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# Bear with me if I arse this up. First time

Click for biggerosity, but not much.

My first b3ta post. Could I be more excited?
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:30, archived)
# Heheh nicely shopped, and working first time.
Woo! and Welcome aboard!
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:31, archived)
# I laughed!
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:32, archived)
# Tom Cruise likes a bit of sausage*
'tis most woosome.
welcome to the rest of your life!

(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:32, archived)
# Welcome...
...that is rather splendid... Woo to You
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:32, archived)
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:32, archived)
# ha ha
He really is as small as a saveloy.

welcome, you.
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:32, archived)
# SAVELOY!!!! woo
I now need saveloy, chips & peas, stat!!
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:32, archived)
# i'm sure you could be

have a WOO anyway
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:32, archived)
# that am woo



(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:34, archived)
# goodbye
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:36, archived)
# FP!
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 19:57, archived)
# nice going
FP'ing your first post
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 22:06, archived)
# Well done
it's all downhill from here on! :)
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 22:15, archived)
# 100% post to FP ratio
that am very woo.
woo on stilts in fact.

the image is also very woo.
(, Mon 3 May 2004, 23:06, archived)