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Oddly enough I am having Rolls or bread with Cucumber Humus (again) but I can't eat anything until the people who were supposed to view the house half an hour ago, turn up!
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:03,
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hahaah - question of the week
you cheeky wee bugger!
Reckless_Rik ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:08,
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link it then!
edit: nice one FP! hahahaha!
twig Save 6 Music ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:09,
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that`ll be this
Reckless_Rik ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:10,
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I started reading the QOTW replies but I felt I was reading everyone's personal diary. Some people aren't shy eh? Actually I was hoping for a few revelations from the day-shifters but no suck luck.
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:11,
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"no it`s not"
Reckless_Rik ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:13,
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firstinch returns after about 10yrs ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:15,
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oh sod off ;)
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:16,
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nya nya nyaaaaaaa :p
god you love it
Reckless_Rik ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:17,
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I am all a-quiver. Now where is that 'king Estate Agent?
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:21,
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no chance
I'm comfortable with my sexual deviancy but there's no way I'd tell complete strangers...
twig Save 6 Music ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:15,
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exactly... it`s hard enough to get the missus to cover her nip nips in fig rolls in the first place without broadcasting it
Reckless_Rik ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:17,
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*texts the missus*
twig Save 6 Music ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:19,
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nah she's having none of that
twig Save 6 Music ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:21,
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I'm not a stranger and I'm all ears
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:19,
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You're not finding out my dark little secrets that easily...
Doc G and Sid the Monkey may contain traces of spatula ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:17,
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Have a bath,
they'll turn up just as you sit down in it.
The Duke of Prunes ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:10,
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you have a bath for lunch?
big spoon?
Reckless_Rik ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:11,
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nothing beats
a bath of broth! it must be out of a tin bath though.
The Duke of Prunes ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:18,
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anything else would impair the flavour
vladimir ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:21,
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I once had a baby's plastic bath of broth,
it just wasn't the same.
The Duke of Prunes ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:22,
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one of my dogs
let one rip a few minutes ago and I thought that would do it but no such luck.
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:15,
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or throw a last minute party and don't invite them,
they definately turn up.
The Duke of Prunes ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:19,
archived )
stand at the bus stop and light up a cigarette
they'll immediately come round the corner
twig Save 6 Music ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:32,
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