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It's always just when you're getting settled isn't it?
Yay! First front page :)
UncleLewy ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:52,
archived )
"oh, putter..."
_null_ ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:53,
archived )
I'm eating spray cream.
goat thinks you're shit ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:54,
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I did that
Then afterwards discovered the mould growing on the nozzle
useful_idiot ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:56,
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This is a new can.
So I should be ok apart from the whole throwing up later part.
goat thinks you're shit ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:57,
archived )
Ugh, I feel ill.
I think I have a cold coming on, and it's going to come out tomorrow, which is ironic because I have tomorrow off work. BIG HAIRY BUGGERY BOLLOCKS! *cough* *sniffle*
The Duke Of Your Fingers feels like an old man... mmm, tasty! ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 20:17,
archived )
drive him mad.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:53,
archived )
Looks a bit like Dizzy :D Woo :)Sorry if I'm odd(er) tonight, I'm pretty sleep deprived and things go weird then
Number_6 ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:54,
archived )
maybe Dozy. He was the sleepy one after all.
Mr. Bell Division ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 20:24,
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yomgaille ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:54,
archived )
that's just
not subtle at all.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:56,
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yom's french
let's see you pull off puns in a foriegn language.
rob ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 20:24,
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I feel like that most days
not today though, thankfully
KnitWit ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:55,
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you feel
like a golf ball.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:58,
archived )
Round, dimpled and repeatedly smacked round the head.
Sounds about right.
goat thinks you're shit ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 20:00,
archived )
I feel like a large man with a shiny golf club
KnitWit ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 20:00,
archived )
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 20:01,
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And a nice
Number_6 ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 20:01,
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Sunshine Elephant ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:57,
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I love his little 'do rag
(or is that grey hair?) and aaack! b3ta just died again!
Cheril ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:57,
archived )
it's a little hankerchief. Soaks up the brill cream nicely.
UncleLewy ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:59,
archived )
aww bless
have a pearoast
Oscar Wildebeest ,
Wed 15 Oct 2003, 21:45,
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