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question for isthisfans
what should i do about this?
isthisyou? ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:43,
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I don't know
I have no idea of what she is trying to say.
Amerella ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:45,
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on an email please
isthisyou? ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:45,
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something found!! is that the first one ?
DaWolfey ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:45,
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you should probably take it down.
I mean, those details might be her home address or something.
Dr Phil Kitten ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:45,
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it is her
isthisyou? ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:46,
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Dr Phil Kitten ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 16:22,
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reaply to the email - check it's her
if it is, take it down and you have a nice new publicity story. Yay you - that would be v cool if it was her and a nice story.
pep ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:48,
archived )
i've sent her loads of replies
but she doesn't seem to understand what's going on
isthisyou? ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:49,
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can you do it via the Japan Centre?
would they have someone that could translate maybe?
pep ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:51,
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According to that thing
She is the Japan Centre.
Craymen ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:54,
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thing == page
I forgot the word. Duuhh me.
Craymen ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:56,
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I have a friend
who speaks Japanese fluently. I'll ask her.
james ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:54,
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perhaps you could get her to compose an email
that i could send to the woman, thus reassuring her and sorting everything out...?
isthisyou? ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:59,
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James - ask your friend -
it would be very cool.
pep ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 16:06,
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I've asked her to translate it.
I'm sure she would. I'll email you from isthisyou.co.uk.
james ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 16:09,
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Ask her to check the photo again...
Is she sure it's her?
thorpe www.voodootrombonequartet.com ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 15:57,
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isthisyou? ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 16:05,
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Why is there a bus sign
on her neck? Does the N37 stop there?
james ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 16:16,
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weren't you here a while back
when we were talking about London timetables? She is one. Ask when it's due, if shes pugged in she speaks.
pep ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 16:19,
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She's been phased out
around my way, and replaced with little boards that have a piece of paper on them. Rumour has it she was more accurate and less inclined to be smashed, tagged and pee'd on.
james ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 16:24,
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we haven't got as many now either
I live in south London. Someone stole her and used the money they got for crack.
pep ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 16:27,
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A dieing breed.
A few can still be found in deepest darkest devon, where the buses only come twice a day and the kids eat Ambrosia Cream Custard so they aren't so hyperactive. What am I talking about?
james ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 16:30,
archived )
Is she saying she is the japan centre?
very confusing, but not altogether unpleasent, she would have to be quite tall to be the Japan Centre, i wonder how many visitors she gets a day?
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on ,
Mon 22 Apr 2002, 16:32,
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