representation of ROFL, ROFLMYAO, BRB or something else entirely. Maybe it shouldn't be a representation of one of these things. Maybe it should just be what it is. Totally demented...

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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:23,

hope I've given you some strange things to dream about!
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:25,

Do you all know something I dont? Come back here this instant and answer my question!
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:28,

It appears to be 32 minutes past the third hour, which is 5 hours and 28 minutes before I will be awakening, which is a worry as I dont think its gonna happen
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:30,

makes an excellent, if ever so slightly pixellated wallpaper (@1280x1024). More of these I say. When you run out of net babble to illustrate, maybe you could just start on random words out of the dictionary or better still, random numbers.
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:27,

you can have the larger version then...
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:29,

Now visitors to the flat will think I am a proper bona fide weirdo, not your average amateur, walking around town muttering to self chump.
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:37,

You're not trying hard enough. Print it onto a t-shirt and wear that around town, muttering to yourself.
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:49,

then people wouldnt pay any attention if I stood pointing at the sky and looking concerned.
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:50,

there's a delicate balance you've got to achieve between all these things.
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:51,

lovely stuff
perhaps its a representation of "do the funky chicken whilst partially being a gentleman"
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:31,
perhaps its a representation of "do the funky chicken whilst partially being a gentleman"

As the sun goes down.
(And thus, I take my tired body to it's pathetic place of rest.)
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:35,
(And thus, I take my tired body to it's pathetic place of rest.)

you've answered this before (to someone else in another thread, etc.), but I can't remember your reply --
what program are you using to create these piccies?
is it artrage?
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:40,
what program are you using to create these piccies?
is it artrage?

ones are all done in Photoshop.
Most of my earlier ones were ArtRages though.
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:41,
Most of my earlier ones were ArtRages though.

was artrage, right?
--you see, that's what I don't "get" about artrage, because you can use filters in photoshop to get the same-looking brush effects. what's the big woo about artrage, then?
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:43,
--you see, that's what I don't "get" about artrage, because you can use filters in photoshop to get the same-looking brush effects. what's the big woo about artrage, then?

You dont get all the cut/paste/zoom/touch-up functions that you get in other packages. It's just basically an artistic doodle pad and so is fantastic for just randomly scribbling ideas down. The colour mixing of the paint (when you paint over bits) is good too, it's not just the texture.
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 3:47,