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430 entries (closed)
beaubodor blogless ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:13,
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"..and next week, 'ow to saw a lady in three bits and dispose of the body.." (woo)
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:15,
archived )
Arf arf arf
/cruel /nice eyes /scary tat +:woo.
Small Beer ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:15,
archived )
hahahahahahahahahahahahagathers breath
FoldsFive ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:16,
archived )
We need teh anasthetic
Na.. we don't.
Rev. Cleo still alive ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:16,
archived )
Smokey Bacon Crisps smell good ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:17,
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by jorge!
that saw has no teeth!
Philosophacles Now is my chance to be funny ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:18,
archived )
How does it smell?
Netspore ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:37,
archived )
hey !
i was on the train today ..picked up a magazine (some lads mag like zoo called cuts or something) - and your 3 lions pic was in there - did you know this ? - i ripped the page out incase you wanted it
connor ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:18,
archived )
Manic let me know the other day. As much as I hated doing it, I parted with 50p and bought a copy for my small collection...
beaubodor blogless ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:21,
archived )
you and your mild famousness and woo to the pic btw
connor ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:26,
archived )
*cheesy thumbs up*
Mike Fishcake teamfishcake.co.uk - better than your mum's face ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:20,
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king_dong loves the hairstyles of the stars of dallas ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:20,
archived )
Naive Amoeba Bored Cig ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:22,
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woop !
oCo ,
Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:36,
archived )
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