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Fantastic. I've just looked at your profile and I reckon you should post more stuff. And certain people round here should post a lot fucking less. Yes, you know who you are.
Baz Fuck off ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:29,
archived )
vork and burlap ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:30,
archived )
sorry baz
it won't happen again.
popt_art ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:30,
archived )
Nah, it's alright.
You're a bird, you can't help it.
Baz Fuck off ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:31,
archived )
aw cheers baz
popt_art ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:39,
archived )
I tend to post
late at night when I'm all pissed up.
underneath the weeping willow ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:30,
archived )
What's the matter
with you today mate? Has someone grated your carrot?
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:30,
archived )
Is that a euphemism?
I hope it is. Or maybe it's just a suggestion for a healthy topping on a jacket potato.
Baz Fuck off ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:32,
archived )
because your posts are immense
Sunshine Elephant ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:31,
archived )
I'm just misunderstood.
Baz Fuck off ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:33,
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And that pic with the pecky pigeon makes me feel queezy. I got the original on viral.
Spencer Elden ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:31,
archived )
The original
is the best picture ever.
underneath the weeping willow ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:33,
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Oh all right then.
I'll go and draw some Hilti M16 HVU HY150 resin anchors.
pxyzyzygy ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:31,
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is it me?
or all them below?
WhoElse I'm what Willis was talking about ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:31,
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i posted something
which i was quite happy with earlier. So there.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:32,
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the badgers one?
or did you surpass yourself whilst i was mincing about my house?
vork and burlap ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:34,
archived )
that was it.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:37,
archived )
ah good
i liked that one - i'd put music to it if a) i had a piano b) i could overcome microphone shyness c) i could be arsed
vork and burlap ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:41,
archived )
you mean me, don't you?!? *sniff* foine... i can take a hint... *sob*
*f o o f* is a craft-aholic ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:34,
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I think
everyone may be paranoid now
corington ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:34,
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There should be a name for that condition.
Baz Fuck off ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:36,
archived )
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:38,
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Someone else.
Baz Fuck off ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:40,
archived )
i've never come
across baz wit before :)
Sunshine Elephant ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:43,
archived )
I'm glad to hear about your ejaculatory tidyness.
Baz Fuck off ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 15:44,
archived )
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