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Manic can teach you the secret of fire ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:40,
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Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:41,
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Sunshine Elephant ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:41,
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nice. I just to call the ambulance out because I couldn't breathe. How strange.
vulga is a foul mouthed cunt ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:42,
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You okay now mate?
Like your style: can't breathe, call ambulance, stay on b3ta (:
<>Dog www.stevelaker.blog ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:45,
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"IF I don't answer the door - I'll be at my computer"
vork and burlap ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:46,
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Well, 1st I called my doctor who said
"chest pains? Call 999" so I did and they said "call your doctor" after giving me lots of air and stuff. Feel a little bit better, but still very wobbly on my feet. Felt like a right charlie.
vulga is a foul mouthed cunt ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:46,
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Better safe and a Charlie
than not safe and an ex Vulga. Glad you're okay (:
<>Dog www.stevelaker.blog ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:51,
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any better now?
Darkedge ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:46,
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a little
but just wobbly on my feet and sore chest now. Told them I just gave up smoking, so they sort of went "aaaaaaaah, that's it"
vulga is a foul mouthed cunt ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:49,
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you'd better start again
Reverend Dan ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:52,
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lungs full of crap from cold trying to ditch crap from smoking - urrgh yuck. need me to bring anything back home?
Darkedge ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:53,
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might need to go and get a prescription for me later
if that's alright?
vulga is a foul mouthed cunt ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:56,
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sure no problem
Darkedge ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 17:00,
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Hope you're better soon.For a minute there, I thought my 'shopping had sapped your will to live...
Manic can teach you the secret of fire ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 17:00,
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oh dear
You OK - you've been ill recently, haven't you?
butchbint ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:47,
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I'll be fine, and I have been pretty ill recently. I'm going to have to go back to bed as soon as this bloody doctor turns up.
vulga is a foul mouthed cunt ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:47,
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Don't seduce the doctor again
You know what happened last time. Get well soon and all that.
butchbint ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:52,
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throw bones.. not water...
loko ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:42,
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Jayzuz, that's
rather good, innit?
pxyzyzygy ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:42,
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very cleverly done
*applauses* wish my 'shopiing was that good POUT
hopping_evil_bunny_of_doom ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:43,
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thats awfully good
*lou ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:43,
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that be more than good that !
oCo ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:43,
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Woo Sweep.
Hoagie ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:44,
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shock and awe
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:44,
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Hello mate (:
Like the name (:
<>Dog www.stevelaker.blog ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:46,
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that's good
where's the original?
corington ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:44,
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right here
Manic can teach you the secret of fire ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:46,
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That be a shot across the bow-wow!
Indole Ring ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:45,
archived )
That be nice matey!
Bitchy Teresa is bitchy, duh. ,
Thu 18 Sep 2003, 16:46,
archived )
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