dreamed of the day when the other mountains would let him join their range

all lonely
All together now
on my own again sniff
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Mon 23 Dec 2002, 1:33,
All together now
on my own again sniff

and hee hee haaaa!!
and how appropriate that Alpen feels such empathy for him - are the other Alps a little cold around you too, perchance?*
*no personal slight intended. comment made purely for word-play porpoises :)
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Mon 23 Dec 2002, 1:36,
and how appropriate that Alpen feels such empathy for him - are the other Alps a little cold around you too, perchance?*
*no personal slight intended. comment made purely for word-play porpoises :)

But yes everyone has gone to bed
All relative here for christmas are lightweights and whimps so im all alone :(
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Mon 23 Dec 2002, 1:37,
All relative here for christmas are lightweights and whimps so im all alone :(

(easy for me to say as it isn't even 8 pm)
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Mon 23 Dec 2002, 1:56,

and you've got mount nerd. how do you think poor mount nerd feels? no-one wants to climb him cos he's too geeky. it's not his fault though. you think that's snow? he has medicated shampoo for that.
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Mon 23 Dec 2002, 1:36,

I'm at my parents house. I'm sure they'll understand....
edit: humph
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Mon 23 Dec 2002, 1:51,
edit: humph

if running imageready wasn't such a task on this computer (PII 300, 64mb win98). gaah! give me half an hour and it might work...
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Mon 23 Dec 2002, 1:38,

that's why i did it for you :)
edit: changed to linky because spacefish managed it even with limited technological means.

one of the hard core. he is a nerd, is he not?
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Mon 23 Dec 2002, 1:50,

Co-installed with paintshop pro is most efficacious on slow machines.
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Mon 23 Dec 2002, 1:46,