre to get the nurse to remove this by now dead fish that was stuck in my finger.
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 11:55,
And when I worked in a pet shop I got bitten by everything. Worst thing was a catfish cos it got its barb stuck in me and I had to go to the medical centre to get the nurse to remove this by now dead fish that was stuck in my finger.