today I am feasting upon a cold sausage roll, two smoked ham and mustard rolls with tomato and lettuce, two bags of seabrooks, a can of Irn Bru and probably two or three cups of tea. What are you having for lunch?

i''m supposed to be cooking for a few mates tonight, but i don't know what to make. anyone got any ideas for something simple and pretty cheap that isn't bolognese cos i make that all the fucking time
edit: cheers. i'm liking vlad's idea. to tesco's!
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:03,
edit: cheers. i'm liking vlad's idea. to tesco's!

spanish omlette
chilli con carne
shepherd's pie
all quick and easy
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:05,
chilli con carne
shepherd's pie
all quick and easy

those spicy spanish ones...chorizo or something, them, they're nice fried with rice and onions.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:07,

for something so simple
caramelised onions
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:29,
caramelised onions

1lb Mince
1 big onion
1 in tomatoes
1 peppers
one tin of baked beans (drained)
1 tin kidney beans (drained)
Tomato puree
chillis or chilli powder
beef stock (oxo?)
salt to taste
Fry mince and onion
add stock
Add tomatoes and a couple of tbsp of tomato puree
chop peppers
add beans
cook for a bit
add peppers
add chilli powder, paprika and salt to taste
cook for as long as you can be arsed.
I always pad it out with more peppers and beans.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:11,
1 big onion
1 in tomatoes
1 peppers
one tin of baked beans (drained)
1 tin kidney beans (drained)
Tomato puree
chillis or chilli powder
beef stock (oxo?)
salt to taste
Fry mince and onion
add stock
Add tomatoes and a couple of tbsp of tomato puree
chop peppers
add beans
cook for a bit
add peppers
add chilli powder, paprika and salt to taste
cook for as long as you can be arsed.
I always pad it out with more peppers and beans.

Sudan I
Ambassador, with these carcinogens you are really spoiling us...
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:16,
Ambassador, with these carcinogens you are really spoiling us...

we've been eating Sudan 1 for years, it only got banned in 2003!
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:18,

So it must be true!
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:36,

edit: I think I may have found him: www3.utsouthwestern.edu/rwelab/pic98/montc.htm
scroll down, past the enlightening picture of Harriet Gullsten
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:45,
scroll down, past the enlightening picture of Harriet Gullsten

/Edit: no, that's Prof. Mann-Boobies
/Double-Edit: God, scientists are funny, there are some great photos here!
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:51,
/Double-Edit: God, scientists are funny, there are some great photos here!

staring at the phallic bar chart when she surrounded by all those 'hunks' :)
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:55,

On the next page, there's an ALAN OKEY LISTEN
and some of the people identified as ??? defy description.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 14:04,
and some of the people identified as ??? defy description.

Alan Okey Listen!
The only man who can silence a noisy room just by announcing his name.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 14:19,
The only man who can silence a noisy room just by announcing his name.

I've no chance though, I've heard she's being nobbed by Helmut Sies (snigger).
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 14:03,

Now you've explained it.
I could spend all day here, how pathetic!
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 14:20,
I could spend all day here, how pathetic!

Damn you!
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:48,

add a square of dark chocolate too, don't know why but it makes chilli better.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:42,

.. mayo sandwich

..`specially when you`re a vegetarian

and mustard seeds maybe
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:18,

with cous cous
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:15,

pick anything from the Sudan 1 list, and give it to them. become their closest friend, and then when they die they'll leave everything to you! Hooray! everyones a winner, they get fed, and you get inheritance
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:17,

a good variation for feeding lots of mates easily and cheaply, and without having to worry about the faff of serving spaghetti or rice, is to buy a couple of french sticks; slice lengthways, cut into pieces, coat with the sauce (both bolog and chilli is great for this), sprinkle with grated cheese, bang in the oven for 20 minutes.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:29,

plus, the advantage is, you can make it ahead of time, and leave it to cool, before popping it in the oven in the evening. It actually tastes better if the sauce has had a chance to soak into the bread for a fwe hours... minmum hassle! Pukka! ;)
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:34,

i'm really shit at judging this sort of thing
and any ideas of what i could serve it with?
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:35,
and any ideas of what i could serve it with?

Should be about 20 minutes, although look for the cheese browning, (i.e. don't let it) as that's the sign of when it's done.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:38,

Usually I just go for a buffet type affair, so some spicey potato wedges, sour cream, maybe some dips and kettle chips. It's more snack food, that a sit-down meal I suupose. Anyone else got any ideas?
Edit: and while I remember, rather obviously, it works just as well with a tomato sauce with onion, peppers, sweetcorn, chickpeas, etc. for a vegetarian option.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:40,
Edit: and while I remember, rather obviously, it works just as well with a tomato sauce with onion, peppers, sweetcorn, chickpeas, etc. for a vegetarian option.

Oddly enough I am having Rolls or bread with Cucumber Humus (again) but I can't eat anything until the people who were supposed to view the house half an hour ago, turn up!

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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:03,

but I didn`t add that many answers ;)
( ,
Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:10,
but I didn`t add that many answers ;)

I started reading the QOTW replies but I felt I was reading everyone's personal diary.
Some people aren't shy eh? Actually I was hoping for a few revelations from the day-shifters but no suck luck.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:11,
Some people aren't shy eh? Actually I was hoping for a few revelations from the day-shifters but no suck luck.

I'm comfortable with my sexual deviancy but there's no way I'd tell complete strangers...
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:15,

a bath of broth! it must be out of a tin bath though.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:18,

it just wasn't the same.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:22,

let one rip a few minutes ago and I thought that would do it but no such luck.

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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:15,

they definately turn up.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:19,

they'll immediately come round the corner
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:32,

well done
Turkey Salad Roll, Apple, Banana, Cup of tea, and a pack of M&S Percy Pig sweets
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:03,
Turkey Salad Roll, Apple, Banana, Cup of tea, and a pack of M&S Percy Pig sweets

apricot yoghurt
venom and spite
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:04,
venom and spite

edit: crappy sandwich, tatey crips, and a bottle of water... and ciggies ;)
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:04,
edit: crappy sandwich, tatey crips, and a bottle of water... and ciggies ;)

Bit of a quandry for lunch today, am open to ideas...
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:08,

had had some lovely Pork and leek sausages from my local butcher this morning. They were delicious, I might get more on my way home tonight.
edit/Morning Doctor! how rude of me
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:12,
edit/Morning Doctor! how rude of me

i've just made a cup of whittard's imperial spice, having had an english breakfast followed by an earl grey. probably will eat a bag of mccoys and a twix from the vending machine for lunch.
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:10,

(it's a bit spicy with orange rind in)
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Tue 22 Feb 2005, 13:23,