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# when i searched for 'chelsea' i found this
I was too scared to do anything else.....

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:03, archived)
# it looks....
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:04, archived)
# mum?
is that you?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:05, archived)
# yes darling
shhh now, back to bed...
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:10, archived)
# but i can't sleep now
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:10, archived)
# *warms milk*
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:26, archived)
# oohh

warm harder!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:27, archived)
# Warm it!
Warm it HARD!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:30, archived)
# *pulls adjustment lever*
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:31, archived)
# Don't burn your chest hair...
your teats will be sore enough after he's had his fill
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:27, archived)
# I realised earlier
that there may have been a bit of Viking action that you have't seen. Im not really sure. Check it out here.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:22, archived)
# ahh thank you
i did see that and it is fantastic. most excellent
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:24, archived)
# Thanks.
I probably put less effort into that than anything Ive ever done because of my eagerness to post it at the time.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:26, archived)
# heheh no worries
i look forward to the next installment in Fluffy's adventures
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:28, archived)
# I have something else planned before I carry on with Fluffy
but some of the ideas I have on paper are a little 'unusual'. I think it will mostly take the form of a 'Viking Fact' series, starting with a couple of the things mentioned in previous posts like the Axe of Infinite Cleavage™, of which im most proud.

Othe ideas were more scenario based like winning the gold for olympic javelin as discussed at great length with Lanc one night.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:31, archived)
# Mmmmm....
Infinite Cleavage...
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:35, archived)
# hmmm
sounds interesting... i look forward to it... and yes infinite cleavage sounds fantastic
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:36, archived)
# arrrrgh! kill it!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:06, archived)
# Howardandpeanut.com
seems to be unavailable.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:26, archived)
# yes, that is correct
it's a long story, but suffice to day that lycos are being twats about it. it may be another 2 months before I have a website again.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:32, archived)
# That's a shame.
Your stuff is great and I was about to enjoy a gentle lunchime perusal. Hope the twats start behaving soon.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:33, archived)
# thanks a lot. i appreciate the compliment
there's not really anything lycos can do about it, though. I hosted form them last year and had problems, so i decided to use a new host this year. when the domain/hosting expired, i went to a new company (Dataflame. much cheaper, better service) and got the domain/hosting through them. but lycos decided to be annoying and not give up the domain name. I can't transfer it over, since it's expired; can't renew with them since my account has ended; and can't buy it till they end the "redemption" period, which could last upto 3 months it's now 1 month in)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:38, archived)
# Well, you did save the picture to your computer,
then you uploaded it to a image hosting site, and then you went to b3ta.com and then to the board and then you started a new post and finished it and clicked that you would like that posted.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:09, archived)
# be nice - i've only ever posted 3 images
I was trying to do something funny - then realised i lacked talent. I could have drawn a cock on it though
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:14, archived)
# don't take anything here personally.
it's better to post things things that you haven't made or done something to as links, rather than posting the actual picture. but you're much farther ahead than most new people and the picture has given me an idea, as well.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:21, archived)
# Sorry, mate.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:26, archived)
# I think it needs...
a flat cap an a pipe
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:12, archived)
is good at choosing hats, I think.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:19, archived)